cordoncordon said:
Str8up has posted repeatedly about basically the same thing for a year now. Different girl, same story. So he is obviously asking for our opinion on things. Once or twice when he has the same thing happen to him fine, but over and over? There is something going on with him that you can count on. If he doesn't want our opinions, and when it comes down to it we are just trying to help, than he doesn't have to post.
Or maybe you don't have to reply at all if you don't like it?
Sometimes some of the best help we can give someone is silence and no contact when we are thinking they are going the wrong way and we have exhausted the same methods over and over again with no success at changing them.
Its been said that doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity. Now it may be fair enough to say Str8up may be doing this but it'd also be fair to say you are doing this as well cordon with your "help".
To go into analogy mode here for a bit...
You don't change an alcoholic into a non alcoholic by dumping his beer down the drain as he'll just go get more beer behind your back. It has to be up to the alcoholic to change if he believes he needs a change because no matter how much of his alcohol you get rid of he's not going to stop craving it and sneaking it and getting it all behind your back.
Same with Str8up if you really feel he has a problem that you personally believe you and others have tried to help him on repeatedly with no success.
You call many of us that defend Str8up and Str8up himself "drama queens" cordon but a wise poster on this site once said that a drama queen cannot exist if people don't willingly give the drama queen their attention which you are more than happy to give almost every thread that Str8up makes under the guise that you are "helping him".
I don't think you are helping him so much Cordon as feeding your own need for drama but if I am wrong you will cease replying to Str8up threads of this nature because after all you wouldn't want to be repeating yourself expecting a different result and thus being insane by definition now would you?
I think not.
Your answer to helping Str8up is not helping him if you truly believe there is a problem with him.
You have already posted what you think of his current situation in many threads all to no avail with Str8up not appreciating your psychoanalysis derailment of his threads but the point is he does know what you've been saying and he rejects it outright so I think for your own sake cordon its time you let go.
As for me I've always felt Str8up was a mature man that knows what he's doing in life and likes to talk about certain aspects of interactions with women and if he ever feels getting laid is a problem for him and he needs our advice and council about that and other things he will ask but giving him advice he does not ask for and outright rejects more than once well thats not only impolite and rude.
It is a waste of your time.