Sorry you're going through this man. We've all been there, and I tell you, it sucks. Because on the logic side of things we believe that because she's continously calling us and making the moves to communicate with us that it means she likes us.
It doesn't matter how many times a day she calls you. It doesn't matter what pet name she comes up with. All those things that lead you to logically believe she's into you? Toss them out the fvcking window right now because they are horsesh1t.
My thoughts as I was reading this thread? FRIENDZONE. And with your last post, I think you pretty much confirmed that.
Always, always keep it in the forefront of your mind that
actions speak louder than words. Always. It doesn't matter WHAT she is telling you. What matters is what she DOES to you (or with you). That's all that matters in this game. Train yourself to forget about the things she's telling you and to focus on the way she's RESPONDING to you. Her words mean about as much as the weekly gossip column. (I mean, it's no coincidence that women say twice as many words as men do in a given day...and most men I know of talk out their ass all the this means that women do it twice as much)
Actions. Your life should revolve around that word. Take action. Read her reaction. Take action. Read her reaction. And tone the rest of the stuff out.
Also, think of it like this...if she's calling you five times a day and you are ANSWERING, what does that tell her about you? Whether she realizes it consciously or subsconsciously, it tells her that you HAVE NOTHING ELSE GOING ON. How interesting can you be if you have all this time available to listen to her or talk to her.
My advice to you to avoid the friendzone in the future is to not talk to her longer than 10 minutes at any given time until you are ON THE DATE with her. Getting into the habit of having conversations with her on the phone (and IM/Email) is only hurting your chances of getting a date with her. And let's be honest, how much time do you REALLY want to spend on the phone anyway? You're a man. Most men I know can't stand talking on the phone anyway.
Reserve the phone conversations until she's gotten something invested with you. Meaning, save it for the relationship when it becomes exclusive. Until then, you should avoid phone and IM/Email/
Texts like the plague. Well, maybe not that much, but keep them SPARSE. You NEED that physical interaction in the beginning to get her invested in you (and I don't mean that in the "sleezy" way either...I mean that get some legitimate face time and some excalation before you are willing to give up that type of intimacy beyond phsical interaction).
This is a clear cut case where you need to set a boundary. You aren't her phsyciatrist, so don't act like one. You don't have to be an a$$ about it either. You just need to get some priorities BESIDES her going in your life and maintain them. Don't drop your life for her. Slowly allow her to creep into your you slowly evaluate her as "worthy" (for lack of a better, less sleezy word).