She gave me the number...I didnt ask for it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
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DJF_or_john said:
Instead, you are sitting here trying to figure out a strategy for a chick, there is no strategies.
This proves how dumb you are. You are saying there are no strategies, yet you are lecturing the guy on what he should be doing. Well, 'what he should be doing' is just one strategy out of a set of all possible strategies. So youre saying there are no strategies, yet at the same time, trying to convince the guy to follow your bullsh1t strategies.

man, are you the king of contridicting yourself or what?

There are no theories.
Well, the idea of there "being no theories" is a theory in itself. Another great logical paradox you have created oh great 'king of contridicting himself'

Do this...okay?

1/ PUT YOUR MIND ELSEWHERE, Leave this chick alone, don't call her back, don't do shyt else with her. Shyt else.
2. Read my thread on embracing your sexuality, learn to control it and use it.
3. Now, you should begin to feel COMFORTABLE in YOUR sexuality, thus, women will feel comfortable in THEIRS around YOU.
4. Now make it a thing to go out and see "what's going on" with about 5 different women a day.
5. Phone sex them over the phone.
6. Then fvck them in person.
7. Then....after the fvckign has taken place, sit down and think to yourself. Should I just continue fvckin this chick, or does she fulfill my needs for a relationship?
Holy sh1t balls!!!, this sounds like some kind of attempt at a recipe for success, aka A STRATEGY. Say, werent you the guy who just said there are no strategies? yet another contridiction, 2 so far in this post alone. Hey, lets look at what you said again:

DJF_or_john said:
there is no strategies.
there you have it folks, DJF is making an @ss out of himself as we speak.
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
GOGL< what DJF is saying is not a strategy, moreso it is embracing your genetically ordained sexual drive to express a romantic interest in a girl versus all else! This doesn't work for everyone because we all have differing innate personalities which would determine how we approach -- not all men are so overtly expressive and thus may come off awkward! This aggressive approach are better suited for pimps!


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2006
Reaction score
Last Man Standing said:
GOGL< what DJF is saying is not a strategy, moreso it is embracing your genetically ordained sexual drive to express a romantic interest in a girl versus all else! This doesn't work for everyone because we all have differing innate personalities which would determine how we approach -- not all men are so overtly expressive and thus may come off awkward! This aggressive approach are better suited for pimps!
And im far from a pimp.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
Last Man Standing said:
GOGL< what DJF is saying is not a strategy, moreso it is embracing your genetically ordained sexual drive to express a romantic interest in a girl versus all else! This doesn't work for everyone because we all have differing innate personalities which would determine how we approach -- not all men are so overtly expressive and thus may come off awkward! This aggressive approach are better suited for pimps!
What he is saying is still a strategy. Its still a procedure that can be followed, and yield an outcome that may or may not cause one to be successful with women. Thus its a strategy!

a strategy is a procedure that can be followed that may or may not achieve a goal. If its is a procedure than can be followed, then it is one possible strategy out of all possible strategies. Think about it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2006
Reaction score
Just as the thread is dying it gets bumped!

lmao. bored so heres all the update I can give.

I did not call her the next day after the original day I called. even though she requested me to...I didnt.

Did not talk to her for almost 2 days....than as I was leaving my 4th hour class I saw her way down the hall and she was with some friends...I ended up in front of her and I headed for my locker. SHe entered a class behind me....than I left my locker and got about a 3rd of the down the hall and she must of zoomed up behind me pretty fast to get to me...tapped me on the shoulder initiated some small talk. And I more or less showed minimal interest, focused on other things around me than when we got to an interesection we had to depart and I really didnt even say bye lol...just kinda headed my own direction.

o.0 all the update I can provide. I more or less gave up on it, do to the boyfriend thing. She can keep pursuing if she wants, but I think its best if I stop. Anyone agree or disagree?


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
pvf94 said:
o.0 all the update I can provide. I more or less gave up on it, do to the boyfriend thing. She can keep pursuing if she wants, but I think its best if I stop. Anyone agree or disagree?
Plenty of fish in the sea so don't get your net all knotted trying to catch just one.
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
God_of_getting_layed said:
What he is saying is still a strategy. Its still a procedure that can be followed, and yield an outcome that may or may not cause one to be successful with women. Thus its a strategy!

a strategy is a procedure that can be followed that may or may not achieve a goal. If its is a procedure than can be followed, then it is one possible strategy out of all possible strategies. Think about it.
You are getting caught up in semantics. It is natural for a man to pursue a woman - this is part of iur sexual nature - whether explicit or implied!

