Whenever the issue of "time" comes up.....
ESPECIALLY when related to not having enough of it to see someone,and it's from
THE WOMAN'S end,my
"spider sense" starts to tingle.
If she's ALWAYS been hard pressed for time and this is nothing new,then ok. But if she
JUST RECENTLY started not being able to see you,but there's been no discernable reason as to why she's suddenly "so busy"......
I used to date a chick who had friends who lived a stone's throw from where I stayed. I could literally see their front door from my front door. We used to go out,everything seemed good. Then all of the sudden,she seemed to come by less and less...made excuses whenever I tried to spend time with her. Her excuse? "I'm busy". There were actual times when I'd see
HER CAR over to her friend's apartment for hours at a time.....but yet.........she was "too busy" to see me. It SUCKED.
DID kinda stumbled upon a way to turn this around and re-ignite her interest. But let me say this.....
This is a WOMAN. She's a person.....a HUMAN BEING. It's not a math problem with a
predictable outcome.........not an equation with a predictable solution. So,what worked for me may not work for you. I also don't know the particular dynamics of your "relationship" with her.
What worked for me.....well,I changed MY BEHAVIOR towards her. Not drastically. I don't really feel like typing all this out,so I'll just give you a link to where I broke it all down at. Only thing is......she has to still have
SOME TYPE of interest in you. Long as it ain't zero,it should help. I typed this out OVER 10 years ago.....over 11 really,but I believe it's still relevant.
Hopefully it can be of some help to you.