Should a man ever hit a woman?

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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Don Juan
Jan 24, 2008
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Phoenix, AZ
Sean Connery says its ok.

Son of anarchy

Don Juan
Jun 14, 2009
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Hit a woman is wrong but if more women would be hurt,less women would cross the limits.
Enough said.


New Member
Nov 2, 2007
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You don't have to hit women. All you need to do is make sure that they know you are capable of it.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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I hate to say it....but that clip is funny as hell.

I was raised to never hit a woman, I remember when I was 8 years old, the little girl next door threw a wooden clock at me and hit me in the head as I was walking though her yard. It cut my head and I was bleeding. She ran away laughing and I caught her and punched her in the stomach. My Dad saw me through the kitchen window and took me inside and beat the **** out of me. He told me you never hit a woman, and you never hit her in the stomach, you could mess up her chances at having children. Of course he made me go and apologize. He never listened to my side of the story (not that it mattered).

Later in life he told me this. Sometimes a woman isn't a woman, a woman is a fight. If shes got a weapon and you can get out, knock her ass out. So in self defense you can hit a woman.

When I found out my ex was cheating on me and I informed her I was moving out, she asked me why was I so quiet and calm. I told her, because 'I'm doing everything in my power not to choke the life out of you right now'. She told me later is scared her to the bone.

I won't hit one, but like chris rock said, I'll shake the sh1t outta one!


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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Warrior74 said:
My Dad saw me through the kitchen window and took me inside and beat the **** out of me. He told me you never hit a woman, and you never hit her in the stomach, you could mess up her chances at having children.
Everyone knows you never hit a woman. The hitting fun is saved for children only. Don't punch a girl in the stomach cause then there will be no children to beat on.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 16, 2007
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I think that you should not hit a woman. But as stated above if a woman is attacking you like a man and you can't get away easily then pull the Gender Equity, equality card and do what you go to do..

Hell the way things are in America some of these women outweigh me by 20-30lbs and im a big dude..


Jun 30, 2009
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I'd never hit a woman, but I'd shake her!


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2009
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I would slap a woman, REAL HARD, but closing a fist is messed up.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2004
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It depends on what she does to me and who she is. If one of my sisters hit me, like slapped me in the face, I'd probably shove the sh-t out of her but I wouldn't try to seriously hurt her, but it also depends on why she hit me. If I feel she had no right to hit me, it's going to really piss me off and it's hard to predict how I'm going to react emotionally/physically.

Anger can be very unpredictable, when someone touches a nerve, you can see another side of a person you never knew existed.

If some strange woman I don't know lifted a hand at me that I didn't deserve, I'd put a hurting on her, but it depends on where we are and who's watching.

You treat people you don't know or have any sort of bond with a lot differently than people you do have these things with. Even children, if you found out that some kid severely hurt one of your own children, it can make you unusually intolerant of other people's kids, enough that you'd want to do something similar in return or worse.


Don Juan
Dec 7, 2009
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I always tell my fellow women, don't hit nobody if you don't wanna get hit back. Some men have self control to not hit a chick back, but some don't. I think a man that can walk away from his gf or wife if she hit him is admirable, but would not hold it against him if he defends himself. But when you get some dudes that wanna go all UFC/MMA on a chick then that is not cool.

I myself would never even raise my hand to a man unless I was getting ready for a fight...and I would try to leave a mark before he eventually fvucks me up. Long nails for the!

Die Hard

Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2009
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Lol, that was funy as hell!

Anyway, woman or man..makes no difference. Someone attacks me, I will defend myself.

If it's a strong guy, I'll hit him in the face with my fist because that's neccesary. If it's a weak, tiny, thin guy, I'll just give him a good leg kick that makes him fall on his @ss. If he keeps coming at me after that, I'll hit him in theface with my fist as well.

