Should Older Guys Tone Down on ****y Funny, Playful Banter Game?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 21, 2014
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I've dialed back on the ****y funny because I think that it's really a way of qualifying yourself to women, and I'm a dancing monkey for NO WOMAN, and now come from a place of quiet confidence and knowing amusement. Meaning that when I tease, I tease by monopolizing on my knowledge of how women really are and cutting through the bullsh!t "pretty little lies." They eat it up when they know that you understand women and can't really get away with what they normally can, and the frustration is palpable.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Use C&F at a level that varies inversely with the girl's interest level in you. For women who are a little older, they often make the decision in their mind right away that they're going to have sex with you. All you have to do is not fvck it up. That's not a situation that requires C&F, or really any game at all, because it's needless risk-taking and can backfire.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
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If you're rich, hot and confident, you can say and do whatever you want. Women won't care.
This.There are no rules.What matters is looks and status.Advices of other man what you should be or what are only their imaginations.Break rules and experiment.You overthink.What you should have is to have fun and enjoy.


Mar 12, 2011
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I have used these techniques with success. Other times I've been too ****y and it has worked against me. Recently I was talking to an older girl. She's 34. We were at a house party. I sensed that being ****y funny was working against me and made adjustments. Ended up getting her number. This got me thinking. Is ****y and funny more for younger guys (college age)?

Some of the stuff you read come off a little juvenile. Maybe I'm too uptight.

I think about guys in TV who are good at game. Hank Moody in Californication and James Bond. Different styles. Hank Moody is more ****y and funny playful game while Daniel Craig uses a game that seems more mature.

I'm in my early 30s. For guys in their 30s is it better to opt for the second kind of game? Of course if the girl us a stuck to b1tch no matter what you do she'll be a bore and give you nothing.
Bro a 34 year old woman who has probably slept with 23 guys is not feeling you at a party, you switch gears and it works, and then you go into this massive rationalization about it. Who cares how you do it, just score the goal, get the 2 points.

You guys get the result, and then worry about how you got the result. Instead focus on how to get better and what your opponent may do next. Id be more concerned that a single 34 old girl, at a house party, is giving you her number. Any woman at that age who isn't married has a specific agenda for any guy into her.


Master Don Juan
Jul 21, 2015
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If I'm going to be c&F then it's definitely not me. I'm not like that. I think we understand that when gaming we sort of adapt another personality no? AT least a little bit unless you are a natural.
I'm not ****y and funny and do well.....I am funny, confident and aloof. Kiino is the it! I have much work to do....just shoot for confident and funny.


Don Juan
Jun 3, 2015
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****y and funny won't work unless you are funny first and foremost and you have enough self confidence and some belief in yourself to pull off ****y. I've always naturally had some degree of ****y and funny and even though I'd be a white knight at times I always really had lots of self confidence even if I didn't feel the need to go and waive it around. If its fake and you care to much about their response it won't work well, but the more ****y and funny you are you can always pull them back after pissing them off, the push pull is the key. You have to be able to charm them after potentially pissing them off, you can be as ****y as you want to be and neg as much as possible as long as you know how to bring them back in with some positivity and attention. That is a big point I think, even if you don't believe it and they are getting annoyed, the more you practice and the more you learn how to pull them back in even if you aren't pulling off C&F perfectly it will still work, and the more confidence you have that you can reel it back in the better your overall delivery will be with that confidence.

Nu Vision

Senior Don Juan
Oct 23, 2014
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Glad to see some more discussion on this topic.

I dialed it down and it has worked well for me. I was being ****y funny from a mindset of "I have to be funny and entertain her." This was putting me in a weak state.

Now I just be normal and tease them when they give me the opportunity while being more physical from the get go. I just think at 30 something women want to shorten the game for men to be more direct. If they like you it will end well. Unless you **** up.

Still not a DJ but much better.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2013
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There are some old dudes who have the grown man smoothness, they known when to time their jokes and ****y banter and not overdue it. They have a grace with it and its calm. Then you have the other older guys who talk to younger chicks who try to joke too much and they come of as a creep or remind the women of their goofy crazy uncle


Master Don Juan
Mar 13, 2010
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What a great question OP. I think a lot of guys get this idea that C&F is about making a girl the butt of their jokes. And yeah, that kind of jerk-game can work pretty well on younger women - because, well, they're dumb. It's reminiscent of the girl who thinks that "sarcasm" is a license to say unfunny, mean sh!t without any consequences. I think a better way to build rapport is to put yourself and the girl on the same side of the joke. Find something you both hate and tear it to pieces:) That's how you build a lasting, rock-solid relationship - mutual hatred of a third party. Good times. Just try to avoid any genocide.

I'll give the final word to Oscar Wilde - "If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you."
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Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
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Doesn't matter , as long she sees your Looks,Money,Status ... you can do what the fvck you want and she will love it.If she doesnt love it means she is not attracted to you.Trying to modulate your behaviour to satisfy her is beta and waste of time


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
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In 50 years time if you see me in a nursing home, just realise that one day you will see me flirt with a young hot nurse about sh.itting my pants and making her clean it up, because her hands are so soft. haha

Never tone it down, if you do it well enough, it is part of your life.

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
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Villa Regis
I think Dave Navarro is the only man I'd say was sexy and admit it on a public forum.

Pause. Bruh, I know that in these days and times that all kinds of sh*t is being forced upon the masses. As a result all kinds of things that were normally frowned upon, are now deemed, "normal." However, (even if you honestly feel that way in your heart of hearts and down to the very core of your being feel that Dave Narravo is a "sexy," man, bruh, you should never let the words "sexy man," come out of your mouth potna. That sh*t just isn't cool mayne, especially on a website that is about getting p*ssy and extolling the values and philosophy of being an alpha male.

Anyway, being c*cky and funny is works, especially if you're naturally c*cky and funny. For me, I'm natrually sarcastic and I enjoy f*cking with people, especially women.