Sick to my fvcking stomach...


Jan 21, 2015
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A girl I was dating recently cut it off for a bs reason and I left it off "let me know when you wanna get together." I'm such a fvcking idiot I can fathom it right now. I pushed her away by overpursuing and that text pushed her much further away! She thinks I'm a pushy little phaggot a$$ b1tch! She's never gonna contact me in this lifetime and what hurts most about it is because she liked me a lot, but I acted like a needy wussy pushy pu$$y and now I'm never gonna hear from her again. NEVER! Sorry I just needed to vent...


Jan 21, 2015
Reaction score
"let me know when you wanna get together?" Can I get more socially inept? Can I get more white knight? Can she get more with another dude?


Jan 21, 2015
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Mauser96 said:
I don't see this as such a big faux pas. She had already broken up with you. the more important thing is what you do from NOW on.
Well no offense you're 47 and we're young adults so the way I left it off is worse relative to age brackets. College girls definitely won't EVER "let you know" if you tell em too. This is just such a frustrating situation because I fvcked up so much. I wish she never liked me to begin with!


Jan 21, 2015
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?!?!?! This sucks! I hate how I destroy the potential for good things. And the lamer the way I destroy the potential, the more frustrated I feel.


Master Don Juan
Jul 5, 2011
Reaction score
So learn from it and move on. On the positive side, if you fvcked up that badly then you know you dynamited that bridge. No reason to ever look back.


Jan 21, 2015
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Albatross953 said:
So learn from it and move on. On the positive side, if you fvcked up that badly then you know you dynamited that bridge. No reason to ever look back.
It's the "let me know when you wanna get together" text I left it off at. ITS RINGING IN MY HEAD. That's what I cant come to terms with...


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
Reaction score
"let me know when you wanna get together."
Yes, this is as beta as it gets.

Oh, well. Now when a "what's the most beta thing you've ever done" thread pops up, you'll have something to say.

As has been said. Make it a learning experience. Visualize what happened, what you did wrong, and what you will do RIGHT the next time. When a golfer ****s up a shot he can either throw his club in the drink, or he can figure out what he did wrong, and LEARN from it.


Jan 21, 2015
Reaction score
Peaks&Valleys said:
Yes, this is as beta as it gets.

Oh, well. Now when a "what's the most beta thing you've ever done" thread pops up, you'll have something to say.

As has been said. Make it a learning experience. Visualize what happened, what you did wrong, and what you will do RIGHT the next time. When a golfer ****s up a shot he can either throw his club in the drink, or he can figure out what he did wrong, and LEARN from it.
Are you serious? Does this mean she thinks I'm a phaggot? That I can never be attractive in her eyes in this lifetime?


Jan 21, 2015
Reaction score
Peaks&Valleys said:
Yes, this is as beta as it gets.

Oh, well. Now when a "what's the most beta thing you've ever done" thread pops up, you'll have something to say.

As has been said. Make it a learning experience. Visualize what happened, what you did wrong, and what you will do RIGHT the next time. When a golfer ****s up a shot he can either throw his club in the drink, or he can figure out what he did wrong, and LEARN from it.
How can I at least make her think I'm a man and respect me even if I could never fvck her? Cause I sounded like a beta ***** pu$$y waste of life. Do you think she thinks I'm a beta loser fvcking ***** pu$$y?


Don Juan
Feb 9, 2015
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(Giantsfan88) I want to take that text back so fvcking bad right now. It's ruining my night and I don't even feel like talking to other girls.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
Reaction score
Giantsfan88 said:
How can I at least make her think I'm a man and respect me even if I could never fvck her?
Move on...

Giantsfan88 said:
Cause I sounded like a beta ***** pu$$y waste of life. Do you think she thinks I'm a beta loser fvcking ***** pu$$y?
....and not care what she thinks of you.


Don Juan
Feb 9, 2015
Reaction score
Peaks&Valleys said:
Move on...

....and not care what she thinks of you.
Do you think it's still possible I can fvck her one day or am I forever a phaggot punk pu$$y? I wanna get with her again one day. I've moved on. I didnt want to. I wanna get with her again one day. Do you think it's possible or am I too much of a beta ***** punk pu$$y in her eyes with that text? Have I been weeded out in an evoloutionary way with that text (unfit male based on "let me know when you wanna get together"? I wanna fvcking get her back one day.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
Dude, you need to relax. Remember, every one of us seasoned veterans have similar experiences. You're NOT alone. It's a rite of passage. If I wanted to I could still cringe at some of the stuff I've said and done.

I always say here on SS that when a man stands on a mountain of success, the very mountain he's standing on is composed of mistakes and what seemed like "failures" at the time. Boy do I ever have stories of being unfathomably inept! But those were all building blocks for my current success. Each one elevated me to the top.

You need to allow yourself to make mistakes. Think of a baby learning to walk, falling over and over again. The baby never thinks, "What a loser I am... I can't even walk." No, he just mechanically keeps trying until he starts seeing small successes. Later in life he may be an Olympic Athlete.

