Don Juan
Hi, I'm new here. Just registered to post this topic. It's gonna be a long one so you might wanna get yourself a cup of coffee before reading on.
So, it's about a girl (duh!
) who is a colleague of mine (I'm in college). I'm in my second college year (just graduated into the 3rd) and for almost 2 years I never tried to hit on her. About 1 month before school year was out we went out with some colleagues and then we went just the two of us to have a drink.
Before this I was making subtle movements, such as inviting her over to my place to watch a movie and so on. Of course I never expected her to say yes, I was just trying to get her attention. Which worked, as she asked me (when we went out for that drink) if I wanted more from "US" than just be friends (we weren't never actually friends, but we did talk about many things including relashionships between me and other women that I had at the time).
So when she asked me that I didn't give her an answer, but instead just kissed her. Not a very long kiss (though it WAS a french kiss) because she pushed away from me in surprise. She said she never expected I'd do that, blah blah blah. I told her I never expected it too and kissed her again. This time it was a very nice kiss. She looked blown off her feet. Well, actually she was.
She then told me that she has a boyfriend (I was aware of that) which she has been with for the past 2 years. I didn't pursue the topic and said I like her necklace. So then she started telling me that only once more in her life had she trembled in a man's arms (and it was NOT her present boyfriend), that she really liked how I had kissed her, that she looked at me ever since the first day a walked into the classroom and tried to get my attention and didn't understand why I don't notice her (which in fact I did, just never showed it to her), that she was blushing every time she talked to me before.
Then she asked me whether i see her boyfriend as a threat. I said no. She told me then that we weren't going to have sex very soon
and I replied joking whether next year same hour would be a good time for her. She said she has to think about it and we kissed some more and when we got out of the bar I took her hand and when we separated I kissed her again.
Ok, i didn't call her for 4 days and then I phone her, tell her we should get together and she invites me to her place (don't get excited, she lives with her parents). At her place she tells me she thought about it and she has a boyfriend that loves her and which she loves back and that had I had kissed her two years ago she wouldn't have hesitated to be with me, but now it's just not possible. I left very angry and frustrated.
The next time we saw each other at school I didn't give her a glance and I could see that upset her. The next day after ignoring her we saw each other we were going to a bar with other colleagues and I told them that me and her have other plans, not having previously consulted her on that.
She was upset that I didn't give her a choice but after a few jokes was ok. We did some casual talk during that time I was holding her hand while sitting in the bar, and then I told her that I'm not giving up on her. She was touched to tears (her eyes looked moist, it wasn't my imagination) and said that her whole life she wanted to hear someone say that to her and to hear it coming from me was just... amazing. So we talked some more and when I walked her to the taxi we kissed goodbye (french kiss again).
Our next meeting was a real date (the first one) and she then told me that we can't see each other anymore. I was very upset, told her that I thought she had good taste in men. She then tried to comfort me, constantly touching me on the face, holding my hands tight etc. I didn't cave in so when we left she asked me if she could hold me in her arms just one time, I agreed and then I left.
The cycle repeated itself one more time (the next date we kissed, the next one she said we shouldn't see each other). I was desperate.
So I played my final card, I called her and said I have something very important to tell her, she was very curious and asked me to tell her over the phone, I said I can't do that and asked her to meet me down town the next day. She agreed but called me the next day to change the meeting and have me come over her place.
So I went and begun some small talk. She was intrigued and kept asking me to tell her what was that I wanted to say. I told her that if she wants to know she has to kiss me (well, if a woman is intrigued enough she will do just about anything to find out something, but I guess you all know that by now
). She said that she doesn't want to kiss me, I said it's ok, but then I won't tell her what it was I wanted to say. So she came close to me an gave me a short kiss on the cheek. I noded disaprovingly and pointed at my lips. She again objected but finally kissed me. I said I wanted a french kiss, not an usual kiss. She again objected, I again pointed out that if she doesn't kiss me I won't tell her, so she approached my lips to kiss me. It was amazing, she was so aroused...
After that I invented something to tell her (because, as you probably figured by now, I had nothing important to tell her), we kissed some more than I left.
Her boyfriend is living in her home town and during school they see each other scarcely, once every couple of months. But during summer and on holidays they are together because she goes home (her second home, that is, but not living with him, with her father).
So next time I phoned her her boyfriend was at her place with her parents and she was very *****y. I told her I would have never expected her to be like this with me and hung up. I called her again 4-5 days later and her mom told me she's not home and she returns 2 weeks later.
So now she's with her boyfriend (I don't know that for sure but I think it's a fare assumption to make) and she will come home in 2-3 days.
What I want you to tell me is what should I do now, since all of my usual tactics were useless. Had I wanted just to sleep with her I probably would have succeeded, but my goal was for her to leave her boyfriend and be with me. Her boyfriend doesn't appreciate her anyway, and I say it though I don't know him.
What would you advise me to do? When she told me over the phone that her boyfriend is at her place I could have adopted a "knight in shining armour" tactic and go to her place and get her out of there but I think that would've just be lame, and she would have rejected me on the spot.
Advice please.
So, it's about a girl (duh!
Before this I was making subtle movements, such as inviting her over to my place to watch a movie and so on. Of course I never expected her to say yes, I was just trying to get her attention. Which worked, as she asked me (when we went out for that drink) if I wanted more from "US" than just be friends (we weren't never actually friends, but we did talk about many things including relashionships between me and other women that I had at the time).
So when she asked me that I didn't give her an answer, but instead just kissed her. Not a very long kiss (though it WAS a french kiss) because she pushed away from me in surprise. She said she never expected I'd do that, blah blah blah. I told her I never expected it too and kissed her again. This time it was a very nice kiss. She looked blown off her feet. Well, actually she was.
She then told me that she has a boyfriend (I was aware of that) which she has been with for the past 2 years. I didn't pursue the topic and said I like her necklace. So then she started telling me that only once more in her life had she trembled in a man's arms (and it was NOT her present boyfriend), that she really liked how I had kissed her, that she looked at me ever since the first day a walked into the classroom and tried to get my attention and didn't understand why I don't notice her (which in fact I did, just never showed it to her), that she was blushing every time she talked to me before.
Then she asked me whether i see her boyfriend as a threat. I said no. She told me then that we weren't going to have sex very soon
Ok, i didn't call her for 4 days and then I phone her, tell her we should get together and she invites me to her place (don't get excited, she lives with her parents). At her place she tells me she thought about it and she has a boyfriend that loves her and which she loves back and that had I had kissed her two years ago she wouldn't have hesitated to be with me, but now it's just not possible. I left very angry and frustrated.
The next time we saw each other at school I didn't give her a glance and I could see that upset her. The next day after ignoring her we saw each other we were going to a bar with other colleagues and I told them that me and her have other plans, not having previously consulted her on that.
She was upset that I didn't give her a choice but after a few jokes was ok. We did some casual talk during that time I was holding her hand while sitting in the bar, and then I told her that I'm not giving up on her. She was touched to tears (her eyes looked moist, it wasn't my imagination) and said that her whole life she wanted to hear someone say that to her and to hear it coming from me was just... amazing. So we talked some more and when I walked her to the taxi we kissed goodbye (french kiss again).
Our next meeting was a real date (the first one) and she then told me that we can't see each other anymore. I was very upset, told her that I thought she had good taste in men. She then tried to comfort me, constantly touching me on the face, holding my hands tight etc. I didn't cave in so when we left she asked me if she could hold me in her arms just one time, I agreed and then I left.
The cycle repeated itself one more time (the next date we kissed, the next one she said we shouldn't see each other). I was desperate.
So I played my final card, I called her and said I have something very important to tell her, she was very curious and asked me to tell her over the phone, I said I can't do that and asked her to meet me down town the next day. She agreed but called me the next day to change the meeting and have me come over her place.
So I went and begun some small talk. She was intrigued and kept asking me to tell her what was that I wanted to say. I told her that if she wants to know she has to kiss me (well, if a woman is intrigued enough she will do just about anything to find out something, but I guess you all know that by now
After that I invented something to tell her (because, as you probably figured by now, I had nothing important to tell her), we kissed some more than I left.
Her boyfriend is living in her home town and during school they see each other scarcely, once every couple of months. But during summer and on holidays they are together because she goes home (her second home, that is, but not living with him, with her father).
So next time I phoned her her boyfriend was at her place with her parents and she was very *****y. I told her I would have never expected her to be like this with me and hung up. I called her again 4-5 days later and her mom told me she's not home and she returns 2 weeks later.
So now she's with her boyfriend (I don't know that for sure but I think it's a fare assumption to make) and she will come home in 2-3 days.
What I want you to tell me is what should I do now, since all of my usual tactics were useless. Had I wanted just to sleep with her I probably would have succeeded, but my goal was for her to leave her boyfriend and be with me. Her boyfriend doesn't appreciate her anyway, and I say it though I don't know him.
What would you advise me to do? When she told me over the phone that her boyfriend is at her place I could have adopted a "knight in shining armour" tactic and go to her place and get her out of there but I think that would've just be lame, and she would have rejected me on the spot.
Advice please.
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