I recently asked out of the personal trainers at my gym last week. Long story short, we exchanged numbers and she appeared to be genuinely interested in going out however I feel I may have given her too much attention prior to the date and she pulled out.
Timeline: I asked her out in person on Monday, she said sure and put her number in my phone.
Tuesday: I texted her and asked about the weekend, she said she wasn’t able to do Saturday but asked if my Sunday was open. Appeared to be interested in making plans here.
Wednesday: Saw her at the gym, make eye contact from afar however didn’t approach her.
Thursday: Sent her a
text asking how her day was, she replied back a few hours later. Got the vibe that she wasn’t into the small talk.
Friday: Didn’t see her, no contact.
Saturday: Saw her at the gym, made eye contact. Approached her at the end of my session. Made casual conversation asking her how her Friday night was, said I was looking forward to a cheat meal the next day, which was also our planned date. Short interaction here. 10 minutes after leaving the gym she sent me a text saying “Hey Matt I’m really sorry but I’ve actually been seeing someone and it’s starting to get a little more serious so unfortunately I think I should cancel. I’m sorry! “..,. I didn’t respond.
—- So today i’ll be seeing her at the gym later. Should I make eye contact? Should I not acknowledge her? How would you handle?
Lastly, do you believe she just lost interest or could her reasoning for cancelling be truthful?
To clarify, this girl is a personal trainer and a 10/10.. I haven’t been on a date in about 4 years but so naturally I expected some bumps along the way..