SHOCK and AWE: The Apocalypse Opener


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
Duffdog said:
Now that I will totally agree with. But the opposite is true, if you have a super hot blonde with u, the rest of the girls watching are jealous and wonder why. But, getting dissed by 14 girls a night just doesn't look good at all.

Duff you tried to opener again or no?
I figure If I'm at a small venue to wait until last call

:crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :D :D


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2006
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A state in America that'll unmercifully leave you
Dr.Jekyll, I gotta say, this sounds too good to be true. But if you claim it works most of the time(with the hotties), then I'll take your word for it. I definitely WILL give it a shot...hopefully I'll be able to work up the balls to do it when the time comes, cause this takes a lot of f*ckin' balls man. It better work, otherwise I'm coming back and flamming the crap out of you....;)(of course I'm just f*ckin' with ya).


Don Juan
Nov 13, 2007
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I actually tried this 4 times, 2 were straight up sex after some rapport. 3rd took this with a great deal of stride. 4th just looked at me and was "awed" but her friends killed it.

But I stopped using it.

Dr jeky "Ciaran" has dropped seduction all together. He also doesn't want people using the Shock And Awe A/O anymore. As he stated, "It will take you into dark places." Basically meaning "addiction of sex" as i would put it. And if you know anything about any addiction, "It starts in pain, and will end in pain."

Just be careful with this guys, that is... if you choose to use this.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2008
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Solomon said:
Duff you tried to opener again or no?
I figure If I'm at a small venue to wait until last call

:crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :D :D
No, I didn't get a chance to use it this past weekend. But I will work it in next time I go out. I find that even when I am out talking to girls-- there are many sets of eyes on me watching my every move. I can just imagine applause in the background if it works:up:


New Member
Jun 18, 2008
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i think you just get addicted to sex when you don't do things for your "innergame"

i do a lot of spirituality and perosnal development things, so i'm not afraid of :D

and, in addition, i havent got such a high sex-drive :D


New Member
Sep 14, 2005
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Works in the right atmosphere---> night/strip club or red light zones.
Try it on the wrong woman and you'd get a lovely slap. :)

Dust 2 Dust

Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2002
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roja said:
Why dont you write little bit more
if you talked any fluff before ,how long before apocalypse
and then how the logistics (if any ****blocks,her friends)
This advice is too aggressive for my taste and goes against the principle of flying under the radar.

I've used a similar, but less aggressive technique on a few women with positive results. If I have a chick over in my apartment I've asked them "do you want to go to the bedroom?" and it works sometimes for getting laid or a bj, but not always and these are women that I've been out with at least once so they knew me and there was rapport established.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2006
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I believe this would work, but I don't believe it's anything amazing. With isolation, you can get away with being quite the slut as long you are being confident and not weird.

I think if you're planning on becoming a true master of the game, you should be trying every approach/tactic/opener in the spectrum, including this one.


Don Juan
Nov 1, 2008
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a buddy of mine is super confident to where he just doesnt give a **** (where im getting to be). hes asked 3 girls on seperate occasions, and had sex with one of them. im not sure wether the chick was hot or not bc i wasnt there but he usually gets good looking women so im sure she was at least an 8


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2008
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Quick story. I was walking back from a soccer game, and saw this HB 7 in her early 30's. We made eye contact, so I figured what do I have to lose?

I walk up to her and prepare to test the apocalypse opener for the 1st time.

Me: Hey, How Are You?

Woman: (no response)

Me: Why are you so mean?

Woman: I'm not, I said Fine.

Me: So What are you doing later?

Woman: Um, Nothing Really.

Me: Do You Want to Come Home with Me?

Woman: (Stops walking and stares at me for 5 secs wide eyed) No.

Me: Ok.

Woman: Why Did You Ask That?

Me: I want to sex you up.

Woman: Oh, I'm Married.

Me: Ok

Silence for 10 seconds...then she starts talking again and I ask her some questions. yada yada

What struck me was her response! She didn't seem angry, insulted, etc. I was so shocked! Now I have to improve my closing after I drop the final verdict. My BT rose, and I was not as effective after she said "Why Do You Ask?" But I'm happy that I finally tried it.

If you try this technique over and over again, I am 100% confident it will work. Thanks for the amazing tips, guys


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2008
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Ok, I almost forgot about this thread. I have been using it with AMAZING success the last 6 times I went out.

But, in order for it to work, you must change it to the "APOCALYPSE CLOSE" not the apocalypse opener. I have been flirting with super hot females every time I used this and I have a feeling that because I used it, I got to nail the girl every time...THAT NIGHT!!!!!!

