I think women still test because even though your smv is higher than theirs, they always have this subtle thought that they can do better.
its the basis of monkey branching or hypergamy with women and why they also entertain orbiters
Women test, but as I mentioned, if they’re really into you then it’s just done in a very careful and innocent way. It’s never directly confrontational and never causes disrespect or inconvenience to your life. furthermore, they will seek rapport and display a Sense of ‘spark’ before they even think of doing a little test. They wont START by ignoring you or demeaning you or playing games. They might ignore a
text just before a date or act flakey once, but when they do reply or when you see them, their body language and demeanour is always warm. There is always a warmth in their demeanour with you, even when testing.
Healthy women act respectful and overly comply with men they find attractive because these are the men capable of giving them children with superior genetics, just like you would be extremely graceful and kind to someone who could potentially offer you a job with a million dollar salary.
I’ve had 4 same day lays (sex within 30 minutes of meeting someone) before. These were just regular college girls and all were at least 7s. I’ve seen a side to women many men haven’t. And let me tell you that women don’t need to vet men as much as PUAs make it seem. When they like someone, they know it pretty instantaneously. Because they’ve had so much experience dating and options that they can identify the men they are sexually attracted to as quickly as we can identify women we find hot. So they just need to test u for thirst/neediness here and there, which is biological. If you get thirsty they move onto a different hot guy.
now there is a percentage of women who view men as a THREAT just off the bat. These tend to be women who are extremely jaded, looking for a beta provider or sociopathic/psychopathic/narcisssitic/borderline(they have a legit mental disorder, attachment and identity issues, and a man can completely shatter their sense of security/identity/self esteem). These women are extremely complex and hot/cold and act MORE testy and difficult with more attractive men because these men have the most potential to hurt them emotionally. For example a narcissist woman who believes she is the most beautiful girl in her city will have her delusion shattered if she ia rejected by a handsome man. So these girls keep these men at bay and ‘test’ them insanely to see if the men would be willing to tolerate their abusive behaviour down the line (eg cheating). These women always end up with beta chumps down the line, or if they are extremely hot will seduce HVM that have mommy issues or mental issues themselves (eg Kanye and Kim Kardashian/Will smith and Jada Pinkett/Amber Heard and Johnny Depp).
A lot of PUA culture was actually catered towards men with mommy issues that are looking to seduce a woman similar to their mother - dysfunctional women that want a man that is a dancing monkey. That’s why a lot of pua is about ‘game’, overdoing the replies and constantly entertaining the woman - because narcissistic women are constantly looking for supply and instantly looking DOWN on the men they talk to (as a protective mechanism, since in reality the men are threats to them).
Normal healthy women don’t require that much mental gymnastics, because these women will be TRYING to build rapport with you. They will be asking YOU questions, texting YOU with interesting info and displaying open body language, even doing you favours etc so it’s easy to establish a natural back and forth. Most healthy women are just going to go for men that are superficially as attractive as them - looks and lifestyle wise. It’s just like how we pick friends. They aren’t going to go for a guy based on his ‘game’. They aren’t constantly looking for emotional stimulation but can actually appreciate a man for his genuine qualities, they also like to chase rather than be lovebombed. Whereas a lot of PUAs over emphasised game and downplayed being as physically and socially attractive as possible