Man, are you still thinking about a relationship with this girl? Did you read anything that I wrote and what other members said about her? Go read the post that i quoted Bible_Belt (the guy who has no clue about what BPD is) that all pertains to you and your current situation.
This girl is not mentally stable and will hurt you in the long run. You want specifics and what to expect if you go into a realtionship?
Here you go...
I'm being generous here, but for about at least 4 months everything will be great. she will treat you like a king, still buy you gifts, have great sex with you, have amazing times, you guys will have fun, you will think you have the greatest girl in the world, and she will tell you over and over what an amazing guy you are. She will love you and do everything for you during this time. You will think to yourself, "how did I get so lucky?"
Then after the "honeymoon stage" is over, almost overnight, she will change into a different person, the person that she really is. The person that she was hiding from you for those first few months. She will feel solidified in the relationship and expect you to care for her now. You might forget to call her or
text her back one evening or do something unintentionally that upsets her and she will have her first outburst. You will think what the hell? but then she will blame it on a bad day or something then you will forget about it. Then these outburst will become more frequent, she will start accusing you of things like lying, cheating, hiding things from her. Then you will have to explain that you did nothing. She probably won't believe you. She will start crying often, become jealous of other girls, will think you're trying to leave her and abandon her, then she will attach herself to you like an octopus. You will be at her beckon call 24/7 and if you don't she will get angry with you. She will try to have you all to herself, will get mad that you want to chill with your friends, do stuff with your family. She will want you all to herself and if you decide not to go without her she will start to hate you for it and blame YOU for her problems. Then remember how you said she had family problems? She will dump all those problems on to you and expect you to take care of her and fix them. She will expect you to read her mind and figure out what is wrong. And when you can't help her or fix the problems or figure out whats wrong with her she will hate you for it and devalue you as a man.
Then the monster comes out. She will rage at you and hate you. Then when she feels you're slipping away she will say she loves you or is sorry and settle down. But the next hour or the next day she could get angry again. She will devalue you as a man, and will find other guys and will cheat on you, maybe with an ex, or a guy friend that she is "good friends" with. You will find out, get angry, she will lie about it. You might get tired of her and try to dump her, she will then do everything in her power to keep you and that could turn ugly. Or she will get tired of you and if you are really attached to her, you will turn really AFC and try to keep her anyway you can. She will feel smothered by your love and dump you without a care in the world and leave you for another guy and start the process all over again with him. Meanwhile, your heart is ripped out and you're wondering what the hell happened to that amazing awesome girl that you once had. She will be gone, so will your pride, self esteem, your heart, and maybe your mind.
So do yourself a favor my friend, and don't get involved anymore with her, or in a year or less, you will be back here telling me that I was right and you will be posting on how to get your self esteem and confidence back after she took it all away from you while you're a very depressed and broken man.