Let me say that again-- I have been nailing a new chic every time I used this the last 6 times I went out. It was only because of this closer. And, it works like this:

Chatting up some girl in a club/bar/party/whatever...blah, blah, blah ( you all know how to do this ) But, at the point in time when you feel like asking for her number... you don't. Instead you say:

"What are you doing after this?"

Then, the female says:

"I don't know, why?"

You then follow up with:

"Want to come back to my house?"

or if you are really daring, you can say

"You could invite me to your house" <---that one actually worked as well!!

I think that the reason this works so well is that I have been talking with her confidently and being a friendly, fun person throughout the night. Because I was friendly, fun and confident, it seemed like the girl was just waiting for me to say this out loud. It was as if she was waiting for me to vocalize exactly what she wanted. The last three times I did this, the girls response was so incredibly fast and natural that I got the feeling she was waiting to say yes even before I said anything about it.


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
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Duffdog said:
Ok, I almost forgot about this thread. I have been using it with AMAZING success the last 6 times I went out.

But, in order for it to work, you must change it to the "APOCALYPSE CLOSE" not the apocalypse opener. I have been flirting with super hot females every time I used this and I have a feeling that because I used it, I got to nail the girl every time...THAT NIGHT!!!!!!

Let me say that again-- I have been nailing a new chic every time I used this the last 6 times I went out. It was only because of this closer. And, it works like this:

Chatting up some girl in a club/bar/party/whatever...blah, blah, blah ( you all know how to do this ) But, at the point in time when you feel like asking for her number... you don't. Instead you say:

"What are you doing after this?"

Then, the female says:

"I don't know, why?"

You then follow up with:

"Want to come back to my house?"

or if you are really daring, you can say

"You could invite me to your house" <---that one actually worked as well!!

I think that the reason this works so well is that I have been talking with her confidently and being a friendly, fun person throughout the night. Because I was friendly, fun and confident, it seemed like the girl was just waiting for me to say this out loud. It was as if she was waiting for me to vocalize exactly what she wanted. The last three times I did this, the girls response was so incredibly fast and natural that I got the feeling she was waiting to say yes even before I said anything about it.
That 100% different than the apoc opener. Totally different ballgame. If a chick is already into you and you say that, it's nothing. It doesnt take any balls to do that. I've done it a bunch of times, with success almost every time.

Doing it as an opener, is a WHOLE other story, and what your saying doesnt even compare, and shouldnt even be mentioned in this thread, Im sorry. This thread is about having the nuts to say it to a stranger with enough confidence in yourself that it wont make her freak out. Talk to us when you do it the right way.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2008
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Talk to us when you do it the right way.
Ok, well its working out great for me as a close. I don't see how you could say its "wrong"... I will try it this week as an opener just for you. I really don't think it would freak any girl out, it would just make her say: "uhhh....what?" and would have less chance of working than talking with her normally first. But, I still will do it.
Aug 13, 2007
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About a month ago, I found a part of town which has a couple kinda dive-ish bars and a cheap motel franchise--Econo Lodge or Motel 6--right next door.

I think sometime soon, I'm going to get a room in the motel then go try this opener on a bunch of girls in the bars. If I succeed, we can just walk over and have our fun and she can take her own car home and everything--Or even still leave with the people she came with :p

I agree about girls watching you fail approaches with other girls. With two bars, I thought I could ask 3 or 4 then go to the next one, ask a few, then go back.

Which time in the evening do you think is better? Around 10-11 when it's the most crowded? Or is the stereotype about girls who stay till closing time true?


Don Juan
Dec 7, 2007
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North Carolina
Honestly, I don't believe for a second that this will work.

But, it's completely badass, so I'm going to do it anyway! Probably this weekend.


New Member
Mar 24, 2009
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This only works on HB 9-10s and sometimes 8s

By working I don't mean they'll say "yes" and go home with you. I mean, they can say "yes" and they can say "no" or they can say other things, but the shear ballsiness will make them attracted to you. You still have to game them.

I used thse on 9s and they said "wow you're quite ballsy," "you must be a player" etc.

Be aware they wll try to test you if you are what you say you are, a confident in-your-face guy. If you stand there just smiling and talking normally they get over the ****test and act very receptive to you, realizing how calm and collected you are.

If you use it on girls who are less hot, they will think you're tooling them. Ugly girls get teased a lot, so they will think you are just acting like a jerk. Hot girls don't get these kinds of approaches and that is why this works and you separate yourself from literally evey other guy who approached them. Yup.


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2008
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Does anyone know someone where this actually worked and it not been a case of fool's mate? I haven't and I'm on most of the community forums and in the 2 largest lairs in the US.