No, I never said I banged 20 chicks!
I don't know if I ever said the exact number (it's three w/r/t intercourse, and two more who just gave me dome), but I never said 20.
And everything I've said here about myself has been truthful.
If my advice and thoughts were seen as good, that's because I've done a lot of reading and discussing of the stuff here.
Other guys, step forward if you will and clear up the record on this. Tell Taz that I've never said I banged a lot of chicks. Ever.
And also, my tips, about getting a chick to orgasm, when to call chicks, etc., -- I said many of them have been arrived at through personal experience -- and they have.
I haven't lied about anything here because, as I argued months ago, it doesn't give me any social benefits.
I don't have a whole lot of interest in what you guys think of me personally. I don't think anyone here should. I think people should be most concerned with exchanging ideas on dating and drilling chicks. That's it.
If there was ever a chance that some of us might meet up, then I sure as shhit wouldn't have told in great detail how I had plastic surgery on my nose, how I didn't get laid until I was in my 20s, etc.
So, no, I haven't been untruthful here. There's no incentive to my mind.
And anyway, not to try to analyze this too much, but IN THE PUREST SENSE, we should probably take the ideas here simply on their own merit, divorced of their context. Like if some guy gives Tip X on how to get a girl to talk about her past sexual experiences, and he says he's done this successfully on 20 chicks, well the persuasive element of his tip should NOT be that he's done it on 20 chicks, the persuasive element should be in the tip itself. Does that make sense. We should be able to see a prior (that's a fancy term from philosophy, which means without actual experience) how the tip would work. Read Doc Love's book and you'll see what I mean. Most of his tips will just strike you as perfect wisdom -- you don't have to hear testimonials from guys about how well they worked.
But about my bio. info., I've been perfectly truthful.
I'm still very interested in knowing what you guys think about coming clean to this chick.
As I've thought it over, I'm starting to think that if I don't come clean, she might become my first true girlfriend.
And if that's the case, THEN I WON'T HAVE TO LIE TO THE next GIRL I START DATING.
It's like then I can come clean universally, in a sense. It's like I could then just say I was a late bloomer, so sue me.
But I am starting to see that if I come clean to this chick, she'll leave.
Because I told this chick how my ex-girlfriend and I went to China (actually I went with a family member), and how another ex-girlfriend and I once had sex on an airplane headed to Europe.
The truth is, I'm now realizing, I've been lying through my teeth to this girl from the first meeting over coffee when she recommended a cheap restaurant, and the next day I called her to tell her I enjoyed meeting her and to thank her for her recommendation on the restaurant, that I ate there the previous night -- a total lie, invented just to establish a rapport.
So maybe I'm getting my comeuppance now.
She told me she feels like she doesn't know me.
And the truth is, I've known her for about five months, but I've never been completely comfortable around her. I never really felt a bond.
Perhaps because unconsciously I knew she really didn't know me because of all the lies I've been feeding her. Basically, on my end, it's a relationship of deceit.
The more I think about it, the more I'm surprised at how easily I've lied to her.
But here's the thing. I've lied WELL.
I've made up very interesting lies, and possibly that's why she's so into me?
Because if I told the truth about everything, I wouldn't seem so exciting.
But so where is the line to be drawn?
Obviously, we don't tell the truth about everything, right?
We've all done things we won't admit to people?
Where is the line drawn? On personal biographical info.?
How about when a chick says she's busy, that she can't go out, when she really isn't busy?
Is it bad to lie then?
The truth is, I've got a lot of pusssy out of this by lying a lot. Lying to chicks will get you pusssy. Just like cheating in life, if done well, will sometimes, maybe often, get you ahead.
I learned a few years ago that you should consider lying to a chick when I told this chick I'd invited out for a lunch date (agghhh! -- lunch date!) that I used to be really interested in the loch ness monster. She paused then said, "You're such a dork!" And after that day, she was too busy to go out with me again.
So where is the line to be drawn?
And can coming clean ever boost you up in the chick's eyes?
message has been edited by BGC (edited 03-26-2001).]