She thought she could do better...


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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As recently as 10 years ago, the sort of gals cut from the mold of today's OnlyFans thots moved from Akron to either LA or Vegas, did a hitch in porn(Skinemax fare, hardcore, or both) then returned to the suburbs, married, and adopted white picket fence lives... Social media being in it's infancy made it much easier for these broads to disavow their youthful indiscretions
Ah yes, the soft-core porn of the early cable TV era. :)


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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Ah yes, the soft-core porn of the early cable TV era. :)
As recently as the 2000s, that industry was going strong, and regular viewers could look forward to seeing a gaggle of familiar faces filling out the casts of such flicks. Those "actresses" were the equivalent of today's OF girls


Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2019
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echnology disturbs the social fabric quite frequently, yet somehow, the world keeps on turning
Yes that is true indeed. I agree on that.

But very introduced technologies part/present few has disturbed homos sapiens mating pattern as out newest technology to the point that fewer fewer children are born, less relationships, less marriage, datting patterns, the way the two sexes view each other, etc. etc.; the list goes on and on.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 17, 2021
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Rizal, Philippines
All these chicks that divorce r@pe their husbands never gets old. :rofl:
It always back fire on them and then they go out and make silly TikToks about it.

Now do remember that these are the older generations of women with more instilled traditional values e.g. Boomers, X-gen, and somewhat Millennials.

With the even newer generations I do not see this getting better, but worse as younger Millennials, Generation Z, Generation Alpha have even less loyalty and less beliefs in the older traditional values of love, marriage, monogamy etc. because of the hookup dating culture and social media, feminism with has ripped the old fabric of how interrelationships between men and women works. So Gents, don't get married and protect yourself.

Don't jump into marriage because you have onitis (e.g. being in-love). Always do your due diligence over minimum I would argue minimum two years to get to learn the real person behind the face.

Women also have tendency to hide their real personalities for a very long time so it has to be long time to get to know who they really are. Don't be the next fool that will be turned into a wreck because she thought she could do better than you.

Only marry a chick if there is kids involved and stay safe my dudebros.
It is going to get absolutely more brutal out there as we move head throughout the next years to come.
As much as everyone can express their opinions,
some opinions are just plain wrong.

Her opinion led to this, and since she chose without any foresight (and partly also due to the former husband being complacent), she let this happen.

Sometimes, with these kinds of people, I wish that I care, but I just don't, and I can't, not with that kind of life and attitude.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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Getting married would be fine, if our society were not geared toward rewarding divorce.
I don't know man... now there's a new study saying after ONE( to 4) year a woman craves new wiener. By that time a man on the other hand is basically settling with the idea he is the head if the household. So the attraction moves in a contrary direction: man finds peace being with her, woman feels unrest staying with him.

I just "lost" some simp homies because they lack game so they bought a woman from a 3rd world shytehole. Mind you, ZERO GAME. I obviously won't plaster them with my"knowledge " because it won't work anyway. But I bet they'll be going through tons of drama after like 3 months and will be left with a annoying little sister at best.

Again, we as man are stupid enough to invite such drama voluntarily into our life.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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I don't know man... now there's a new study saying after ONE( to 4) year a woman craves new wiener. By that time a man on the other hand is basically settling with the idea he is the head if the household. So the attraction moves in a contrary direction: man finds peace being with her, woman feels unrest staying with him.
And guys crave fresh vagina 20 minutes after they've banged the last one. Doesn't matter. The question is what gets those cravings under control. What matters is the values and social aspects of society. We live in a very gynocentric society today. There have been, and are, cultures where women have little to no power, and are basically property. But you don't need to go to that extreme to keep marriages together. As recently as the '60s, most women had to depend on having a husband to survive economically. And before that, unfaithfulness in marriage, and even simple divorce, resulted in being viewed with a great deal of shame. Those societal norms helped keep primal urges under control.

The most important aspect of a marriage is providing a good environment for raising children. That's why people are so messed up these days, they grow up without a father, or without proper values. For most people, government is their daddy. No wonder so many are so eager to place themselves under its yoke.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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And guys crave fresh vagina 20 minutes after they've banged the last one. Doesn't matter. The question is what gets those cravings under control. What matters is the values and social aspects of society. We live in a very gynocentric society today. There have been, and are, cultures where women have little to no power, and are basically property. But you don't need to go to that extreme to keep marriages together. As recently as the '60s, most women had to depend on having a husband to survive economically. And before that, unfaithfulness in marriage, and even simple divorce, resulted in being viewed with a great deal of shame. Those societal norms helped keep primal urges under control.

The most important aspect of a marriage is providing a good environment for raising children. That's why people are so messed up these days, they grow up without a father, or without proper values. For most people, government is their daddy. No wonder so many are so eager to place themselves under its yoke.
Said it many times before, but it's amazing to see (Europe) how there are literary multiple cultures living in one country.

We have so many Muslims it's clear to see how they move. Somehow, their women are the least being named in "scandals" ( when promiscuous behaviour is the bar for a scandal). So I observe as both a non white western and a non Muslim. And all I can make up out of it is culture culture culture.

