She gave me the number...I didnt ask for it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2006
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So there is this girl that I have been talking too for the past week. I meet her in one of my classes and we hit if off pretty good from what I can tell...had her laughing hysterically, starting convo with me, getting my on. Took us a while to start talking...didnt start talking till the end of the semester. But the last week of the class was great.

This is based off of another thread I made but this is more straight to the point.

The last day of the class she was mentioning how she was sad the class was over now, and that it was a blast the last week. At that point I asked her for her myspace. She wrote it down immediatly. That class is over now.

There are a few indicators of interest I have noted.

Laughing at most of anything I say

Letting me kino her

I said my lips where dry, she promptly took out her chapstick, used it...and than offered the same stick to me. I used it.

I added her on myspace, we shot a couple messages back and forth.

I gave her my s/n and told her to shoot me a message sometime. She agreed, than the next morning sent me an email saying..."I forgot, heres my screen name" She gave me it.

I im'd her a day later, we talked for a good 20 minutes or so and this is the end of the convo.
her: lol
her: hey i got to go but you should call me sometime
her: heres my number *** ****
her: give it a ring o ling
me: area code ***?
her: fer sure
me: we can do coffee sometime
me: later
her: later

Now I didnt ask for her number at all and **** just gave it to me.

It would all be painfully obvious that she is interested.....

But her myspace displays that she has a boyfriend and so!


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
1) You should have asked for her number instead of myspace in the beginning...that's weak man.

2) It shows she has a bf? So what? Are they married? They're not married, he's not a friend, so fair game. Why does he deserve her more than you? Because he happened to bump into her first? So what? As long as he is not a jealous psycho who will make getting her dangerous, then go for it.


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2006
Reaction score
The same exact scenario happened to me a handful of times a long time ago.This was before i discovered ss,in retrospect you know what i think this "gesture" means? You've been fz'ed.

Maybe it's just me or that i did fall anyway in that trap before but it's my honest opinion.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2006
Reaction score
Friendzoned after only really talking to her 5-6 times?

I find it as a good sign that she is throwing her information at me so liberally. Anybody agree?

I respect your opinion just tryin to be positive =)


Senior Don Juan
Feb 2, 2007
Reaction score
Think of a C+F way to ask how mad her boyfriend will be when you two go out for coffee. message her that right now.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2006
Reaction score
let me also add this.

I was thinking it over after my morning jog.

Would you give a member of the opposite sex your email, screen name, last name, and phone number....without any attraction?

I guess im boiling it down to the fact that she has to have a decent level of interest or attraction.

She gave number yesterday, im gonna call her in the evening on monday......sound good? Also if you guys can think of anything slick to say it would be appreciated. Or a way to ask her out to do something. Im sure I can think of something, and already have. But you fellas can provide me with even more options.


Don Juan
Jul 31, 2005
Reaction score
Good job but why not go for girls that are single? Less drama and then you're invovled with a girl that has a bf. Sure they aren't married but it will save you a ton of trouble getting invovled with a girl that has a bf. Besides if she leaves him for you then she could do the very same thing to you when another guy comes along. Save yourself before the drama hits man.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 2, 2007
Reaction score
Also, some chicks put Bf on their myspace to not get e-hit on. or it may be there from a previous relationship, and never got around to changing it. Find out the scoop. That will show her that you are not going for friendship. I'd just outright ask "Whats up with this boyfriend crap on your page?" Then, she will either say:
A) I dont have one, dont worry.
B) I thought we were just friends . or:
C) I have one, but I want you anyway.
Perfect way to find out her real IL if you ask me


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2006
Reaction score
"Whats up with this boyfriend crap on your page?"

I like the idea, anybody got a smoother way of wording it?

or any other ideas period? =P This is fun


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
pvf94 said:
Would you give a member of the opposite sex your email, screen name, last name, and phone number....without any attraction?
Not to piss on your chips, but if you are an attention *****, yes. If you're a woman who wants to be popular, or make her bf jealous without any interest in you, yes.

On the other hand, the kino is a good sign, the bf could well be an old relationship or one she wants to end. My advice is to not mention it and escalate sexually without seeming too eager. Call her up, say 'I'm going to get liquored up, wanna join me?' and take it from there.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2006
Reaction score
Nighthawk said:
Not to piss on your chips, but if you are an attention *****, yes. If you're a woman who wants to be popular, or make her bf jealous without any interest in you, yes.

On the other hand, the kino is a good sign, the bf could well be an old relationship or one she wants to end. My advice is to not mention it and escalate sexually without seeming too eager. Call her up, say 'I'm going to get liquored up, wanna join me?' and take it from there.

yea, the thing is she does not seem to be like that at all. And she doesnt that idea is down the hole.... =P

Other suggestions that correlate around this would be great.
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
TillTheEndOfTime said:
1) You should have asked for her number instead of myspace in the beginning...that's weak man.
Dildo, I mean "Ditto"!

Why ask for e-mails and myspace? Let her know by your actions that you are interested in her romantically and not as her entertaining clown.

Do not bring up the so-called b/f - let her bring it up!


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2003
Reaction score
Seems like she's into you. Just mack on her and ignore the whole boyfriend thing. If you ignore it, so will she (if she even really has one).


Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2004
Reaction score
Last Man Standing said:
Dildo, I mean "Ditto"!

Why ask for e-mails and myspace? Let her know by your actions that you are interested in her romantically and not as her entertaining clown.

Do not bring up the so-called b/f - let her bring it up!
This pretty much says it all. If she hasn't brought up the b/f don't bring it up.

As a side note, someone above mentioned how it could be old info. This has happened to me before. The chic myspaced me and basically implied she wanted to hook up. I just said flat out "what's this in a relationship stuff?" and she said "oh that's old, I just never changed it." Could have been a lie, but it was good enough for me.


