Sales and Marketing vs Gaming women


Master Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
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I think there's a general concensus that that there's a strong correlation between the skills needed to be a good salesman and the skills needed to be a DJ. I've decided that I should add some knowledge of sales and marketing to my arsenal to broaden my understanding of the game.

I'm not about to go take a sales/marketing class at a college, just don't have time, but I'd like some book recommendations that are considered "must reads" for those that want to excell in sales and marketing. I want to carry that knowledge over into the game.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 19, 2007
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speakeasy said:
I think there's a general concensus that that there's a strong correlation between the skills needed to be a good salesman and the skills needed to be a DJ. I've decided that I should add some knowledge of sales and marketing to my arsenal to broaden my understanding of the game.

I'm not about to go take a sales/marketing class at a college, just don't have time, but I'd like some book recommendations that are considered "must reads" for those that want to excell in sales and marketing. I want to carry that knowledge over into the game.
Dan Kennedy has some really good books on Marketing. Yes sales and women have some correlation but emotions women have you usually don't deal with as much in sales.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
The One Minute $alesperson

Selling to VITO

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
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Los Angeles
Bachelor is right.

You will only improve with women indirectly by getting better at your selling/marketing skills. Stuff like voice, posture, body language, smiling, eye contact, etc. but forget about the phraseology, tie downs, closes, etc.

Psychology of Selling by Brian Tracy
Mastering The Art of Selling by Tom Hopkins
Power Negotiating for Salespeople by Roger Dawson

are three of my favorite sales course you can find on audio, they helped me gain a lot of confidence and understanding, which improved my communication skills and indirectly helped me deal with the girlies a lot better.


May 22, 2007
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Wherever the Dong guides me, but mostly Hawaii
Am I in the twilight zone

I have been posting advice from my book "Supersize Your Sex Life" which is a dating advice book based on sales and marketing strategies.

The system I converted was developed by Ron Martin.

Ron, who is the premier sales and marketing resultant, not consultant, here in Hawaii and abroad, approved and advised me on the book. Its the first and only book of it's kind that shows how sales and gaming relate, as well as including the 9 step system.

I will continue to share info from my book in these posts, in hopes that in time, people will come to understand the importance of this aspect of gaming.

Finally, so as not to create a boring book, I added in plenty of humor and funny observations through out the book. The system is clearly defined, and the extras are to keep it lighthearted.

You can read the first few chapters for free on my site. However, these only begin to touch on the system.

If anyone here is really interested, and cannot afford 8$ for the ebook, I will give you a free copy.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Psychology of Selling by Brian Tracy
Mastering The Art of Selling by Tom Hopkins

I second those recomendations.

Also, How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie is a classic. I also like Zig Ziglar, who made a living selling pots & pans door-to-door during the Great Depression. Ziglar teaches how to appeal to emotions and says to 'sell the sizzle, not the steak.' This translates well to women in that, 'it's not you, it's how you make her feel.'


New Member
Jul 20, 2007
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you will actually find that most of the concepts used for gaming chicks came from other areas in life such as sale's.

Also a lot of the tactics actually came from women. Gurus have taken what women do & reversed it & thrown it right back at them.


May 22, 2007
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Wherever the Dong guides me, but mostly Hawaii
Gangster Of Love said:
Bachelor is right.

You will only improve with women indirectly by getting better at your selling/marketing skills. Stuff like voice, posture, body language, smiling, eye contact, etc. but forget about the phraseology, tie downs, closes, etc.
I disagree, especially the part about closing. There are times that only a sales closing tactic will secure the deal. I do it all time. Selling is about closing deals.

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
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Los Angeles
Dongfu said:
I disagree, especially the part about closing. There are times that only a sales closing tactic will secure the deal. I do it all time. Selling is about closing deals.

Off course selling is about getting the money. Bedding chicks is not about posing the big closing question, pulling out the Ben Franklin script, the tie down, the inverted tie down, the shoe on the other foot, and throwing porcupines back at the chicks. When it comes to creating, amplifying attraction and taking it to the physical level, then you must drop the "routines", because that is exactly what closes are.

You're not gonna put it, "well HB 8.5, would sleeping with me sunday night work for you, or would wednesday evening work better for you?"

Nothing wrong with using sales tactics, techiniques, skillset when securing you getting the order, the money, when in the professional world. I use them all the time myself.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 19, 2007
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speakeasy said:
I think there's a general concensus that that there's a strong correlation between the skills needed to be a good salesman and the skills needed to be a DJ. I've decided that I should add some knowledge of sales and marketing to my arsenal to broaden my understanding of the game.

I'm not about to go take a sales/marketing class at a college, just don't have time, but I'd like some book recommendations that are considered "must reads" for those that want to excell in sales and marketing. I want to carry that knowledge over into the game.

this is the book you really want to get your hands on!!

'How to sell yourself' by Joe Gigard


May 22, 2007
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Wherever the Dong guides me, but mostly Hawaii
Gangster Of Love said:
When it comes to creating, amplifying attraction and taking it to the physical level, then you must drop the "routines", because that is exactly what closes are.
Your funny bro

I agree with you to some degree, but here is my point. The sales system that I learned, Ron Martins system, is not about using "routines" to close deals.

There are a lot of misconceptions about what selling is. Here are some wrong definitions:

1. Getting the customer to buy what I have.
2. Talking the customer into believing what I have is what she needs.
3. Getting people to buy things that they dont need.

Here is Ron's definition:

"Giving the customer sufficient information to make an intelligent buying decision be it yes or no."

