Sick to my fvcking stomach...


Senior Don Juan
Oct 14, 2014
Reaction score
I am not just some voice on the internet or a keyboard jockey. I am a comrade, commander, as well as student. As pledged in my original post I said everything I said to the OP with the intention that I need to hear it myself. Words, then actions. So here is my follow up to demonstrate my integrity and solidarity with him and all. No soapbox here, its a platoon.


At the time I posted this to the OP, I too was suffering a bit of “loss” of frame because of a “oneities”. I very publicly tried some things that may have screwed my chances with a girl I was pretty into. My bomb out was even worse. Had the chick half naked at my house and couldn’t close.
HA! OP is worried about losing a chick to a text and meanwhile I lost one to a botched sex choke! I state this not belittle him but to draw attention to the fact that I took my own advice.
I forgot about the bomb out and refocused on the big picture. In reference to my analogy, I refocused on the whole patient and not just the injury. I did exactly what I told him to do. Did you Giantsfan? Did you man up?


I read two more books. I actually was inspired by my own advice to him, again in solidarity and to not be a hypocrite, to get a library card for the first time in a decade. Took out 4 books and read two of them. I also listened to 2 more on on Audiable just like I told him. All were very, very helpful.

As an aside, I not only did this to self improve for myself, but that I would have more recommendations of reading for the OP and people like him. As well as future lurkers who may see this post. I always try to treat these posts generationally in the hopes that many will be served by the website that has given me so much. Here are the books:


I wont get into the gym thing to much because I post a lot about it. However, I will say this…I made a strong move, after 2 months of saying I would do it, I finally joined a legit boxing gym. I booked 10 private lessons to refresh and oil the rust and work on my form and footwork. I hope to have my first round timed sparring match in 3-6months and my first real recorded boxing match in 6-12 months. I currently spar with gym friends and do mit and bag work but, again, inspired by my own boot camp post to the OP, I decided to wait no longer to pursue this goal.

Giantsfan…Knock knock…Are You doing the work too boy? You had better be.

You say you “want” her. Do you really? Is it a want? Or, is it something you are determined to fold into your own improving reality?!


I cannot express enough how much I picked up on the cold approaches. Its just to long to list how many I have done since I told him(op) to start. I promise on the DJ Bible I cannot even keep track of all the #s I got, rejection I received and Tinderellas I communicated with. I even purchased software to swipe right automatically so I could literally “suffer” in abundance! This worked better than I even thought it could. With everything else going on in life plus trying to manage all the texting and chatting with girls I had very little time to let my mind wander onto Train Girl (the oneitis at the time).
There just wasn’t enough room in my brain to allow thoughts of her or failure to enter in. I don’t know if anyone noticed but I didn’t even have time to post around here as much. AND…..

I met a really, really, great girl. AGAIN! There is always another one!

Do the work and you will be rewarded. Stay home and cry in your pajamas with sad music and video games and you will never be rewarded. Progress and be on the move always.


I did indeed by some new clothes.
I wont get into this to much because it is another thing I post a lot about but I will say this.. I am turning heads boys. Again this is not to brag as much as it is to prove to you the community you read this on is of tremendous value when you put in the effort. One of the greatest posts ever complied on SS is this.

I have had so much success because of this post. I literally get compliments from strangers, family, friends, and of course women. Here is an awesome example of how a simple change in style can help with confidence and frame.

While on a date with a girl she pointed out to me that she finds it incredible how many people say “Hi” to me. She said she was really attracted to it but couldn’t figure out why strangers at the date venue as well as our late night visit to the diner, say hello to me for no reason. She also pointed out when another woman walked by us and gazed at me. I know why. It has to do with posture and physical frame and eyes and all that, but, some of that I always had. It’s got to do with the way I smell and dress. I know it sounds silly but its seems to be evident. O, and just in case you are wondering its not necessarily fancy designer clothes. Its just sharp and well thought out. It FITS!

Watch= $108
Jacket= $375 on sale for $140
Shoes= never more than $100
Shirt= never more than $40 that night $17
Belt= Guess Belt $45 on sale for $10
Scarf= $8
Cologne=$50 that days sprits probably cost me .35 cents. 

I spend more on drinks than I do on clothes.

Ooooo Giantsfaaannn. Are you listening to me? It works brotherman. I hope you listened.