Here's some advice that's bank to the wise young man who has an ear to hear:

Life is about process, not results of individual happenings. When you concentrate on process instead of immediate results, you develop an inner knowing that someday you're going to master whatever you're endeavoring to accomplish.

This was absolutely necessary in order for you to get to your next level. You had to go through it. It feels like pain right now but you're actually going to value it someday, as hard as that may be to believe today.

You're an adult who has taken on the noble aspiration to become all you can be socially. Is there anything nobler than a man taking the hammer and chisel to himself? I think not. It involves pain, mistakes, sacrifice, and dogged perseverance. It also takes self-forgiveness and paying ruthless attention to process while filtering out results.

Process always brings about success in due course.

Allow yourself to make mistakes, bro. Be kind and compassionate to the man who has taken the noble path of self-betterment... YOU!
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2013
Reaction score
I think you're being a little too hard on yourself. As Mauser said, she'd already ended it. Take a step back, relax, and learn from this situation as a whole. So you told her to let you know when she wants to get together, which will likely be never, but it's not like you changed the situation because of what you said. Plus, you don't know for a fact that she looked at that statement and thought any less of you. Get a grip man

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
Reaction score
Live and learn. You made a mistake. No big deal. You'll be sure not to make that same mistake in the future. That's the beauty of life.


Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2014
Reaction score
Like I said in our somewhat heated pms last week, you won't get it until you do. And it seems you do. Give yourself some credit for that at least and build yourself up little victory by little victory.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 14, 2014
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Salines Boot Camp

So everyone here is focused on the so called mistake of the "So let me know when you want to hang out" text but OP, it really has very little to do with that if anything at all.

Its a matter of interest. If she was interested she would have said something like " OK. I will. Maybe tues. Hope to hear from you before that though" then she would have texted you again. And again.

What I am saying man is, your beta a$$ text did not torpedo your chances with this girl. The reality is, you never really had any chance to begin with. There are a million anecdotal reasons for this and half of them have nothing to do with you. Less so a junk text.

I think a lot of us around here tend to get mired in the details a little bit, myself included. A girl we like gives us tunnel vision and every move we make we feel the pressure of a winning field goal kick.

Killing that kind of attitude is the essence of this entire website. You must start to see yourself as the goal post not the kicker. Who’s frame in that analogy would you rather have?

Dude, I am going to give it to you plain, you might hate me for it at first, but someday soon youll realize I was right. You don’t deserve this girl. Not yet anyway. Plus, on top of that harshness I am glad she rejected you this early on because if she was a soulless b!tch she could have pounded a guy with your frame into dust. You care, way, way too much, way, way, too early. But there is hope. And I like hope. And everything I am saying to you as say with you, not at you. Everything I am saying to you I say to myself when I get real with myself and that is why I have no problem getting real with you.

So, here is your hope. Follow my advice and youll make so very fast progress (which you need)

Again every word of this comes from my own experience and is not a regurgitated word vomit found in youtube videos and DJ books. Although they have a lot of value to you as well.

This is what you are going to do. Yes, to get THIS girl back! Although as you will soon see its just a ruse.

First, FORGET about that f^cking text. It IS %100 percent meaningless. Your problems( and some of mine) go way deeper than that. In medicine they teach us that you must assess the whole patient BEFORE you administer treatment. Why? Because treating the most obvious injury makes you miss the most serious life threating one. Guy is bleeding heavily from his arm with an obvious fracture. Treat that injury without checking his airway and you got a very dead guy with a perfectly treated and non-bleeding arm. Get my point. Never think of that text again. And never send another one like it. That’s its. Over. Done. Stop it. Now.

Secondly, you will read one book per week about self-improvement. Here are a few selections I of the genres I mean. is a great way to accomplish this while you do other things like, clean your house, drive, go to the gym, go shopping ect. All will keep your mind of ruminating over this girl.

Just as a warning. The last thing you need is more “rules” to follow because you are already banking on them too much. You need inner frame in order to understand the practice of application of these guides. Just remember while you are listening, you are improving yourself, not improving to get better with women.

Thirdly, and possibly the most important. You will go to the gym and you will do this:

50x Bench reps of 20-25lbs (cable machine) do that “Set” 2 x for the first 2 weeks. Then try for 3 sets when you feel you are ready.

Triceps pull downs. (cable machine) 20-25lbs. Reps to failure. Try for 25. The lower the weight to 15lbs and do it again.

Curls. 30lbs 15x. 6 sets! If you can. Otherwise go to failure. Watch other guys in the gym for proper form. When you start to lose your form, that’s failure. Put it down, wait 45 secs. Next set.

That’s your Monday. Weds. Fri. :box:

Tuesday Thursday. :box:

Weighted row. 50 lbs. x15 reps. 3 sets. If the weight is to light DO NOT increase it. Rest less or go more reps per set.

Weighted pull downs. 50-60 lbs. 15x. 3 sets.

Shoulder flys. LOW weight. 12.5lbs maybe. Look at other guys for form and variations. 2 sets of 15 each variation.

Sat. Pool if the gym has one. Elipitical or run if it does not.

