Should a man ever hit a woman?

Da Realist

Master Don Juan
Sep 1, 2005
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Memphis, TN
Under circumstances, a man shouldn't hit a woman. That being said, under normal circumstances, women shouldn't try to push a guy's buttons to just to make him mad. Either one deserves what they get afterwards though.

My thing is that beating a woman really doesn't do much. You waste all that energy making them black and blue when all they get to do is show off they're bruises and get money regardless of how much they may have picked the fight. I say if it really gets the point you decide hitting a woman is a better idea than just walking away, I say go for the chop to the throat. It takes the wind out of her, it puts the fear of death in her, and you don't waste so much time and effort when it's quickly done.

But for real, why does this type of thread keep coming up? Have things really gotten that bad in someone's life when they have to ask this question?


Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
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East Chicago
Poonani Maker said:
My dad always told me to never hit a woman, so I've never hit one, even if they've hit me.
I'll put it like this: No one is to good for an ass whoopin.

I wont hit a wmen just cause she made me mad. However, I will defend myself from anyone who attacks me.

Or I can go with plan B and have 5 of my female cousins stomp her down while I point and


Master Don Juan
Jun 30, 2008
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Proselytiser said:
"It astounds and sickens me that there are those on here that are actually justifying violence against any woman for any reason in any setting . . . it's beyond appalling! That's WHY you're a male--the stronger of the two sexes--because with being a male comes the responsibility of the knowledge that you KNOW you can seriously injure a woman and yet have the restraint in place to not ever do so. And if a woman is being abusive and loud in a pub, then let security handle her--not you by delivering a punch--a PUNCH--are you kidding me!?! I'm sorry, but there is no justification for this--ever--and if I'd been present there would have been a real brawl then. Let's see how you can handle a REAL man that can seriously handle himself in a nasty fight if need be, you damned, adolescent, knuckle-dragging punk! THIS is what our society has been reduced to--actual public violence against a woman--and then the putridly outrageous 'justification' of it?!? Just plain evil and vile!!!"

So you say if you are a male, you shouldn't hit a female because you are stronger than her.

Ok, then that means according to your logic you should never hit a male who is weaker than you - after all you are stronger than him.

The bottom line is, you are putting the p_ssy on the pedastal.

So if you are in war and a female opposing solider is trying to kill you - you won't shoot her because she has a hole instead of penis?

I am all for using violence against women in self-defense. I am fair and logical - eye for an eye.

The good thing is that usually if a girl respects you - she won't even dare to lay a finger on you. But of course, if you lose the frame - anything goes.

I follow the code of the samurai:

"If someone attacks your intelligence, leave him alone, it does not mean you are stupid."
"If someone attacks your courage, leave him alone, it does not mean you are a coward."
"If someone touches you, kill him."

You have to have personal boundaries - and honor yourself.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2006
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A state in America that'll unmercifully leave you
Said it before and I'll say it again...a woman hits me or tries to lay a hand on me, she's getting hit. I don't give a flying f*ck if you're a woman. Wanna play by sword, then expect to die by the sword, b*tch. Only an idiot with no self-respect would let a woman pounce on him. And I also have no problem killing a woman who is trying to kill me.

Anyhow, I don't know the circumstances surrounding the 'Jersey Shore' incident, but I'd bet my next paycheck that the b*tch deserved it. The greater, greater majority of times, they deserve it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
East Chicago
Trader said:

So you say if you are a male, you shouldn't hit a female because you are stronger than her.

Ok, then that means according to your logic you should never hit a male who is weaker than you - after all you are stronger than him.

The bottom line is, you are putting the p_ssy on the pedastal.

So if you are in war and a female opposing solider is trying to kill you - you won't shoot her because she has a hole instead of penis?

I am all for using violence against women in self-defense. I am fair and logical - eye for an eye.

The good thing is that usually if a girl respects you - she won't even dare to lay a finger on you. But of course, if you lose the frame - anything goes.

I follow the code of the samurai:

"If someone attacks your intelligence, leave him alone, it does not mean you are stupid."
"If someone attacks your courage, leave him alone, it does not mean you are a coward."
"If someone touches you, kill him."

You have to have personal boundaries - and honor yourself.
I'd guess a woman could kill his mother in front of him, and he'll say it's ok cause you're a woman. :whistle:

old married dude

Senior Don Juan
Oct 28, 2009
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St. Louis, MO
I've had a girl try to hit me with one of those little souvenir Louisville Slugger bats. It's a long story, the b*tch was pretty crazy. I could have jacked her in the face, but instead I got her by the arm took the bat away & restrained her against a wall. That was better than hitting & it got the point across not to try that crap on me.


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2008
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Son of anarchy said:
Hit a woman is wrong but if more women would be hurt,less women would cross the limits.
Enough said.
The #1 way to reduce female injuries resulting from domestic violence is to reduce violence by women. They initiate 50% of reciprical domestic violence (70% of unidirectional), but suffer about 2/3rd of the injuries resulting from DV. The general reason for this is men are generally stronger and hit harder so they win the fights by doing more damage.

So, should men hit women? Yes, when it's justified. Men need to know when to go easier though. The guy in the clip in the link, probably not a good way of going about it. If she'd smacked him, then an equivalent smack back would be fair. Yay EQUALITY!

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
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The Dirty South
squirrels said:
Since HE was threatening YOU, I won't give you sh!t for "calling your boys" in that situation. But to me, if you tell someone "meet me outside", you're calling him out and you ought to fight him man-to-man, with your "boys" only standing by in case his "boys" try to jump in or things otherwise get dirty. (weapons, etc)

Otherwise, YOU are the "douche".
In this day and age I'm not fighting without either backup or a weapon. That's just how I see it. Fighting is not a game, it's not competition. I'd rather win dirty than lose. I agree though about the meeting outside part, I'd have never said that, I'd have had my boys right beside me. All I'm trying to do is stand up for myself and make it out without getting messed up, so I'll use whatever I can to accomplish this.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
It looks, to me, that she scratched his cheek with her fingernails WHILE mouthing something derogatory at him. He had a right to deck the ho. She was not his wife, his queen, his girlfriend. She was just some floosy stranger scratching the side of his face and insulting him.


Don Juan
Nov 30, 2009
Reaction score
Rural Southeast
I've only hit one woman and that was yrs ago....I girl I dated in what was, in retrospect, a pretty fvcked up relationship. We were each others first loves so it was hard to break away when we should have. The first couple of times she slapped me, I warned her there would be consequences if she continued. The third time I slapped her back. It didn't stop her for long. The last time I hit her was when she showed up at my house in the middle of the night. This was after we split up and she thought I had another chick in the house which on this particular night I didn't. I had already called the cops to come get her and ordered her to go away when she kicked my door in. I backhanded her as hard as I could, knocked her on her azz as a matter of fact. She was led away in handcuffs by the police. She had warrants served on me for battery which the grand jury threw out so I feel I was justified. Civilized people don't resort to violence but a woman who puts her hands on a man in anger is asking for it.