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2004
Reaction score
These situations suck,however when you ask her out, then you'll know where you stand. If she avoids it, then she's attached. Don't bother with her. (Attention wh*re) If she goes out with you and gives off no vibe of attraction or invites a friend, then you also know where you stand.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2006
Reaction score
The advice and recommendations are becoming better and better, more of what I was looking for.

Keep it up gentleman....ill be seeing her potentially tommarrow.. Pending on if we have a class together or not. If we dont I am going to call her a couple hours or so after school. Any pointers on what to do or say there?

If not i can wing it.

DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
pvf94, you are making a big mistake here buddy.

You are:

1. Putting too much thought into this.
2. Taking this girl too seriously
3. Not pursuing more women.

Dude, since you have been speakign with this chick for a while, why don't you just fvck this chick. Read My thread in the Tips section called, the "Here's The Magic Pill."

While there really is no magic pill, the ONLY reason a chick fvcks a guy is because the guy has a high amount of sexual vibe. Read that thread dude.

You are putting WAY to much thought into this one chick, and this is how the matrix starts.

1. You focus all of your efforts on this one chick.
2. By doing this for a while, it becomes a HABIT. Habits are HARD TO BREAK.
3. Then, out of the blue, the chick STOPS talking to you.
4. Then you come back to the forum and "update" us on what's happened, and these "experienced" posters tell you to just move on. that point.....ITS HARD TO MOVE ON! That's like telling a guy that's become an alcoholic to just PUT THE BOTTLE DOWN and move on. The problem has become a HABIT...and changing a hard.

GET THE FVCK OUT of this matrix now!

Matter of fact, I need you to do this right this right here.....

Either online, at the bar, anywhere, I need you to run out and talk with 15 different girls right now. I need you to go meet 15 chicks. Hell, if you have to log into a chat room and do it!

Get some numbers and chat them up.....I want you to focus on WOMEN not a WOMAN.

Go, go! I am trying to tell you buddy. IF you ignore me, and keep going in this matrix, when that chick leaves and SHE WILL (Trust me), your azz will be sitting on the side of the road for weeks with an emotional fvcking breakdown.

Break the fvckin Habit before it starts!

DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
pvf94, if you didn't understand what I just said, let me know and I will explain it further.

What you do DAILY, and what you do OFTEN, forms a HABIT.

Okay, by you putting all of this thought into a particular chick, whether you want to or not, you WILL form a HABIT of liking her.

That shyt creates states in guys that are NOT attractive.

So you get actually the opposite of what you are TYRING TO get by doing all of this thinking.

You actually start turning the chick off, and because you haven't even FVCKED this chick

Dude trust me, all of your analysing is going to go on and on, the chick might start liking you for a while, then OUT OF THE BLUE, she will drop your azz.

Trust me.

By that time, you would have developed a HABIT of liking her. So now what are you going to do?

You can't just STOP liking her! You've formed a habit of the shyt.

But guess what, she doesn't liek you at all, and you can't keep calling her either.

So now you sit there, in pain, in heartache.....praying to God that she just call you back.


You are fvcked.

Seek WOMEN, don't seek a WOMAN.

Women love only ONE MAN.

But a successful PUA loves ALL WOMEN, he never loves just ONE.

That's why I say WOMEN are embrace THEM, and fvck THEM...not "her."


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2006
Reaction score
But I really havent escalated to the point that I have even come close to rejection John. And im over being upset when I get rejected or the flow stops with a particular girl.

So far I havent recieved anything negative at all out of this whole scenerio, it has only brought better and better. I can handle a big crash if need be, your advice is good. But im not just gonna drop this, I have no reason to. Agree or disagree, but it would seem kinda ridiculous to do this. Im not really looking for multiple one night stands or the special ability to **** drunk girls....because thats not rewarding to me.

Im going after a woman right now....definently focusing alot of thought and time into it. If it ends up in failure, im human....I try for what I want. And this girl is what I want. I am here to get advice on a single case.

Appreciate you looking out for my own good, because you are absolutly correct, but I have not been given a reason to fall back on this one yet.

DJF or John

Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
Ryan you are making a huge mistake.

You are SEEKING a relationship, you are SEEKIGN a woman. Dude, you don't SEEK a relationship.

When you do that, you get scammed. It's like an actor SEEKING to be famous, and a guy says, "I can make you famous," the actor buys into it and gets scammed.

You don't seek fame you seek a career.

Ryan you don't seek a relationship you seek SEX.

After you have fvcked this girl time after time......then this girl must PROVE herself to you.

What? Just because she has a vagina that means she's worth of a relationshp? Just because "nothing bad has happened yet" that means it's ok?

No dude.

You are already forming this HABIT. You are already starting to fall into her. Whether you RECONGIZE it or not. You have been thiking about her strong as hell....and when you keep mediating on something, it becomes a fvcking HABIT.

And while things are fine NOW...soon, they won't be. And you'll make another post saying how she is svckin this guy's dyck in front of you or she's cursing you out, or some other shyt.

And the guys here will give you their "experienced" advice and tell you to just move on.

But at that point, at that time, you would have developed this habit so strong that you CAN'T MOVE ON.

This girl has not QUALIFIED herself to you to be WORTHY of being the ONLY girl for you.

- Fvck this chick 5 times, then fvck 10 other chicks.
- Continue to meet chicks each day, and every day.
- Continue to live your life.

If this chick "fits the bill" in time it will be revealed.

Chicks love romance, so they are always touchy feely and "I love you so much" bullshyt.

Don't fall into that shyt.

You first need to FVCK THIS BYTCH. Read my thread in the Tips section.

Then you need to fvck other bytches. Adn keep meeting women.

Trust me dude, I'm trying to save you 6 months of your life here.