It's hard to know what really went on with this date (since I wasn't there), but usually you know if a girl wants to kiss you. She gives you that glossy eyed look and keeps glancing at your lips.
Typically, on first dates, you should try to get to that point as often as possible and just keep going for the makeout (of course you pull away first and all that jazz). But I've found it to be more effective to more on the aggressive side and only pull back based on her vibes or if she tells you to.
If you never get that glossy eyed stare, just randomly throw her up against the wall and tease her a bit. I've found that to be effective in significantly increasing attraction.
Like I said though, I wasn't on the date. And there are those girls that like to move slow and she definitely could have been one of those.
I agree with what many of the other posters said. Undelete her number (I'm sure you still have some of her you could just re-save the number) and schedule another date. Let us know what happens!