She wants to go to gay pride!?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 14, 2002
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Toronto Canada
So here's an update guys - After receiving the original message I took the good advice of trickster guy and used his roberto line.

She thought it was hlarious and we joked about it for the rest of the day. I live in downtown Toronto so the parade is very hard to avoid if anyone has seen it before.

We ended up grabbing some tai food and going on a boat cruise around the harbor then to a club at night - no circuit parties.

It's all good, it just sort of took me off guard why she would ask me to go but all in all I think it was a joke since she reminded me of how I implied her being a lesbian for jokes one time.

After considering it, I would have gone anyway but I might have tied mouse traps to my butt..JK!

Hey Pook, were you going to reply or just repost "BE A MAN!"

There's a theory out there that says everyone is X % male and X % female.

Guys who are under 50% male are gay.

Your best match is the opposite of you. If you're a guy who is 70% male 30% female, your best partner would be 30% male and 70% female.

This is why you so often see a big butch macho man with a barbie doll.

Food for thought.....


Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
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There's a theory out there that says everyone is X % male and X % female.
As Pook so laboriously pointed out in his post "Secret of the Jerk", which quoted from Otto Weininger. What the theory fails to point out is how the human body and the human mind does not necessarily match up; some men are born with female minds, these are the chumps we so often speak, and some women are born with male minds, the tomgirls. The incongruence in body and mind can be overcome to where there's reasonable congruency, thankfully.
Guys who are under 50% male are gay.
Then why are there exceptionally masculine gay men and exceptionally feminine straight men?

From what I see, gayness must have something to do with the libido, for I have observed gay men seem to be higher sexually driven then common men. Whether this seems is correct, I have no certain idea.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
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Beyond your peripheral vision
I had a very interesting phone conversation with my friend who is gay. He lives in Atlanta, a gay hotspot, and he has an alter ego, a woman. Well he was telling me stories about the straight men he has "seduced", mostly as a man! And he is attracted to the manly, hard, macho men! Well, the conclusion came to was that there are many men who care so much about sex that once they get used to the idea, it doesn't matter WHO the sex comes from! And get this. Once he decieved a guy for 3 months into thinking he was a woman. This decieved fella fell in love. And when finally it was revealed that SHE was HE, after 3 days of whatever introspection, he came back to my gay friend!!! And they stayed together over a year! This is happening ALL the time.


Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
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Originally posted by iqqi
Well, the conclusion came to was that there are many men who care so much about sex that once they get used to the idea, it doesn't matter WHO the sex comes from!

Here we have men addicted to the pleasure of busting a nut. This is not sexuality, this is wallowing in the orgie-type attitude.

Hence, my main problem with all of the so-called gay and bisexual people.

They like getting off, but they miss the whole point. Sexuality (man-woman) is not just about busting a nut. There is an energy there.

Some people just don't realize this though...


Master Don Juan
May 9, 2003
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I wouldn't go to Gay Pride for the same reason I wouldn't go to Black Pride, Asian Pride, or Latin Pride. I don't care.

Why are people proud of things that are genetic? That's like me being proud of having brown eyes. The things that I take pride in are the things I have worked hard to accomplish, not what I was born with. I don't go around bragging about my heterosexuality (well, unless I get some).

And if you want to argue that homosexuality is not genetic, it still can't be something to be proud of. That just makes it easier to be gay. Want to be gay? Just close your eyes and do a guy in his butt.

Black Bahindian

Senior Don Juan
Sep 19, 2003
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A city of buildings, blocks, and booty
Gotta Bump this

Good one Player, and so true. It's only natural to be uncomfortable around someone who is and acts different from you. It has nothing to do with discrimination.

If I said that I, a black man, was uncomfortable around gays, to some I might be looked upon as a hypocrite, because since gays have been "oppressed" just as black people were. The problem is that people misconstrue being uncomfortable with discrimination. I know that there are lot of people in this world that are uncomfortable around black people, and that doesn't necessarily make you a racist. I don't care if someone was uncomfortable around me, as long as they kept their thoughts of me to themselves. IMO when black people started the movement they did not what their race to be put on a pedastal, they just wanted to be respected as a race.

Anyway back to this, if your uncomfortable around gays, but can tolerate them and keep your thoughts to yourself, your not a "homophobe".

First post finally done!


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
It's a test dude, be reluctant to go... if she keeps pushing into it, just say yeah i'll go for a little while. Becareful - she will be watching you dude to see if you are gay or not. SHe's doing a gay test on you!!!