Yes I realize we are missing legs and abs for now. Forget about that. Also, forget about diet for now as well. Small steps, small goals. You are not a bodybuilder. You are not even going there to get ripped(although no matter what you look like now you will see an amazing change on MY timeline for you.) You are going there to because a man needs to sweat and self improve. A strong inner frame lives in a strong outer frame. Plus, when I send you back to talk to this girl, she is going to notice, she is going to smell it on you. Let me finish.

Forth, you WILL do 5 cold approaches per week. It should be more but like I said, small goals, easy victories. The mall( we will get to that) the grocery store, bus, train, clubs, if you are a younger guy, library, church, in-between classes, school sporting events, parties, pool hall, bowling, anywhere, everywhere. Enjoy rejection! Its fun. Its funny. And, its building your mountain like Atom Smasher said. That was a refrigerator worthy post by the way.

You will also download Tinder and swipe right only. You will text and communicate with any girl you can. Its not a marriage proposal. You will start to hone your text skills. You will take risks in what you say.You will also start to see what its is like when a girl is fawning over you like you do with other girls. You will get and ego boost from it when a girl shows extreme interest and you will see what its like to have no interest in her! This will teach you how to recognize when a girl is NOT interested because you will remember what it was like to FEEL not interested yourself. This is SO important. When girls turn you off with their supplicating and overwhelming interest and beta texts and behavior you will realize why you shouldn’t do it either.

Fifth, take some money and go by yourself one complete outfit that fits you PERFECTLY. Tailor if necessary. If you don’t have the money by one thing at a time. Reward yourself every time you finish a book or a week at the gym.

You will buy:
1 Pair of Darker colored jeans.
1 Package of smaller fitting tee shirts.
1 Pair of nice boxers.
1 Pair of dress socks.
1 pair of Shoes. NOT SNEAKERS! Shoes. Clarks are pretty in right now. Or Casual dress shoes.
A button down shirt. Classy and nothing loud or to patterned.
1 belt.

And my favorite….A nice watch. Doesn’t have to be designer expensive. Just nothing digital. A mans watch. Also, no overgrown clock towers. It’s a fad. Be timeless(hahaha) and get a watch that fits your wrist well. Silver goes with anything.

The absolute most important part of your outfit is that its fits perfectly!


Senior Don Juan
Oct 14, 2014
Reaction score
Salines Boot Camp cont.

Start today or Monday.

You are in Saline boot camp now son.

You PM’d me. You have asked in multiple threads about this.

You are sick and weak. Now you are mine.

If wasted my time I will not only hate you but I will hate myself for being such a bad judge of character. I don’t think I am though. Don’t prove me wrong. Don’t make me hate myself.

In six very short weeks you won’t recognize yourself. You will be shocked. You will feel so confident comparative to where you are at now you won’t even know what to do with it. But it will come to you.

Six weeks. That’s all it takes.

Ok. OK. I am sure some people will jump on here and say I am building you up for a let down because it takes a lifetime of learning and the gym regiment isn’t right and blah blah blah. Don’t listen to them. Listen to ME. I earned it because I took the interest and time to help you. Of course no one can be full transformed a cooked all the way through in 6 weeks. I get that. I have been doing it for 6 months and still struggle, very publicly in fact.

But, using Atom Smashers analogy again: I have built a hill. You sir, are not even a pebble.

Judging by your whimpering and whining and onities and dizzying crush over ONE GOSHDAMN text! You need my program like your next breath.

What this will accomplish is taking you through the threshold at 60mph instead of “one step at a time”. And I am, no we are, going to use that momentum to barrel you right through the doors of this girls open mic night and march right up to her and say.

“Hey HB. I trust you have been well. Nice performance. Remember when I said you should let me know about getting together? Well, after going out with a few other girls I’ve decided the only waiting I am doing anymore is waiting for you to finish up here. Im interested in you and Im letting you know, we are going out tonight.”

You try that sh!t right now and you’ll get arrested. You do this in six weeks, when you are dressed to kill, with extra shoulder width, and some testosterone in your blood, armed with conversational topics and your phone ringing from your heard of Tinderelllas you know what’s going to happen…well Ill tell you.

You are most likely going to get shot down. She is going to think you are nuts and a borderline stalker.

BUT…. and here is where the gold lies amongst the ruble.

You will turn around and a smile will creep across your blushed cheeks. That smile is the smile of someone who no longer gives A F^CK! It’s the smile of a MAN on his way to becoming true DJ. That smile will be worth everything. It will linger till you get in your car and then it will turn to a laugh.

“HAHAHA. And to think how much I cared about a text! HAHA. I just did that sh!t and I don’t even care.” Let me call Ariel and see what’s she’s doing.

OR… and don’t bank on this, but its certainly possible. DEFINITELY more possible than any chance you have right now.

She looks you over, looks around the room and looks back at you.

“Yeah, you know what, Id like that. Sorry I never got back to you but its good to see you again. Can you give me 15 min while I gather my things and say goodbye?”

Happened to me. Twice.

You promise to do every step of this and Ill fly or drive to wherever you are and be there that night to throw you through the door if you want. If you are successful Ill go out alone and pull. If you are not, we will go out together and pull. You know what though.

You won’t need me there. :rockon: