She wants to go to gay pride!?


Senior Don Juan
Feb 17, 2003
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this is a good debate

to continue, I think it's safe to say that there is a high percentage of hetero men that 1) wouldn't want to go to a gay pride parade and 2) are somewhat uncomfortable with or around gay people

I think that just writing off anyone who is slightly uncomfortable with gays or a little homophobic/insecure as running away from being gay themselves is a little silly though.

I'm a little insecure at times, but that doesn't mean I'm sexually attracted to men secretly on the inside.

How does one equate being uncomfortable with gay people as secretely gay on the inside?

Ninja Dude

Senior Don Juan
Jun 11, 2003
Reaction score
Another plane of existence
I think that both Sniffer and crackhead (what names!) make good points. Personally, I think MOST hetero guys are homophobic to a certain degree. I used to be until my brother came out. The whole family has since alienated him and I am the only one who still considers him blood. I have met many of his gay friends and they are cool/funny as ****. Sure sometimes one of them says something suggestive or inappropriate, but I nip that in the bud and let them know not to disrespect me. I think the strongest point sniffer made is that DJs should be comfortable around anyone. I disagree that the discomfort = closet fag. People are just often afraid of the unfamiliar, that's all.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 17, 2003
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Originally posted by Ninja Dude
I disagree that the discomfort = closet fag. People are just often afraid of the unfamiliar, that's all.

Yeah, exactly. I'm curious as to where this notion came from


Don Juan
Jan 9, 2003
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You must be from Toronto... I got dragged a few years ago to the pride parade by my ex. It was kinda fun especially when all the hot-half-naked lesbians started showing up!! Then i really started to enjoy myself.



Master Don Juan
May 23, 2003
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Pittsburgh, Pa
Im sorry I know being gay is en vogue, but im just not down with it. Its like smokin crack or shootin heroin IMHO. I think that hard core drug addicts smokers and shooters are completely disgusting. Being around em makes my skin crawl. Does that make me a closet drug addict? Homosexuals also make my skin crawl. The whole life style is just completely unappealling to me.

I'm an attractive guy, and ive never had a gay dude straight out hit on me, I do see them checkin me out, especially in the gym. I would be pissed if one of them tried me, i find it to be flat out dissrespectful. I wouldn't go to a gay pride parade cause seeing a bunch of flamers would make my skin crawl, and if one of them hit on me I would end up going to jail. A friend of mine, listening to some stupid chick, decided to go to a gay bar because she said it was "fun." One homo followed him and wouldnt leave him alone no matter what he said. The drunken flamer, eventually followed him to his car tried to grab his **** and ask him if he could give him a BJ. My friend beat him to within an inch of his life and spent 5 months in jail. So to avoid all of that I avoid spots like that all together.

I dont care what you do or who you do it with in the privacy of your own home. If you are a gay adult thats fine just stay away from me. I can converse with a gay person but dont talk to me about your boyfriends or anythign else having to do with your sexuality. I can be nice/civil to a gay person but I won't lie hanging out would never happen. Am I homophobic, your damn right! I just don't think its right.
Apr 3, 2003
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I have to laugh at all the responses. I wasn't going to give my response cause this is a touchy subject with me.

I am old school. Back in my day we called them queers. In the 80's when I first started college they came outta the closet and the gay movement has been growing since.

Now we have gay shows on TV, and it's become more of a norm and you are considered "behind the times" if you display any type of dislike toward homosexuality.

I have watched the whole issued get packaged and sold to society for decades now. I have watched the whole gay movement grow in strenght and power.

I remember Eddie Murpheys first stand up concert where he made fun of them. I remember his second one where he talked about how they hounded him and woke him up to that "they" have power now and are in places where they can cause him I am not a conspiracy nut...

What was once kept in the dark and given therapy too is now considered a way of life. Then so be it...

NOT! A man is a man. With maleness comes the genetic programming that says "get women"..."make babies"...

We are programmed to find suitable females to mate with...that is one of the things that is dominante in the male species of all animals. Women are programmed to find suitable males to breed with.

When you are in touch with your true core as a "genitic" male being near "gay" men doesn't necassary feel good.

It's ok to not like homosexuality. You have been sold a bill of have been bamboozled...hoodwinked...the wool has been pulled over your eyes fellow "genitic" males.

It's ok to express your feelings about the whole issue. Any thing else is weak and giving in to a movement that just started a few decades ago.

It's ok to take the "red" pill and wake up! We don't have to keep our mouths quiet just cause some idiot who is asleep is going to call you a homophobic or backwards.

It's ok not to be comfortable with this issue. You're only responding to the way nature designed "genetic" men...Real men.

We are the ones who have that dominante gene. As a personal trainer I have worked with straight and gay people. Let me say there is something male missing in their make up, that makes them the way they are. I feel sorry for be born without that genetic thing that makes you like the norm or as nature designed men to be.

I know that science claims to have found the gene that opens your propensity to choose that type of life-style. I think it's a gene that doesn't belong in the human race. There is no purpose for it unless you look at the experiment where you put rats in a crowded cage and many will turn homo...helps keep the breeding down...maybe we are breeding too well these days and nature is shutting some men down to reduce the number of children born...I don't know..

But I do know that we shouldn't be afraid to state how we really feel on any issue. What helps us be real men is our ability to state how we really feel.

Those fools who promote lesbian sex just don't see the damage this kinda **** has caused us. Now young chicks are way into this ****. I have dated numerous "bi" chicks and I have seen them do the girly girly love thing...boring...

Mostly chicks will get into each other and then forget about the dude in most of these type of situations...atleast that's what I've heard. In either case...

The art of making love to one woman at a time is getting lost in the bi shuffle.



Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
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Amen, Player_Supreme!

Now we have gay shows on TV, and it's become more of a norm and you are considered "behind the times" if you display any type of dislike toward homosexuality.

Yeah, even worse, you are accused of being a closet homosexual!

When you are in touch with your true core as a "genitic" male being near "gay" men doesn't necassary feel good.

It is creepy. They LOOK and ACT wrong. If they didn't act so psuedo-feminine then it would probably be tolerable.

Those fools who promote lesbian sex just don't see the damage this kinda **** has caused us. Now young chicks are way into this ****. I have dated numerous "bi" chicks and I have seen them do the girly girly love thing...boring...

Good point. I see more and more of this "orgie" type mentality creeping into our society today. It is revolved around sex but eventually destroys sexuality.

People become less concerned with the whole man/woman dynamic to be swept into a flesh-ball of orgie orgasms. It is still a choice like everything else (neither inherently good or bad) but still, I prefer the old fashioned sexuality (not orgasm) driven one-on-one approach.

The art of making love to one woman at a time is getting lost in the bi shuffle.

With lesbians having babies and all (with that BS artificial insemination crap), how many years you think it'll be before old-fashioned sexuality will be flushed down the toilet?

I hope it never happens, and if it does, I hope I am already dead.
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score

With lesbians having babies and all (with that BS artificial insemination crap), how many years you think it'll be before old-fashioned sexuality will be flushed down the toilet?

I hope it never happens, and if it does, I hope I am already dead.



Senior Don Juan
Feb 17, 2003
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Good points made by Player_Supreme and Icepick. I'd be interested in seeing Crotch Sniffer respond to these points they made.
Jun 19, 2003
Reaction score
To Player_Supreme & icepick:

You guys make very convincing arguments for your viewpoints which I respect. The difference between your stand point and the other dudes is their reasoning for not going. They would not admit their own revulsion or accept their homophobia the way you guys have. It was more along the lines of "Gee I hope Mom and Dad don't see me at this thing" or "What would my friends say if they knew" So of course I couldn't help but push their buttons a little. I am glad I did because it has sparked off a very interesting chain of thought here.

Now, while you guys expressed yourselves very well here, I must respectfully disagree on a few points. Player_Supreme, you make it sound like homosexuality is something that is just catching on when history shows us varying cycles of acceptance in society, from Sodom & Gomorrah in the Bible, to the sexually depraved Romans. There is nothing new about this phenomenon and I personally have no problem with it. To each his own and hell, it's just more pvssy for us, LOL!

maybe we are breeding too well these days and nature is shutting some men down to reduce the number of children born
We agree on this point, I believe homosexuality is a work of nature, considering how overpopulated the world is. Imagine if all the gays turned straight! We'd have some serious problems real fast!

I have dated numerous "bi" chicks and I have seen them do the girly girly love thing...boring...
Dude speak for yourself! I think just about every red-blooded man would disagree with you on this!

With lesbians having babies and all (with that BS artificial insemination crap), how many years you think it'll be before old-fashioned sexuality will be flushed down the toilet? I hope it never happens, and if it does, I hope I am already dead.
That is a very frightening thought, but it is beyond the scope of sexuality. We are now talking about man tinkering with the inner workings of nature which is more of a science/ethical issue rather than a sexual one. If genetically enhanced tube babies become the norm, it wont be just lesbos and gays who will be foster parents, it will be the new reproduction for everyone. I shudder at this idea!

To princelydeeds,

No offense, but your friend is an idiot and deserves the time he is doing. Was the fag wrong? Of course. But did he deserve such brutality? Hardly. You are entitled to your opinions though, and I appreciate the input because it made me think.

At the end of it all, I guess there are some things that people will have to agree to disagree on. I have had gay guys try and make moves on me before and I even slapped one guy silly because he wouldn't get the message otherwise, but I would never beat anyone within inches of their life unless my own life was at risk. JMHO though...
Apr 3, 2003
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Crotchsniff: My only problem with your point of view is your refference to the word "homophobia" as if it were something bad. The gays started this word to give some validation for guys who felt the natural disdane for un-natural acts. don't swallow the hype bro.

Having disdane for the acts of homosexuality is ok. It really is ok to not like it and be ok about it. It takes a real man to stand up and say something isn't right here (sheep thought I?)...

I am also aware of the history of homosexuality. Remeber the "Spartans" tough as nails greek soldiers? And yes in sodom and gamorrah is was conisdered an honor to offer you young son to visiting guests for their homosexual pleasure.

My point is that in nature it's not a norm, not like we've been sold that it is and homosexuality is ok...if you believe this then keep taking the blue pill and everything will be ok bruh.

Nature favors what works. Dino's didn't work anymore so there are none. So maybe like I was trying to say about homo's is that maybe there is a reason for there presence in our society but we the genetic men do not have to be pacified and sollied by there presence.

And yes that does mean more for us. I have caught many women from outside this gay bar that has a "hotdog" stand of all things open till 2am , 15 minutes after clubs close up out here in cali.

I do go to pick up hotdogs everynow & then when I come home from clubbing and occasionally watch the lesbeins get into fights. Its kinda commical to watch these women try to fight and act like dudes, when one punch from my big assed black fist would ruin them for life.... I am not a homophobic. I just don't agree with it, and I'm man enough to state how I feel.

I will not be passified cause society says to be that way. I will not state how I feel just cause some pacified person is going to call me this made up word called "homophobic". I have been called worse believe me!

Thanks for your return rebuttal. Your agrument is sound except for my point that I dissagreed with.

If being called homophobic is the worse thing I could ever be called by women then I would gladly step in line to recieve my homophobic pendent and wear it proudly.

Oh my best friend is bi...I don't agree with it...I have been trying to teach him the ways of real manhood with great success. He is now getting good at seducing women. He is building a team of women for his useage...and his bi tendencies have almost dropped away....score one point for humanities side...

Oh yeah I know bi' dudes are the worse cause they spread aids to us straight folks...I use to really hate them for that, but fyuck it life is short and if I can return one back to the flow of life then I have lived a good life...
Jun 19, 2003
Reaction score
Interesting response Player, especially the part about you converting your bi-friend (I have never heard of this happening!)

I guess we disagree on the implications of the word homophobia. I take it literally, as "Fear of homosexuality" and I think there is a big difference between fear and discomfort, but in the end this is all just a word game and I respect your POV. You seem to have a good head on your shoulders and I'm glad we could keep this intelligent without turning it into a flame war. Props on handling yourself with finess yo!

Play on on


Master Don Juan
Feb 19, 2003
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If being called homophobic is the worse thing I could ever be called by women then I would gladly step in line to recieve my homophobic pendent and wear it proudly.
HAHA i love that line player supreme.

Anyways i thought id add my 2 cents in here..personally im not a homophobe..ive worked with a few gay guys in the past and i found them to be really funny and it changed my views on homosexuals to one of...lets say a less hostile nature.

I admit that i was guilty of narrow minded viuews concerning gay guys and yes i still hold some of those views today.

HOWEVER..the province i live in..theres is a whole debate going on about gay marriages...and adoptions and stuff like me redneck..conservative..or whatever..but i dont think that the government should be forced to change laws just because a group gay people scream and rave about equality.

Why do they get parades then? isnt it about incorporation into "normal" society? If and when i have kids, i dont want them going to school and coming home with a textbook that shows 2 dads or something like that. Yeah yeah im being close minded..whatever, its my opinion.

A gay person stand up..makes a lot of noise, they are seen as courageous, etc..a STRAIGHT person stands up and says its not right? they are called homophobes..etc..

And yeah personally i think its wrong, but PERSONALLY. They can do whatever they want inside their own homes.


Master Don Juan
Feb 19, 2003
Reaction score
Oh yeah lol getting back to the question..

Go to the Parade. She may see you as a man whose confident in his own sexuality..HOPEFULLY.

If not..then your you got some "splainin to do. lol


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
just think about it....

call me redneck..conservative..or whatever..but i dont think that the government should be forced to change laws just because a group ___ people scream and rave about equality.
isnt it about incorporation into "normal" society? If and when i have kids, i dont want them going to school and coming home with a textbook that shows_____
and yes i still hold some of those views today.
And yeah personally i think its wrong, but PERSONALLY. They can do whatever they want inside their own homes.
they spread aids to us
Now we have ____ shows on TV, and it's become more of a norm and you are considered "behind the times" if you display any type of dislike toward _______
I hope it never happens, and if it does, I hope I am already dead.
I have watched the whole issued get packaged and sold to society for decades now. I have watched the whole ____ movement grow in strenght and power.
i could go on but the point is do you realize this was all said about black people decades ago????

ive worked with a few gay guys in the past and i found them to be really funny and it changed my views on homosexuals to one of...lets say a less hostile nature.
and have you seen the movie american history x, when edward norton works with the black guy in prison? sounds sooo familiar...

What happens, IN HER MIND, is that she comes to see you as WORTHLESS simply because she hasn't had to INVEST anything in you in order to get you or to keep you.

You were an interesting diversion while she had nothing else to do. But now that someone a little more valuable has come along, someone who expects her to treat him very well, she'll have no problem at all dropping you or demoting you to lowly "friendship" status.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
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If everyone was black, the human race would still be perpetuated.

Now I ask you:

What would happen if everyone was homosexual?

Besides, are these people actually homosexual? The girls act like men, and the men act like girls. If they were actually homosexual, they would act like thier same gender.

"But gender is an artifical construct forced upon young children by society!"

So? Someone had to put it there. It has a reason for existing. The rules of society are not arbitrary. NOW the rules of society that some people are trying to create, they are arbitrary based on the whole "morality/equality" thing.

Anyway, that is a horrible comparison. I hate it when gay people try to bond with the black movement. (Like it is even in the same ballpark, puh-lease!)

Black people were discriminated based on thier COLOR. Gay people (if they are being discriminated against at all, which they are not) are singled out because of thier ACTIONS.

Take gay marriages for instance. What is the point of marriage?


No, the point of marriage is to have children, to procreate. That is the point of love isn't it? To make your DNA live on? How many babies can gay people have without scientific help?


How many gay "marriages" (with the accompanying benifits) should be allowed?


But I really don't care either way, let 'em get married or whatever, THEY are the ones missing the point. I don't think gayness is a natural state. AFC is not a natural state. You can go from girly man to stud, why not go from fairy gay guy to NORMAL guy? (Of course the church already screwed that line of thought a long time ago with thier "forcing" people not to be gay. Damn Catholics!)


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Keesler AFB, Mississippi
I agree with gayness being a fad, especially with bisexuality in chicks. Seems like about half the chicks I know are bi! Who knows, the world is overpopulated ... maybe God is using this as a form of population control :D

I don't mind/care if a friend of mine is gay, but if they start waving their ultraliberal rainbow tinky winky flag in my face and shoving their gay pride down my throat, I'm going to kick them.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Land of the Ruins
I gotta laugh ...

At all those who are saying gayness is a fad now.

They're obviously too young to remember the androgynous glam rock thing of the 70s, and the following "new romantic" stuff of the 80s -- not to mention the hair metal bands, such as Poison.

One band called the Mentors even did a song taking the piss out hair metal called "Heterosexuals Have The Right To Rock."

Even ****ing Nero was doing gay/decadent **** in the first century. There's nothing new under the sun.

If people want to act gay, or be gay, cool by me. I'm not bothered, as long as they're not grabbing my ass. And I don't mind being among a bevvy of bi babes, 2 of which just might be into making a babe sandwich with me in the middle.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2002
Reaction score
Littleton, Colorado, United States
They're obviously too young to remember the androgynous glam rock thing of the 70s, and the following "new romantic" stuff of the 80s -- not to mention the hair metal bands, such as Poison.
No, there's nothing new under the sun but having some androgynous rockers is different from the homosexual fad of today. I mean, Poison may have looked gay but they got tons of pvssy. I don't have a problem with gay people BTW, one of my friends from High School turned out to be gay (not surprising, he never had a girlfriend) and my cousin is bi.

At this point you probably have a woman (or multiple women) chasing you around, calling you all the time, wanting to be with you. So let's talk about how to KEEP a woman interested in you once you have her. This is BIG! There is nothing worse than getting dumped by a woman that you really, really like.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