P.S Always ask hot girls what they think of your selection at the store. Its like one of the easiest cold approach routines ever. Took this girl out because of this exact approach.
(if link is dead its because they only last 24hrs.)

So, first, Giantsfan, thank you. You do not suffer in vein. As I told you, I would stand with you, and I do. Because of your weakness, I gained more strength. Because of your circumstance having parallels to mine, I grew more.
What have you done dude? I hope you have taken my words and made them your own. I hope you have turned vision into reality. I hope you have watered your own seeds. I truly do. Only you know the truth. Only you know.

A final thought just for you Giantsfan. I see something in you. In the way you post. Your cantor and your sentence structure. You are frustrated. You are struggling with some personality flaws(OCD you said).

You are depressed. I will solve what otherwise might take years of therapy (of course not. but hear me anyway) There is a saying. “Depression is anger, turned inwards.”

STOP! You are a man! You are of value! Great and exceeding unrealized value!

Whatever it is that makes you angry, STOP blaming and shaming yourself with it. Use it. Point its energy outwardly to fuel to engine of self-improvement. Point that anger at the heavy bag and the weights at the gym.:box: Use that anger to catapult you through one more lap in the pool. Use that anger and turn it into fearlessness when approaching girls. Use that anger for determination to learn one more chord on the guitar, or read one more chapter of a book. You have two choices as a man. Again, paraphrasing AtomSmashers analogy.

Where will you pile your mountain of failures? On top of your head to crush you down, or beneath your feet to stand strong and tall?

You are OBLIGATED to do what I said to you. I did it too. You owe it to me and everyone here. Most of all, you owe it to yourself.

Deuteronomy 30:19 "Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!


Senior Don Juan
Oct 14, 2014
Reaction score
Sooooo....??? Progress?

When are we going to get this girl? Or...Did you find 5 more?


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2013
Reaction score
salinechow said:
I am not just some voice on the internet or a keyboard jockey. I am a comrade, commander, as well as student. As pledged in my original post I said everything I said to the OP with the intention that I need to hear it myself. Words, then actions. So here is my follow up to demonstrate my integrity and solidarity with him and all. No soapbox here, its a platoon.


At the time I posted this to the OP, I too was suffering a bit of “loss” of frame because of a “oneities”. I very publicly tried some things that may have screwed my chances with a girl I was pretty into. My bomb out was even worse. Had the chick half naked at my house and couldn’t close.
HA! OP is worried about losing a chick to a text and meanwhile I lost one to a botched sex choke! I state this not belittle him but to draw attention to the fact that I took my own advice.
I forgot about the bomb out and refocused on the big picture. In reference to my analogy, I refocused on the whole patient and not just the injury. I did exactly what I told him to do. Did you Giantsfan? Did you man up?


I read two more books. I actually was inspired by my own advice to him, again in solidarity and to not be a hypocrite, to get a library card for the first time in a decade. Took out 4 books and read two of them. I also listened to 2 more on on Audiable just like I told him. All were very, very helpful.

As an aside, I not only did this to self improve for myself, but that I would have more recommendations of reading for the OP and people like him. As well as future lurkers who may see this post. I always try to treat these posts generationally in the hopes that many will be served by the website that has given me so much. Here are the books:


I wont get into the gym thing to much because I post a lot about it. However, I will say this…I made a strong move, after 2 months of saying I would do it, I finally joined a legit boxing gym. I booked 10 private lessons to refresh and oil the rust and work on my form and footwork. I hope to have my first round timed sparring match in 3-6months and my first real recorded boxing match in 6-12 months. I currently spar with gym friends and do mit and bag work but, again, inspired by my own boot camp post to the OP, I decided to wait no longer to pursue this goal.

Giantsfan…Knock knock…Are You doing the work too boy? You had better be.

You say you “want” her. Do you really? Is it a want? Or, is it something you are determined to fold into your own improving reality?!


I cannot express enough how much I picked up on the cold approaches. Its just to long to list how many I have done since I told him(op) to start. I promise on the DJ Bible I cannot even keep track of all the #s I got, rejection I received and Tinderellas I communicated with. I even purchased software to swipe right automatically so I could literally “suffer” in abundance! This worked better than I even thought it could. With everything else going on in life plus trying to manage all the texting and chatting with girls I had very little time to let my mind wander onto Train Girl (the oneitis at the time).
There just wasn’t enough room in my brain to allow thoughts of her or failure to enter in. I don’t know if anyone noticed but I didn’t even have time to post around here as much. AND…..