Same goes for women. If she's one of those big, fat, ferocious b*tches, I'll definitely hit her in the face with my fists. If it's a "normal girl", weaker than me, thinner, smaller...I'll give her a good kick that makes her fall to her @ss. If she gets up and tries to attack me further, I'll be forced to punch her in the face as well. Seriously, even when a girl is weak, I will not allow her to do damage to me, like continually slapping me in the face. If I can keep her under control by just grabbing her arms and holding her until she gives up, sure, I will do that first. But is she won't give up and starts kicking my legs or something while I hold her, I am forced to let her go and if she keeps coming at me after that, I will definitely punch her in the face. What do I care? Protection is protection, no matter who attacks me, I do what I have to do to protect myself. No matter if it's a girl, someone having Down syndrome, a guy in a wheelchair or any other person who's considered "weak and helpless". If they're doing damage to me, they're clearly not that "weak and helpless" and I see no reason not to defend myself in such a situation.

If it's just one slap in the face, I will also slap her back once, just like the guy from the video. What? Do the nerves in my face send less signals to my brain compared to her when getting slapped? I don't think so... Why should I not be allowed to inflict on her, what she inflicts on me? My face hurts just as well as hers when it gets slapped so I have the right to do exactly the same thing back when she slaps me.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
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A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
If a chick decides to hang out with Lee-Hotti guido clowns, she gets what she deserves.

No, it's not OK. But neither is anything about MTV these days. I don't think there's anyone on MTV now that doesn't deserve a fist in the grille.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
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A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
fuzzx said:
I told him to Fvck off and that if he didn't want to get his legs broken he should stand down... he kept pushing it and so I told him to meet me outside. A few of my boys were waiting outside for this douche when he came out to meet me. Well his ninjitsu skills disappered prettty fvcking fast, let me tell you.
Since HE was threatening YOU, I won't give you sh!t for "calling your boys" in that situation. But to me, if you tell someone "meet me outside", you're calling him out and you ought to fight him man-to-man, with your "boys" only standing by in case his "boys" try to jump in or things otherwise get dirty. (weapons, etc)

Otherwise, YOU are the "douche".


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
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Let’s look at the comments.

“Infantile Creep! Inadequate on every level”.

Why do women always seem to resort to shaming tactics designed around sex, or the size of the man’s dic*

“Sure to be some big brave men in Queens”

Or shaming tactics designed around the guy not being a real man, loaded with qualification type attributes for the real man label, i.e ‘big brave men’.
It’s like women have the monopoly on what a man is supposed to be!

Like this comment for example:

“Looking at those photo’s brings back unhappy memories for me (hint of some bimbo chasing the local feral thug?) Men like him are the pits, insecure, weak, lilly livered cowards. They don’t even deserve to be called Men”.

Not only is this loaded to what a man is supposed to be, it also shows the fact that a guy hitting a women who is out of line is nothing but a coward, i.e women can dish it with impunity.

“tough guy” eh, why did the other men, not jump to in and kick the **** out of him”

I think this is a fair point, I think the other men (one in the background looking cool and calm didn’t even flinch), probably thought the ***** had it coming anyway. Case in point, a women gets out of line, it’s the job of manginas in a bar to protect her, no matter how out of order she is. It's like men have given bar skank’s a free ticket to do any shi* they please.

But the worst thing, the paper reports on it and then spins the angle of ‘domestic violence’ again another perfect example of the matrix at play; some bar skank, starts badmouthing to some guy, in his face, pretty dam full on in his face (if it was a guy, anyone would know the outcome anyway). The matrix condemns hitting women and spins it to domestic violence, literally painting all women has victims of brute men and all men has potential wife beaters, because a guy stood up to some broad with a big mouth.

If anyone was in any doubt to how the matrix works, this news article is the perfect evidence of that fact. We have women condemning other men for not beating the shi* out of the guy, women stating what a real man is and the report ending in domestic violence towards women.

At this point the only thing to put a smile back on my face is watching the clip again of the guy socking it to her.

One of the best videos I have seen this week.
The man is a legend in my book.

I know deep down most would agree. Now no one here who goes out to bars can say without a doubt the thought of doing what this guy has done hasn't crossed thier minds! I know it has from me many a time.

When your dad told you to not hit a woman he was thinking about not hitting a 'lady' not a ladette.