No, you should not hide your wealth if you have it. Wealth indicates status, and status is sexually attractive to women.
Yes. Plenty of men have used BMWs, Porsches, yachts, and other things in order to get laid. Often times, these men have based their game around these wealth indicating items. Game is a combination of looks, money, status, and persona. Some men might use the money and status items more heavily in order to seduce.
The fear of gold diggers is irrational for 95% of men.
All women are attracted to men with resources. The ability to provide appeals to a woman's emotional nesting urges. This doesn't make her a gold digger. This doesn't make her shallow any more than desiring a young, pretty girl makes you shallow. This is simply how human attraction works.
And if you are in the top 5% of the socioeconomic pecking order (income > $500K/year, net worth > $3M), you only have to worry about gold diggers if you're stupid and beta enough to actually marry one. They really are not hard to spot -- especially if you're in an LTR with one.
I agree with this point. So long as you don’t put a ring on it or cohabit with her, you’ll probably be ok. Don’t make any other silly promises either.
There are plenty of men who make $120k-$150k who get treated like shiit by women. They experience a lot of “one date, no sex, no second date” type dates. Their salary doesn’t get them much more than a guy making $55k-75k. In certain metro areas, a lot of white women with a BA/BS degree or higher, white collar job, and age 28-39 tend to expect men age 30+ to make $100k+. They don’t tend to give any special treatment to men until they make at least $200-$250k. This mainly applies to men meeting women via swipe apps and social media DMs, but can apply to a lesser extent in approaching strangers.
Being able to provide a comfortable upper-middle class lifestyle isn't going to attract attention from trophy wives. Don't worry. Instaho's aren't getting wet by your Banana Republic chinos and well-kept Acura.
I remember reading somewhere that when women see men in chinos/khakis, they think white collar beta male and not hot, sexy guy I want to fucck. I stopped wearing khakis at that time years ago. Acuras are just upscale Honda. Honda/Acura makes a good product, but it’s not the kind of car that gets women wet.
I have some assets and I really loved this girl and wanted to marry her. Unfortunately, my female lawyer told me I had to disclose what I had beforehand for a prenup.
I basically told the girl "I'll give you my entire salary and take care of you the best I can. I'll buy you a new car every 6 months. Only one caveat: you cannot touch any assets. In other words, while we are married if I pick a stock and it goes up, or if I bet on the hockey game and win, 90% of the money is yours. But you cannot touch any income-producing assets or income-producing stock I had beforehand.
The girl didn't go for it. Either I wasn't sexy enough, or she didn't trust my ability to pick Super Bowl winners.
Good call on not marrying her.