By now the average Western men would literary take a life to be in the position of a Muslim man.

DJ Novice

Don Juan
Jan 8, 2023
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Most women do well financially out of divorce and the male thirst epidemic.

However their delusional expectations about the type of man they think they deserve when they are in their 40s and 50s and their looks have deteriorated leaves most of them frustrated, bitter and single.

I’ve been on Bumble for a month now and only one message and two likes which didn’t go anywhere. It doesn’t bother me as I have a few current options from other online dating sites but I did expect a bit more interest as I think I’m about a 7 at my age (56).

One thing I have noticed is that a lot of women are on multiple online dating sites and some of them appear to have been on these sites for years. Seems to support my hypothesis.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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Getting married would be fine, if our society were not geared toward rewarding divorce.
No fault divorce was the beginning of the end of marriage. The people who advocated this insane policy were either complete morons or deliberate saboteurs. The same people are now trying to effectively decriminalize larceny (i.e. refusing to prosecute "minor" property crimes). I suppose "no fault murder" will be next.
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Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2019
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They're almost like empty vessels, devoid of water...
Most girls have nothing, zilch going for them. No plans, no hobbies, no real friends (bycthes hate bytches), and sit all day and watch worthless sitcoms TV series when they are not working.

I think this is why many hate it when we're out with "the bois", because they know we do have real friends and stuff to do.
It reminds them of how empty their own lives are....


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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Married guy here. I got married because I wanted kids mainly, and kind of a mini team to create a life with.

as I entered my mid 30s, some friends died, some moved away, some because alcoholics, and other than my social club and golf club, I genuinely was pretty lonely. I don’t like an empty house.

now, regardless of divorce, I have a child and number 2 is planned. To the day I die; I will have 2 people in my corner, and I’m in theirs. I don’t need to worry about anything as I have my purpose and my reason to live.

where I feel others differ is many men are a-ok just pleasing themselves, don’t mind their own company and don’t have any interest in children or women beyond their VG.

If it was about VG, I was doing just fine on OLD with usually women who didn’t want kids who are a large part of post 30 OLD. It’s precisely the opposite. Also, i genuinely don’t need pvssy. Being honest I could bang escorts or jack off and it doesn’t bother me, I’ve had enough sechs.

I genuinely don’t know how I would fill my days without kids. It’s a rollercoaster ride but a defining human experience for me.

Odds are one day I’m going to lose some of my assets and have to be part time dad - although nothing currently suggest this. At present I am
Probably more likely to leave than her! The money doesn’t bother me, I will have enough, I earn well and to be fair, I would prefer my (then) ex wife to have enough to provide for them. Although infidelity would probably change that view, but nothing else would. My wife is getting to an age where as a single mother she wouldn’t be grade A material and my wife isn’t a very sexual person generally. She is not the sort to ride the carousel, although all of them have it in them.

if we split I would probs find another divorcee a bit younger or just date around.

I’m sure many of you think I’m a beta cuck etc but to me, the notion that money, and your own time etc is more important than a project like kids is self-centred and kind of missing the bigger picture, but a lot of my friends aren’t having kids so I know it’s a popular option these days

one of my best mates is very wealthy, having never dated much and when he did he refused to spend a dime on them, meaning they all left. He is not attractive looking. He is eyeing up a Ferrari and has paid off his mortgage. To me this seems like missing the point. Who are you leaving this to? Is your own self satisfaction really that much of a priority? Is it worth trading a life of christmasses, noisy houses, full of laughter, for a hunk of metal? I just don’t get it.
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Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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Don Juan
Sep 29, 2019
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Married guy here. I got married because I wanted kids mainly, and kind of a mini team to create a life with.

as I entered my mid 30s, some friends died, some moved away, some because alcoholics, and other than my social club and golf club, I genuinely was pretty lonely. I don’t like an empty house.

now, regardless of divorce, I have a child and number 2 is planned. To the day I die; I will have 2 people in my corner, and I’m in theirs. I don’t need to worry about anything as I have my purpose and my reason to live.

Odds are one day I’m going to lose some of my assets and have to be part time dad - although nothing currently suggest this.

Probably more likely to leave than her!
Kids eventually grow up and live their own lives, having them in your corner isn’t an absolute, especially in a broken home. Why bring kids into the picture if there is a likelihood of a divorce? That is inward thinking in itself rather than for their well being.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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Kids eventually grow up and live their own lives, having them in your corner isn’t an absolute, especially in a broken home. Why bring kids into the picture if there is a likelihood of a divorce? That is inward thinking in itself rather than for their well being.
If you shouldn’t bring kids into it if you can divorce, you have to do away with marriage.

I acknowledge that it’s a possibility, that’s it.

The point I am making is not having kids or getting married because you’re scared of losing some money is a bit weak.

if you don’t want that life, don’t do it, but you shouldn’t desire it and not bother because of money.

no guarantees to anything, but never having kids does guarantee you never experience the incredible experience of fatherhood.