She's scared


Senior Don Juan
Aug 8, 2004
Reaction score
It usually is the result of self esteem issues and being burned in the past that accounts for such flakey behavior. Or perhaps she has not decided that she likes you enough to commit and is therefore giving you just enough attention to keep you around until she decides. The latter usually means she is evaluating other prospects.

However, it is not fair for you to wait for her and miss out on other opportunities. You should put her on the back burner for now and pursue other prospects.


Master Don Juan
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
thanx for that... but...

Originally posted by sapphire
It usually is the result of self esteem issues and being burned in the past that accounts for such flakey behavior. Or perhaps she has not decided that she likes you enough to commit and is therefore giving you just enough attention to keep you around until she decides. The latter usually means she is evaluating other prospects.

However, it is not fair for you to wait for her and miss out on other opportunities. You should put her on the back burner for now and pursue other prospects.

You might be right... but the thing is, is that i know this girl really really well... and i KNOW that she isnt interested in anyone else, nor would she WANT to for the simple reason that she has always liked me, and now that we are "togeather" she is more than happy.... and when i suggested we seperate when we had a fight a while back she cried for 2 days straight, eventhough i sorted it out with her about 1 hours afterwards, thats how hurt she was by just the idea of "loosing me"... so its not about that, but good thinking, in many cases this would be true, but not in mine;)

And me and her do exactly what we WOULD do if we were "official" so i'm not really loosing out on anything, so its not really bothering me that much, eventhough i WOULD prefer to make it official, its not the end of the world if we arent for the moment;) And with my situation, its not just a fling, its something alot more serious and "real".. so i think that being with other girls isnt really an option for me, not because of her, but also because of my feelings for this girl:rolleyes: ;)

Well anyways.. thanx for the replies...



Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Land of the Ruins
actions count, but which actions?

penkitten wrote:

there were some guys i didnt like at all and i was afraid to hurt their feelings and say, " you make me wanna ralph"... but i never went and did stuff with them either.
That's exactly what's confusing with the gal I know... she does stuff. A lot of stuff for 0th, 1st, and 2nd dates.

Actions count more than words ... but with this gal I know her actions when we're together are totally extreme high interest, but when I attempt to set a date they're extreme low interest ... with occasional variance.

sapphire wrote:

Or perhaps she has not decided that she likes you enough to commit and is therefore giving you just enough attention to keep you around until she decides. The latter usually means she is evaluating other prospects.

However, it is not fair for you to wait for her and miss out on other opportunities. You should put her on the back burner for now and pursue other prospects.
That's my most likely hypothesis and what I'm doing as well.


As for the skin thing, there are obviously lots of other factors in play, which is why I said "smokers tend to" have less soft skin. There's the antioxidant and essential fatty acid content of one's diet, the amount of sun and other "weathering" of skin, etc. Not to mention good 'ol fashioned genetics. :D


Master Don Juan
Mar 31, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by diplomatic_lie
I did go out with a girl who didn't want to get committed because she was scared I would dump her.

Apparently she had heard through the grapevine that I was "close" to a very hot female friend.

I explained logically that I had been friends with the chick for pretty much 95% of my life, so I'm hardly going to bang her.

She wasn't convinced, tried committment anyway, then got paranoid and broke up with me when she saw me having lunch with my female friend.

thats a case of self-sabatoge. Thats even worse then bailing out of asking in the first place because you emotions get hurt more because you have spent more time with that person and it may not necessarly be infatuation. Its half-assed


New Member
Jan 24, 2005
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South Carolina
Hey Im kinda new here but here is my experience with a girl who was completely insecure. The problem with the girl i was with is I spent more time trying to give her confidence to accomplish something than anything else. She was always paranoid about me breaking up with her. And everytime I wanted to talk to her about something that i wanted to talk about with her she would threaten to break up with me cuz apearently she was more important. So actually she was very insecure and selfish to boot. So girls like her end up bringing more baggage than their worth so find a girl who isnt insecure and trust me you will be alot happier.