She thought she could do better...


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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One could put together a similar graph chronicling how many people have been murdered, maimed, or disabled via firearm, from the year our species first appeared-through the present. From The 13th Century forward, those numbers would go nowhere but up. Technology disturbs the social fabric quite frequently, yet somehow, the world keeps on turning
And some people will still prefer blades to firearms to murder silently and in the dark.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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All these chicks that divorce r@pe their husbands never gets old. :rofl:
It always back fire on them and then they go out and make silly TikToks about it.

Now do remember that these are the older generations of women with more instilled traditional values e.g. Boomers, X-gen, and somewhat Millennials.

With the even newer generations I do not see this getting better, but worse as younger Millennials, Generation Z, Generation Alpha have even less loyalty and less beliefs in the older traditional values of love, marriage, monogamy etc. because of the hookup dating culture and social media, feminism with has ripped the old fabric of how interrelationships between men and women works. So Gents, don't get married and protect yourself.

Don't jump into marriage because you have onitis (e.g. being in-love). Always do your due diligence over minimum I would argue minimum two years to get to learn the real person behind the face.

Women also have tendency to hide their real personalities for a very long time so it has to be long time to get to know who they really are. Don't be the next fool that will be turned into a wreck because she thought she could do better than you.

Only marry a chick if there is kids involved and stay safe my dudebros.
It is going to get absolutely more brutal out there as we move head throughout the next years to come.
If I had a wifey with kids, it wouldn't bother men that she gets support - the reason is that at that point she would be governess for my kids. Of course, I can only say this now being more financially secure.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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As recently as 10 years ago, the sort of gals cut from the mold of today's OnlyFans thots moved from Akron to either LA or Vegas, did a hitch in porn(Skinemax fare, hardcore, or both) then returned to the suburbs, married, and adopted white picket fence lives... Social media being in it's infancy made it much easier for these broads to disavow their youthful indiscretions
Ah yes, the soft-core porn of the early cable TV era. :)


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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Ah yes, the soft-core porn of the early cable TV era. :)
As recently as the 2000s, that industry was going strong, and regular viewers could look forward to seeing a gaggle of familiar faces filling out the casts of such flicks. Those "actresses" were the equivalent of today's OF girls