Ill shine in one this since im 5'5, 5'6...Yes it is harder, but I never had an issue. I had sex with about 150 women in my 20s, given I was muscular / athletic, but i also carry myself well with confidence. All of my dads side of the family is 6'0 plus, tallest being 6'6 so thats the world i grew up in, I act like im 6'2 personality wise and how i walk(most of the time except on days im feeling down)...It also comes down to the woman feeling safe around. you. Ive had a lot of women tell me how safe they feel around me. They know I will fight anyone no matter the size IF NEEDED. So im sure that aura helps me out.
One thing i noticed its getting worse in the past 5 years. I was in a relationship for 4 years, got back on tinder and bumble and not getting as many matches as i did 5 years ago when i was single.