I met a really, really, great girl. AGAIN! There is always another one!

Do the work and you will be rewarded. Stay home and cry in your pajamas with sad music and video games and you will never be rewarded. Progress and be on the move always.


I did indeed by some new clothes.
I wont get into this to much because it is another thing I post a lot about but I will say this.. I am turning heads boys. Again this is not to brag as much as it is to prove to you the community you read this on is of tremendous value when you put in the effort. One of the greatest posts ever complied on SS is this.

I have had so much success because of this post. I literally get compliments from strangers, family, friends, and of course women. Here is an awesome example of how a simple change in style can help with confidence and frame.

While on a date with a girl she pointed out to me that she finds it incredible how many people say “Hi” to me. She said she was really attracted to it but couldn’t figure out why strangers at the date venue as well as our late night visit to the diner, say hello to me for no reason. She also pointed out when another woman walked by us and gazed at me. I know why. It has to do with posture and physical frame and eyes and all that, but, some of that I always had. It’s got to do with the way I smell and dress. I know it sounds silly but its seems to be evident. O, and just in case you are wondering its not necessarily fancy designer clothes. Its just sharp and well thought out. It FITS!

Watch= $108
Jacket= $375 on sale for $140
Shoes= never more than $100
Shirt= never more than $40 that night $17
Belt= Guess Belt $45 on sale for $10
Scarf= $8
Cologne=$50 that days sprits probably cost me .35 cents. 

I spend more on drinks than I do on clothes.

Ooooo Giantsfaaannn. Are you listening to me? It works brotherman. I hope you listened.

P.S Always ask hot girls what they think of your selection at the store. Its like one of the easiest cold approach routines ever. Took this girl out because of this exact approach.
(if link is dead its because they only last 24hrs.)

So, first, Giantsfan, thank you. You do not suffer in vein. As I told you, I would stand with you, and I do. Because of your weakness, I gained more strength. Because of your circumstance having parallels to mine, I grew more.
What have you done dude? I hope you have taken my words and made them your own. I hope you have turned vision into reality. I hope you have watered your own seeds. I truly do. Only you know the truth. Only you know.

A final thought just for you Giantsfan. I see something in you. In the way you post. Your cantor and your sentence structure. You are frustrated. You are struggling with some personality flaws(OCD you said).

You are depressed. I will solve what otherwise might take years of therapy (of course not. but hear me anyway) There is a saying. “Depression is anger, turned inwards.”

STOP! You are a man! You are of value! Great and exceeding unrealized value!

Whatever it is that makes you angry, STOP blaming and shaming yourself with it. Use it. Point its energy outwardly to fuel to engine of self-improvement. Point that anger at the heavy bag and the weights at the gym.:box: Use that anger to catapult you through one more lap in the pool. Use that anger and turn it into fearlessness when approaching girls. Use that anger for determination to learn one more chord on the guitar, or read one more chapter of a book. You have two choices as a man. Again, paraphrasing AtomSmashers analogy.

Where will you pile your mountain of failures? On top of your head to crush you down, or beneath your feet to stand strong and tall?

You are OBLIGATED to do what I said to you. I did it too. You owe it to me and everyone here. Most of all, you owe it to yourself.

Deuteronomy 30:19 "Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!

Thanks for this.. you have inspired me to keep plowing and keep improving.


Jan 21, 2015
Reaction score
salinechow said:
Sooooo....??? Progress?

When are we going to get this girl? Or...Did you find 5 more?
I haven't been following your program fully and consistently. I've gotten in my own way a lot since this thread and I feel like I'm first now starting to improve myself overall. I've been working out, just employed no fap, renewed my online dating subscription, did a cold approach and I'm not afraid to do more. As for this girl, I saw her a couple of times at her job. The first time I stopped and said "hey" as I was walking to the bathroom and she was working the counter (beta I know). The second time she bro-fisted my friend and I like as soon as she saw us, I told her about some things I've been doing with music to impress her, and we smiled and made eye with each other before I went to go do my thing (beta I know). I really understand how counterproductive it was to make such a big deal over this situation and how much of a pu$$y I acted like but today I'm a real man and I still wanna fvck her