Second date ask to bring friends. Need help


Don Juan
Jul 5, 2011
Reaction score
Had a good first date but failed to kiss close. Messaged her to see if she wants to go to universal studios she said yes an we should bring group of friends. Should I consider being put into friend zone and move on? She did cancel a previous date little while ago.

Let me know opinions and if I should just stop pursuing.


Don Juan
Jun 1, 2012
Reaction score
bruceartest24 said:
Had a good first date but failed to kiss close.
Why didn't you go in for a kiss? No opportunity? Nerves?

bruceartest24 said:
Messaged her to see if she wants to go to universal studios she said yes an we should bring group of friends.
I see no problem with bringing a group of friends. In fact, this can potentially work in your favor. Unless you and the girl you're interested in have talked a lot, you can actually gain a lot from having a friend there, especially if you both run out of things to say.

bruceartest24 said:
Should I consider being put into friend zone and move on? She did cancel a previous date little while ago.
Chicks cancel dates. Sh1t happens. She seems receptive at this point. Go out to Universal, be yourself, and have a good time.

bruceartest24 said:
Let me know opinions and if I should just stop pursuing.
Look at it this way. At best, she will see how fvcking cool you really are and will want to continue seeing you. At worse, you have a fun time at Universal and gain valuable dating experience.


Don Juan
Jul 5, 2011
Reaction score
Yeah I wanted it just to be us two and she mentioned "we maybe can get a group of friends to go" so I got the vibe she wants to bring friends because she considers me just a friend.

I was considering just to stop communicating with her because she talks to me for random convos and I reach out to her with intentions of going out. She knows that.


Don Juan
Jun 1, 2012
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
the opposite of what jumpoff said. You obviously dont want to go with her dont.
LOLOL. Instead of making something of the situation presented, flake out because you're too scared to get friend-zoned. COULD NOT DISAGREE WITH PAIR MORE.

But hell, if you don't want to go with her then don't.


Don Juan
Jul 5, 2011
Reaction score
JumpOff said:
LOLOL. Instead of making something of the situation presented, flake out because you're too scared to get friend-zoned. COULD NOT DISAGREE WITH PAIR MORE.
I hear you but rather not spend my time and effort with just a friend. I have enough friends and my goals with her are to close the deal.


Don Juan
Jun 1, 2012
Reaction score
bruceartest24 said:
I hear you but rather not spend my time and effort with just a friend. I have enough friends and my goals with her are to close the deal.
I'm so confused. Now you're the one calling her a FRIEND. Living in Ohio, I have one of the greatest amusement parks literally an hour away (Cedar Point). I've taken plenty of girls to CP, WITH friends, and ****ed them that same night. Pick a good ride, sit with her, have a good time, close the fvcking deal. The only thing stopping you is you. But if you're the kind of person who needs a one on one to justify it being a "date" or "sexual" then more power to you.


Don Juan
Jul 5, 2011
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JumpOff said:
I'm so confused. Now you're the one calling her a FRIEND. Living in Ohio, I have one of the greatest amusement parks literally an hour away (Cedar Point). I've taken plenty of girls to CP, WITH friends, and ****ed them that same night. Pick a good ride, sit with her, have a good time, close the fvcking deal. The only thing stopping you is you. But if you're the kind of person who needs a one on one to justify it being a "date" or "sexual" then more power to you.
Thanks man I appreciate the insight I'll take her and isolate and finish the deal. I usually do the 1 on 1 dates so I can be in control but I'll change it up.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
I mean a little common sense will take you a very long way.

it's freaking universal studios. it's not starbucks or the bar you have been to 200 times. I have been to universal studios 3 times since i have lived out here and every time there has been no less than 6 of us, it's a group type thing that's what you do. no one goes to a freaking theme/amusement park by themselves or with 1 person.

Also I will add, one of the things that women find attractive ifs a guy who doesn't press. I know you want to get laid, but if that is litearlly the only thing on your mind you won;'t get anywehre with anyone. you have to know how to kick ti and ahve fun and take what life throws at you. there is nothing attractive about a guy who is so one tracked he doesnt' want to enjoy a group outing at universial studios beucase he is afraid it's going to take him longer to get in her pants lol. to get in her pants you have to push her excitement/fun buttons and your actions aren't pushing those buttons right now. sex is simply the climax of a freaking great time. if you have fun with her and she really enjoys you the sex will come i assure you, but the attitude that you aer taking is counterproductive.

go and have a good time, get on some rides, take some pictures, get some food, have a good time.

you are reading way too much into this.


Don Juan
Jun 1, 2012
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backbreaker said:
I have been to universal studios 3 times since i have lived out here and every time there has been no less than 6 of us, it's a group type thing that's what you do. no one goes to a freaking theme/amusement park by themselves or with 1 person.

Thank you, my point exactly.

Or do what Pair suggests, nothing.


Master Don Juan
Dec 23, 2011
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JumpOff said:
I'm so confused. Now you're the one calling her a FRIEND. Living in Ohio, I have one of the greatest amusement parks literally an hour away (Cedar Point). I've taken plenty of girls to CP, WITH friends, and ****ed them that same night. Pick a good ride, sit with her, have a good time, close the fvcking deal. The only thing stopping you is you. But if you're the kind of person who needs a one on one to justify it being a "date" or "sexual" then more power to you.
I had a chick cancel our second date, only to invite me to a party with her a couple days before that date would have been. After having a good time at the party suddenly that canceled date was back on.

backbreaker said:
Also I will add, one of the things that women find attractive ifs a guy who doesn't press. I know you want to get laid, but if that is litearlly the only thing on your mind you won;'t get anywehre with anyone. you have to know how to kick ti and ahve fun and take what life throws at you. there is nothing attractive about a guy who is so one tracked he doesnt' want to enjoy a group outing at universial studios beucase he is afraid it's going to take him longer to get in her pants lol. to get in her pants you have to push her excitement/fun buttons and your actions aren't pushing those buttons right now. sex is simply the climax of a freaking great time. if you have fun with her and she really enjoys you the sex will come i assure you, but the attitude that you aer taking is counterproductive.
I agree with this one. I made it clear early on that I wanted sex but I didn't pressure her for it right away. Instead I built up the tension until one night she was pretty much "please just **** me already!" and she's been asking for more since.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
Zerro said:
I had a chick cancel our second date, only to invite me to a party with her a couple days before that date would have been. After having a good time at the party suddenly that canceled date was back on.

I agree with this one. I made it clear early on that I wanted sex but I didn't pressure her for it right away. Instead I built up the tension until one night she was pretty much "please just **** me already!" and she's been asking for more since.
my wife and I's third date was a 4th of July BBQ at one of her friends house. and the way she was all over me that night there was no doubt in my mind she wanted it.

I am not saying that women who always have dates wtih friends are always still into you, but you are taking an unnecessarily pessimistic view point of it. women who have a large circle of friends tend to pow wow like that. my wife's friends bring men over here all the time so they can get sized up to get a better or more unanimous decision. maybe she wants to show you off or maybe she talked about you to her friends and want them to met you. if that is the case, and women tend ot do this much more than men do, the viewpoint you are taking is committing dating suicide.

i remember our courting/dating process.. she was always attracted to me and we kissed and made out the first 2 dates, she came back to my place on the 2nd date but i got teh vibe she awsn't 100% sure she was ready tog o all the way so I did not press it. but before the third date and durning/after the third date date, night and day difference. from the night of the third date on it's like she got the girlfriends seal of approval to fvck me or some **** beucase she made it quite clear after that she wanted it.

impress the girlfriends and you are in like flyn. go out, have a great time, crack some jokes, engage the friends like you actually give a **** about them, bam.


Master Don Juan
Dec 23, 2011
Reaction score
backbreaker said:
impress the girlfriends and you are in like flyn. go out, have a great time, crack some jokes, engage the friends like you actually give a **** about them, bam.
Impressing the girlfriends is one of the biggest hurdles a guy has to get past: it's going to come up sooner or later and it's best that you get it over with as soon as possible. If a chick wants to show you off to her friends pretty early on then it's probably a good sign.


New Member
Jul 9, 2012
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Do not waste time going. Just cancel the the date and tell her that you are busy.


Oct 20, 2006
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If you had already had sex, then she'd be showing you off to her friends. That kind of group date is ok (once in a while).

But in this case, if you didn't even kiss her and now she is bringing friends, it's because she doesn't want to be alone with you (friend zone).

So I'm going with PairPlusRoyalFlush over JumpOff on this. Cancel. You might have one more chance if you becoming a challenge raises her interest level, but next date is kiss or bust.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
My biggest concern was no kiss on the first date. Did she linger near you and look at you as you were about to say goodbye at the end of date 1?

If she gave you that opportunity to kiss her, she was interested. But if she kept some distance at the end of the date or walked fast to her car, then forget about dating her.

A chick that is interested will make it easy for you to kiss her. It doesn't even have to be a makeout, but a quick kiss on the LIPS is the absolute bare minimum requirement.

How the first date ends tells you EXACTLY where you stand.

If she avoided getting close enough to kiss you, then I'm with Pair and Bigneil.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
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I had a girl bring her friend on a second "date" "hang out" whatever you want to call it. I didn't expect it but simply just went with it, had a good time, talked to her friend as much if not more than the girl i wanted.

Well, i ended up banging her the next night so i guess bringing a friend wasn't a big deal at all.

BB is right, don't press.. it will scare her off and its hard to bring her back from that. But at least start touching her on this group outing. Start setting the sexual tone.


Don Juan
Jun 19, 2012
Reaction score
Ok, first things first...

Don't go for the kiss close, go for the kiss 'open'.
Kiss her at the start of the date, just a peck on the cheek to break the ice and get it into her head that more kissing (at least for now) is on the books. Makes a proper kiss close less awkward.

Have confidence in yourself. Don't assume that because she wants to bring along friends that you've blown it. Assume that she's probably interested, and like many girls, she either wants to show you off or get her friends opinions of you before going any further. Like it or not, her friends are part of the package.

Backbreaker is on the money, charm the friends and they will become your biggest supporters.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
bruceartest24 said:
Had a good first date but failed to kiss close. Messaged her to see if she wants to go to universal studios she said yes an we should bring group of friends. Should I consider being put into friend zone and move on? She did cancel a previous date little while ago.

Let me know opinions and if I should just stop pursuing.
Bad enough you didn't kiss her.

Now she thinks you'll make a move on her so this group of friends she wants along with her is so that you don't make a move and you'll be c0ckblocked if you do. And this girl cancelled on you. Not good.

You are guilty of failure to act on interest. You are hereby ordered to pay the fine of 2 blue balls and 1 week in Friendzone Flat, Virginia.

Beyond a reasonable doubt, your princess is in another castle and you aren't priority to her. Moving on and gaming other women is the best thing that is for you.

Case closed.