Should I Dump My Girlfriend?


Don Juan
May 13, 2013
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been seeing her on & off about 2 years now.

in that time she has dumped me twice, then few months down line wanted me back..

recently she is becoming very disrespectful, calling me names (fairy - woman) etc etc

every argument we have, she blames me... never ever accepts responsibilty, or apologises for a thing...

it is me who is usually making up with her, she does not make up with me

we are not having sex as often as we did, it is usually me who initiates sex, and she has refused me a good few times too.

but if i refuse her sex, she claims i am not attracted to her.... so it seems i cannot refuse her sex, but it's ok for her to refuse me

seem to be a lot of control creeping into our sex life, which is making it quite uncomfortable for me

i dare not initiate sex with her... because when she makes excuses, then i feel rejected...

so we are going days without sex, sometimes a week...

another thing i have noticed... when i am staying at her house, she is quite rude to me, dis respectful, and quite bossy... but when she stops over at my place.... she is nicer, more caring & respectful

is this a control thing? when i am in her terriotory she feels she can behave differently towards me

recent situation i am in with her.... i need advice

i usually travel one hours journey by bus to see her, 4 days a weeks..

i make an effort, spend money & time, just to be with her..

i finish work at 6.30pm, get the bus at 7pm and then walk half an hour to get to her house

i don't get time to see freinds, or even go to the gym

so she sends me a text today, asking me what time i will be over.... so i tell her i will be at her house the usual time, why what is up?

she tell me, that she will be going to the gym with her sister in law, so when i come over, will i look after her daughter for her???

i text her, look i come all the way to your house to spend time with you, we only get 3 or 4 hours together... why can't you go to the gym with your sister in law during the day?

(she does not work & has all day to spend time with her sister in law & her mates)

i work all day & only get to send 3-4 hours with her on the evening...

her response to my text...

i am only only going for one hour....

my response... i know, but thats not the point

her response... don't bother coming over, stay at you flat

my response... ok, as you wish...

so basicaly she fuked me off for the night, over this issue

i spend so much time & my money to see her... she spends all day sleeping or hanging around with her freinds... what is the harm in spending time with me, when i am coming over to her house

i don't feel like going to her house again, after being fuked off like that & direspected... what should i do?


Don Juan
May 13, 2013
Reaction score
some would say, she is losing interest in me... but only 3 days ago she was pestering me to get engaged with her & to move in with her

i am fuking confused


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2012
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The Viagra Pill you wish you had...- United Kingdo
She is:

1. Immature
2. Emotionally fooked up (BPD traits - push and pull)
3. Manipulator
4. Masculinized b!tch (control freak)

You are/have:

1. Totally fooked AFC
2. Lost your frame
3. Lost your balls AND peenis
4. No options/plates to spin
5. Lost the game because you emotionally invested



Don Juan
May 13, 2013
Reaction score
GotED? said:
She is:

1. Immature
2. Emotionally fooked up (BPD traits - push and pull)
3. Manipulator
4. Masculinized b!tch (control freak)

You are/have:

1. Totally fooked AFC
2. Lost your frame
3. Lost your balls AND peenis
4. No options/plates to spin
5. Lost the game because you emotionally invested


i have to agree with you.... i sense a lot of control on her part... but i am usually quite tough with her.... i do walk away, but getting sick of the drama now

this is who she is, i just can't see how anything will change...

she fuked me off over something stupid... so i said fine & walked away..

there is no fooking chance i will ever go back to her house ever again... even if that mean we are both over!!

i have twho choices.... dump her ass asap

or tell her, i will not be coming to her house anymore, after she has dis respected me, by fooking me off for the night

or she can either come to my house to see me from now on, if that is a problem.... then she can sling her hook


Don Juan
May 13, 2013
Reaction score
tell her i will not be coming to her house again? after disrespecting me... she can come to mine, if she wants to see me... if that is a problem for her... then byeeeeee

or just dump her now????


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2010
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Here's an idea....say nothing.

Go Ghost.

See how much she blows up your phone just for fun.

Never talk to her again.


Don Juan
May 13, 2013
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she is a very attractive womna, hottest woman i have ever dated... i am letting her beauty cloud my judgemant

she is taking the pisss at the moment


Don Juan
May 13, 2013
Reaction score
i love this girl, made plans to live together etc....

but i noticed since i opened up to her, showed her that i love her & since she has started to believe in her heart.. that i love her...

since then she has started to take the pisss

when i was first dated her, i did not give myself to her emotionaly... she was a lot more nicer & respectful

so is it even possible to have a future with a woman like this? i.e marriage, living together etc


Don Juan
May 13, 2013
Reaction score
why am i struggling to let her go? she is one very attractive woman...

i have never dated a woman this hot.... other than that, to be honest, she does not have many great qualities about her... i can't imagine her making a good wife, long term partner

so why can't i let her go...


Senior Don Juan
Feb 6, 2012
Reaction score
You've missed the Golden Rule of relationships: ALWAYS be willing to walk away. You let her disrespect you repeatedly and get away with it, now she has no respect for you at all.

My advice: Walk away.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 3, 2013
Reaction score
nothing over the past few days caught my eye enough to respond, except this.
all i gotta say is you need to do two things:

1) read the dj bible
2) get out the gutter


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
Reaction score
Dump her like used kitty litter. Get your head back. Let this be a valuable lesson for you in the "Do Not Do" section of your life.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
kaitracid2010 said:
why am i struggling to let her go? she is one very attractive woman...

i have never dated a woman this hot.... other than that, to be honest, she does not have many great qualities about her... i can't imagine her making a good wife, long term partner

so why can't i let her go...
Because you have a scarcity mindset. You think this is the best you can do, and therefore don't want to lose this "once in a lifetime" opportunity.

Looks are nothing. Beauty is common. Walk away and find someone more worthy.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 10, 2012
Reaction score
She knows she is your only option.

She knows she has control of the relationship.

As such, she no longer respects you.

When a woman does not respect a man, she is no longer attracted to him.

She's keeping you around for validation ("I have a man") until she's ready to branch swing.

You'll be dumped sooner or later, probably sooner.

You sound like you want to get hand back in the relationship, though even if that works it will likely be temporary, given that your case of oneitis sounds pretty bad and you lack the ability/willingness to spin plates.

If you want some hand back, go ghost for a while (e.g., turn off your phone for a whole weekend). Make her come to you. Then, go out on the town and let her see you flirt/talk to other women. Let her see that you can attract other women. Instill some dread in her.

That's if you want to try to keep gaming your girlfriend.

Me? I would try to keep some self-respect and just walk away from this. It sounds like you are doing all the work and the relationship is only taking away from your life, not adding to it.

ALWAYS be willing to walk away and act in a way where the woman knows you can and will do that.

Go read Dread Game and Soft Dread over at The Rational Male. Those two posts should help. In fact, read that whole blog, front to back.


Master Don Juan
Feb 7, 2012
Reaction score
On Earth
kaitracid2010 said:
i am only only going for one hour....

my response... i know, but thats not the point

her response... don't bother coming over, stay at you flat

my response... ok, as you wish...

so basicaly she fuked me off for the night, over this issue

i spend so much time & my money to see her... she spends all day sleeping or hanging around with her freinds... what is the harm in spending time with me, when i am coming over to her house

i don't feel like going to her house again, after being fuked off like that & direspected... what should i do?

I just needed to see that convo and tell you... You are one hell of a beta in that relationship. Break up.


Just go no contact. Delete her number, delete her from contacts. And never, ever, ever ,EVER... ****ing EVER talk to her again.

What a b1tch.