Originally posted by al77
Exactly. Thanks!
I would rather laugh it off than neg hit with ".. you dodge really well...." thing.
I guess it is much better to joke about it than to neg hit in order to save face. If you neg hit, it is obvious that you are hurt kind of and cannot hold it. If you laugh at it - well, you are relaxed andtake it lightly. This is much better.
No, really, it's not. Everyone needs to take a step back off the formulaic approach and think a little bit.
You are only going to look hurt if you ACT hurt. It's much better to just be
bored by kiss-dodges and the like.
If you just laugh off a full dodge you have demonstrated that you will stick around even through this behavior. You therefore encourage it. Your attention does not come to her at the price of a kiss (or more). It's free. That's the
message. And once you've shown her that you're not going to enforce your sexual interest she's gotcha. Might as well buy her a drink now. And then take her to dinner. How is she going to learn unless you teach?
Not a power struggle? Don't be daft. It IS a power struggle, folks. But the trick is, and here's where everyone goes wrong: she wants to lose.
Let me say it again.
She wants to lose.
Do you think she goes home alone at the end of the evening and looks in the mirror and gloats "Wow, I sure told off a few losers tonight. I feel GREAT! Time for bed."
Of course not. Girls end up going home alone and lonely too, believe it or not. That's not a good night. That's a bad one. Or she has to settle for someone who isn't worthy of her if she's really needy. That's an ok night, but a worse morning.
The trick is getting them to feel like they lost to a worthy adversary. But- one who is not totally merciless. These are the secrets of the power struggle. Peace with honor. Yes, he boinks me silly, and did so the first night, but how could I resist? He was so powerful!
She wants to lose and be swept off her feet and avoid the guilt later because "he swept me off my feet." But she also wants to feel a connection. Have some romance.
Later in their history when the Romans conquered a people they didn't just slaughter them all, but rather assimilated them. Imported their culture.
You have to do the same. You have to convey that you will tolerate no nonsense, but that you have the ability to be compassionate where it is warranted. Most people give up the compassion part early, before the foreign armies are fully subdued. This is the tendency I'm seeing in this post. That gets you rebels inside the empire. You don't want rebels inside the empire. You're going to be battling the LJBF faction real fast that way.
Back to the matter at hand. Freezing out and neg use are dangerous tools in the hands of novices, but they MUST be used and must be used properly. Notice my neg hit wasn't strong. It was a light one. It could have been taken literally (she dodged me) or figuratively (she's a dodge gamey sort, "Dodgy"). Most of what I saw on here as a suggested response was either a strong re enforcement of what she just did. "You dodged me!" Or a submission. "Oh, ok, you don't want to kiss."
Both of those will get you home alone in a hurry.
It's true though, you don't have to send in the legions for the thinnest of excuses. If she had dodged the kiss and put it on her cheek instead with a little grin, then she would have gotten a smile from me with a "Oh you
are a very naughty girl, aren't you?" Or something equally pseudo-sexual. Why not turn that around? You don't have to just kiss to be sexual. Flip it. It's not a refusal. She's not removing the sexual content of the kiss, she's teasing. "That's naughty. Naughty girls get spankings. Don't they?" Suddenly even the dodge was a sexual act.
But the full dodge? Ok then, I'll go take my toys and play in the other sandbox with the other kids. Why the hell would you stick around and waste your time? If you were looking for platonic female friends then go volunteer at the local nursing home. Not only will you get nice platonic female companionship, but you'll be helping the community. Otherwise, stop wasting your time.