PVf94 - what is your objective?


Senior Don Juan
Feb 2, 2007
Reaction score
So you're nexting her before you even find out the truth about the BF thing? What a pvssy. Why dont you man up and ask her? If she says she has one, say "cool, later." If she says she doesnt say "cool, you do now."

What is so damn hard about that?

DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
pvf, this is the basic of what I am trying to tell you.

You are putting TOO MUCH energy into ONE GIRL.

There's no guarantee you will get a particular girl, but my playing the field you always get yoru sales, which lead to other things.

Don't be like this guys I work with. Don't put all your attention and energy and focus on ONE COMPANY.

Print yourself a list and focus on MANY COMPANIES.

Don't focus on ONE GIRL.

Focus on MANY GIRLS.

Rejection will still come, but rejection doesn't feel like rejection anymore when you are sexual. Being sexual is a joy that is eternal, thus, it can't be broken.

When you log back in here, talk about the 7 or 10 girls you are talking to, I don't want to hear you talk about the 1 girl you are talking to.

I want a pipeline FILLED with prospects, not this ONE prospect you want to close.

Dont' be lazy. Go in the field and acquire MANY MANY WOMEN.

And as far as taking advice from posters on this forum, PLEASE...AVOID...The God of Getting Laid. He is a troll and needs to be banned immediately.

- John


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2006
Reaction score
john you realize your saying your way is the only way? lol


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2006
Reaction score
Last Man Standing said:
You are getting caught up in semantics. It is natural for a man to pursue a woman - this is part of iur sexual nature - whether explicit or implied!

PVf94 - what is your objective?
My objective is to atleast get her out on a date or just to simply "hangout" but it seems intrusive because of the boyfriend.......mind you I havent asked yet. So thats still an option.

woods said:
So you're nexting her before you even find out the truth about the BF thing? What a pvssy. Why dont you man up and ask her? If she says she has one, say "cool, later." If she says she doesnt say "cool, you do now."

What is so damn hard about that?
sound's alot easier said than done, she stated that she was with her boyfriend at the store when I called her. Thats the reason I more or less gave up.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
DJF or John said:
pvf, this is the basic of what I am trying to tell you.

You are putting TOO MUCH energy into ONE GIRL.

There's no guarantee you will get a particular girl, but my playing the field you always get yoru sales, which lead to other things.

Don't be like this guys I work with. Don't put all your attention and energy and focus on ONE COMPANY.

Print yourself a list and focus on MANY COMPANIES.

Don't focus on ONE GIRL.

Focus on MANY GIRLS.

Rejection will still come, but rejection doesn't feel like rejection anymore when you are sexual. Being sexual is a joy that is eternal, thus, it can't be broken.

When you log back in here, talk about the 7 or 10 girls you are talking to, I don't want to hear you talk about the 1 girl you are talking to.

I want a pipeline FILLED with prospects, not this ONE prospect you want to close.

Dont' be lazy. Go in the field and acquire MANY MANY WOMEN.

And as far as taking advice from posters on this forum, PLEASE...AVOID...The God of Getting Laid. He is a troll and needs to be banned immediately.

- John
How about you go contridict yourself again. oh, I know. How about you state how there are no strategies for getting women, and then turn around and tell someone a strategy to get women!! Genius!!!

Speaking of trolls. You have already been banned several times before for trolling this forum. Once a troll, always a troll.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2006
Reaction score
Enough with the flaming fella's, where supposed to be helping each other. Back on topic eh? =)


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2006
Reaction score
Kinda funny how this is working out.

When the new semester in school started, she wanted to be in a class with me.

It didnt end up happening. Didnt get 1 class together.

Now today 1 week later, I get called down to administration. The administrator tells me that I can pick any class I want....and that all I need is 1 class a day in order to graduate. **im 19 still in highschool :rockon:

And I remember her telling me to try and get into one of her classes. I remembered which one, and thats the class I picked.....that and its a blowoff class. (Painting)

Now I get to throw my game down 5 days a week. And I get a much easier chance to talk to her....

Game on......though its not my main priority anymore. Im over with the whole...oneitis thing. Got another number last night when I was at a friends place. :yes: