Setting her straight about oral sex...was it right?


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2003
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So here's the deal. My gf is the type of girl who doesn't like oral sex. From what it seems, she thinks it's gross.

Being a guy of course, I love oral.

Last night, I got aroused, she didn't want to have sex (having just started her period), and I suggested she go down on me. She started giving me the typical complaining and groaning about it.

This is NOT unusual with her. She seldom gives me oral, and when she does, it is often accompanied by whining and groaning. Usually, I'll get frustrated and act irritated by this (making me just look like a kid).

But this time it was different. I essentially told her straight out, calmly of course, that she needs to reconsider how she reacts to oral with me.

I explained to her that I really like it, that she makes me feel real good when she does it, and that its importance to me should have an effect on her. I told her to think about that a little bit.

Maybe going too far, I questioned her past oral experiences (not to pry, but to illustrate a point). She proceeded to explain how she never liked giving guys oral, but had given oral to a few different guys before of whom she had met at parties and such.

She knows this type of action (hooking up with random guys while drunk) is something that I DO NOT respect, and I've told her bluntly before.

I essentially told her what I thought about this...that she was willing to give oral to these guys, whom had very little respect of her as a person, but yet often gives me, her boyfriend who's interest in her extends beyond getting in her pants, a hard time about it. I let her know this illustrates a lack of respect towards me. I put this out on the table, and let her think about it.

She tried to react by saying she never questioned me about girls I've been before her. I told her that what she did was in the past (and that it was irrelevant here), and that she's missing the relevant point I'm trying to make. And I reassured her how much I actually like her, and that she means more to me than girls I've been with in the past.

By the end of our conversation, she was almost in tears at one point. I told her that I didn't mean to make her feel badly, only that I wanted to express how I felt to her, that I wasn't afraid to put some things on the line in order to be honest about us. She was sorry, told me that she doesn't want to dissapoint me, and that she'll work on fullfilling my needs more. I accepted this.

Anyway, what are your guys' thoughts about how I handled this? I know that to some of you, it may seem that oral sex is such a small thing in a relationship, but I disagree. It's not so much her giving me oral I was concerned with as the fact that she needed to know I feel that it's important in a relationship for each person to respect each others desires, that it's not a one-way track.

Her negative remarks about oral sex and her responses towards it irritated me, and it felt good to let her know this instead of bottling up this frustration.

It's something I want, and something I desire. She knew this but wasn't putting it a whole lot of effort for it. I made her rethink that, and understand that I do like her a lot, but will not just ignore my own desires and wants in a relationship.

Comments? Remarks?


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
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If she sucks off random guys, she shouldn't think it's gross.

Mabye.. Get a girlfriend who likes to give you oral?


Don Juan
May 4, 2006
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You obviously like this girl so why not keep her and get another girl just for orals with her knowledge & consent of course .... everybody wins


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2003
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I've been seeing this girl more and more for who she is.

I put EVERYTHING on the table with her last night. She knows that if she isn't going to fullfill me, I can and will leave.

And it's really NOT bullsh*t either. I personally have a list of about 7-8 girls I can call up and work on building a relationship with.

At the moment, I like this girl, and I respect her enough to give her the chance to make it work with me. If she chooses not to, she knows the consequences.

GodsGifts, you're absolutely right. I have had the talk. She knows where we stand. No more talking needed. If what you're saying is true, then it's going to end.

Bvbidd, she's always hated oral. She's never really had a serious relationship with someone. From what it seems like, just a couple guys she kinda knew, and they made out and did a little stuff together.

I'm the one who took her virginity though, and she's given the most to me. In terms of understanding relationships and actually having control here, it's me, despite being younger than her, simply because I've had so much more experience and because I understand them more than her.

In terms of getting another girl, I will, if she is too stubborn or indifferent to my desires.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
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I think you just have to respect that some girls don't like it and either deal without it or find a new girl. Let's say she asked you to make out with another guy for her pleasure, would you do it? I would guess not.

Sex should be enjoyable, and if she has to do something she doesn't like, it's going to make sex an unpleasant experience for her.

I've spoken to plenty of girls who dislike it. Some because guys try to force it in their throat and they fear choking and many because of hygiene issues. However, they're far more willing to do it with a condom, in the shower or after the guy has washed thoroughly down there. See if one of these options makes a difference.

However, it sounds to me like you're bullying her a little at the moment.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2003
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Hmm... personally I think its best just to find someone that likes servicing that need you have - its not really possible to make someone do something they don't like doing - how fun is that going to be right?

I could spin it around and say.... what if the situation was anal and she didn't want to do it? Or you wanted her to piss on you? Guess my point is that sex is a personal thing and for it to work you both have to be on the same page.

I like oral myself so I hear ya.


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2003
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Jariel said:
I think you just have to respect that some girls don't like it and either deal without it or find a new girl. Let's say she asked you to make out with another guy for her pleasure, would you do it? I would guess not.

Sex should be enjoyable, and if she has to do something she doesn't like, it's going to make sex an unpleasant experience for her.

I've spoken to plenty of girls who dislike it. Some because guys try to force it in their throat and they fear choking and many because of hygiene issues. However, they're far more willing to do it with a condom, in the shower or after the guy has washed thoroughly down there. See if one of these options makes a difference.
Jariel, you are absolutely right.

I like this girl, but oral sex is an important part of a sexual relationship to me. Oral sex is a common and normal part of a relationship. It is not analagous to me making out with another guy for her. It IS analalous to me going down on her, which she likes, btw, and which I am more than happy to do, because it pleases her.

I'm not saying she needs to blow me daily, but when she does, I don't need her to whine about it for five minutes.

All I did was express me feelings about the issue to her calmly. How she wants to react is up to her.


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2003
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godsgifttowomen said:
Ya bro. I've BEEN THERE. :crazy:

But anyways it's awesome you have 7 or 8 chicks in the back. It's VERY important because the one-itis will be minimized like crazy. Just transfer the feelings you have for your gf to a new girl. Girls to it all the time. That's why you see them with a new boyfriend a day after a breakup.

It's also good that you WILL leave. It's BAD to drag bad relationships on man. Trust me I've been there. Make a clean cut and move on ... If you have to.


Absolutely. I'm 19, and have no problem picking up girls. Why settle for something mediocre?


New Member
May 8, 2006
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ask her

ok now if she dosent like oral sex it dosent really mean anything. i mean do u give her head. give her head and she should give it back in return. if not have a very romantic night and give her the best pleasure she has ever had. i didnt like giving oral untill my boyfriend did thta with me


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
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At home
You´ve explained it to her in girlish terms: talking.
Next time, you explain it to her in language we can all understand: dumping her. Let her find her prince charming who hates to get oral.


Master Don Juan
Jan 1, 2006
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SamePendo said:
You´ve explained it to her in girlish terms: talking.
Next time, you explain it to her in language we can all understand: dumping her. Let her find her prince charming who hates to get oral.
yea dump her because she doenst give u head?

i dont think that seems too right eh?

lick her and see how u like it, she should do it back..

like if i was a girl i wouldnt like sucking dik> would U?


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
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At home
sexy_kuta said:
yea dump her because she doenst give u head?

i dont think that seems too right eh?

lick her and see how u like it, she should do it back..

like if i was a girl i wouldnt like sucking dik> would U?

Why bother, youre Canadian.


Master Don Juan
Jan 1, 2006
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SamePendo said:
Why bother, youre Canadian.
and? what does that supose to mean? my background is from India

does that make a difference too?

and its "you're" not "youre"


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
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This isn't the woman you're going to marry, is it? You've laid it out on the line, now you have to decide what you'll do if she doesn't comply. Maybe she's worth being with all things aside, or maybe you need to just shove your schlong down her throat and be more dominant with her.


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
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And by my comments about shoving the schlong in the previous post, I simply mean, being assertive, not forceful.


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2003
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Charm said:
And by my comments about shoving the schlong in the previous post, I simply mean, being assertive, not forceful.
Oh, okay.

She complied pretty easily and see where I'm coming from. Part of the reason is that I've definately gotten a handle on being the alpha male here with us.

If there are any problems, I'll just move on.


Master Don Juan
Nov 21, 2005
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Nah... fck the more assertive w. your d!ck in her throat sh!t.
Thats only going to create more resistance.

I agree w. GodsGift and Jariel's overal advice.
But that seems to be a bigger perspective, and action plan in regards to this issue.

For the immediate subtle game. (and if you want to overcome this issue, rather than having to leave her... try this...)

A steady and simple reframe. Its all pychological, whatever the reasons of her resistance. Its "disgusting" or "dirty" or "submissive"... whatever!

I sort of had a similar situation w. an ex of mine. She didn't like giving oral so much. But I thoroughly enjoy it. She knew this, and everytime it did happen... I made her the fvckin queen of sheeba, for doing it. I controlled her perspective and emotional state, in regards to the act. I re-associated her entire perspective and attitude towards giving me oral, w. continuous reframing. Needless to say... she ended up loving to svck teh c0ck!

One way to do this is like I mentioned above. Verbally make her feel like an absolute sexual blessing. A goddess of unequaled talent in the art of oral. Tell her how sexy she looks, while doing it. Tell her how horny it makes you, and how you just want to pound her kitten lil a$$. lol, etc etc etc. Look into her eyes, and Svengali that mind into a Linda LoveLace, as she swallows the nob. But not w. demonic evil force. Literally allow your pleasure, and bliss to overflow from your eyes, and wash her perspective of the act she's doing, into the feelings of the energy itself. Create the loop. Her mouth... your d!ck...the feelings... your eyes... her eyes... her mouth... etc.

Another idea... 69! She'll be getting her kitty licked into bliss, all the while your c0ck's in her mouth! Um............. BINGO! Talk about a perfect new anchor!!! Her neuro-physiological processes will literally create a new anchor association to the act of giving oral (as being pleasurable!) Cause that's what she'll be feeling from your actions. Voila!

I would work with her on this one, for a little. Just for the sake of experiment. If it isn't turning around... in a few weeks or so. Then your interaction of intimacy is just off, and you can pursue someone who is more parallel, knowing it is the right decision (for you, AND indirectly her as well).

My 2 cents... hope you got some value out of it.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
Jariel said:
I think you just have to respect that some girls don't like it and either deal without it or find a new girl.
Well done Einstein. The latest gem of useless bullsh!t non advice offered up by Jariel.

Jariel said:
Let's say she asked you to make out with another guy for her pleasure, would you do it? I would guess not.
wtf? Another ridiculous tangent. Hes not expecting her to sacrifice her first born you tool, stop making (chick style) extreme comparisons.

Jariel said:
However, they're far more willing to do it with a condom, in the shower or after the guy has washed thoroughly down there. See if one of these options makes a difference.
Options? wearing a condom or whenever he has a shower? Him working around HER poor behaviour, pandering to HER hangups? :rolleyes: Maybe in your world thats acceptable.

Jariel said:
However, it sounds to me like you're bullying her a little at the moment.
Oh boo hoo, you would think that.
Got proof he "bullied" her ya drama queen?.

Shiver me timbers even frivolous has better advice than this clown.


Oct 13, 2005
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Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
( . )( . ) said:
Shiver me timbers even frivolous has better advice than this clown.
That's pushing it a bit far huh brother boobs? Friv sucks but . . ., ah hell you're right.

Onto WORKEROUTERs' problem. You've made it abundantly clear that which you will and will not stand in a sexual relationship and for that you're commended. Problem is she's still at the top of the totem pole. You have other hineys on the back burner start firing up an ass or two. She's keeps pushing you to see just how far you'll allow her to move in and that's your fault.

The best way to handle a non-oral girl is to give her a choice. Oral or anal.


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2003
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KarmaSutra said:
That's pushing it a bit far huh brother boobs? Friv sucks but . . ., ah hell you're right.

Onto WORKEROUTERs' problem. You've made it abundantly clear that which you will and will not stand in a sexual relationship and for that you're commended. Problem is she's still at the top of the totem pole. You have other hineys on the back burner start firing up an ass or two. She's keeps pushing you to see just how far you'll allow her to move in and that's your fault.

The best way to handle a non-oral girl is to give her a choice. Oral or anal.
I think she's getting the idea.