There are no tricks or techniques in this philosophy. You find out what the customer likes, needs or has a use for, and you sell her what you have that matches those needs.

The close only involves helping her get over fear objections and other objections.

Bottom line: If you are a DJ with great merchandise(this is everything from your attitude to sexual skills) then women will want what you are offering. If you have to use pick-up tricks and techniques to fool women or customers into believing your merchandise is something that it's not, then your not a salesman or a DJ.

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
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Los Angeles
ducaro said:
this is the book you really want to get your hands on!!

'How to sell yourself' by Joe Gigard

Joe Girard is the man. He sold the most cars. He is now retired and does seminars,etc. I agree. I read two of his books. He tends to use some borderline pushy techniques, yet they are the ones that get the sale. With wommen, for the most part, as soon as you try pushing your agenda, if they are not into you, it will backfire.

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
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Los Angeles
Dongfu said:
Your funny bro

I agree with you to some degree, but here is my point. The sales system that I learned, Ron Martins system, is not about using "routines" to close deals.

There are a lot of misconceptions about what selling is. Here are some wrong definitions:

1. Getting the customer to buy what I have.
2. Talking the customer into believing what I have is what she needs.
3. Getting people to buy things that they dont need.

Here is Ron's definition:

"Giving the customer sufficient information to make an intelligent buying decision be it yes or no."

There are no tricks or techniques in this philosophy. You find out what the customer likes, needs or has a use for, and you sell her what you have that matches those needs.

The close only involves helping her get over fear objections and other objections.

Bottom line: If you are a DJ with great merchandise(this is everything from your attitude to sexual skills) then women will want what you are offering. If you have to use pick-up tricks and techniques to fool women or customers into believing your merchandise is something that it's not, then your not a salesman or a DJ.

I also don't disagree totally, but any of those selling systems are very limited when it comes to applying it to women, as we cannot asume women are linear, logical creatures that won't change by the minute. You are better off gettting yourself to the point where you are the kind of guy that attracts them, the one that they are calling because you are what they are looking. You are not selling them.

Dont' be the kind of guy who has to explain why you are the best choice for what she wants and needs. If you have to say it, it is almost already a lost cause. The wrong frame to come from.

Point being, I know many successful salespeople, who are very friendly, confident, and knowledgeable, yet they are not doing too good with the ladies.


May 22, 2007
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Wherever the Dong guides me, but mostly Hawaii
Yes, but. . . . .

Gangster Of Love said:
as we cannot asume women are linear, logical creatures that won't change by the minute.
Not linear or logical, but PREDICTABLE. That is where we have the competitive edge.

Gangster Of Love said:
Dont' be the kind of guy who has to explain why you are the best choice for what she wants and needs. If you have to say it, it is almost already a lost cause.
Not that you are going to explain it; it should be implied in the way you handle yourself around her.

Logic and sales do not add up if it is a purchase of passion.

Buying a painting is a passion purchase. As a salesman you appeal to the emotion. "It will look beautiful in your living room." "Your friends will love it."

Some woman use logic for their decisions in men, others are guided by emotion.

You have to read each customer, and apply the appropriate strategy.

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
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Los Angeles
Dongfu said:
Not linear or logical, but PREDICTABLE. That is where we have the competitive edge.

Not that you are going to explain it; it should be implied in the way you handle yourself around her.

Logic and sales do not add up if it is a purchase of passion.

Buying a painting is a passion purchase. As a salesman you appeal to the emotion. "It will look beautiful in your living room." "Your friends will love it."

Some woman use logic for their decisions in men, others are guided by emotion.

You have to read each customer, and apply the appropriate strategy.
Examples please. Attraction interactions are always purchases of passion, not logic and sales.


May 22, 2007
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Wherever the Dong guides me, but mostly Hawaii
Gangster Of Love said:
Examples please. Attraction interactions are always purchases of passion, not logic and sales.
That fact that women are attracted to alpha male types is a deeply logical line of reasoning. It's the ingrained survival and replication values that pressure her to make the best decision when selecting a mate. This may often be subconscious, but it is subconscious logic that can be activated to encourage a purchase. You guys already know this stuff, so i wont go too far with this.

In general, a woman will sleep with you when they have decided that you are a good choice, someone who will deliver the goods.

An exception would be a slut who just wants to ****. She is driven by desire.

The hopeless romantic type chicks who want the flowers and all that are the passion buyer's. They are buying into a standard that has been shaped by their parents and society. These don't want logic, they want the illusion. Their busy planning exactly how the wedding will be before you even meet. When you finally come along, she sees you as the missing piece in her puzzle. Scary, but. . . .

The best customer is the girl who when you first make eye contact with, you both feel this intensely deep connection, as if the universe has plotted your union. This girl needs no selling, no persuasion. She offers no resistance unless it is in the spirit of the game. And of course, sex with her will be a rich experience. The only problem here is that you cannot pro-actively find this type. They just appear at random times. If you want to get laid in the mean time, a sales approach is a useful way to target and close women in the market.

This is the best I can do right now - I got kids buggin me to leave - I'll think about it a little more.
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May 22, 2007
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Wherever the Dong guides me, but mostly Hawaii
Joe Girard

I see some recommendations here for Joe Girard. Joe is in the Guinuess book as the greatest salesman of all time.

But does anyone know why and how he was such a good salesman. I'll give you a hint. He had a saying:

"Joe Girard never takes an up"


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
I think I read that book. An "up" is a salesman's turn to approach someone who comes on the lot. Most car salesman spend a lot of time standing around, waiting for their up. Girard spent his time on the phone, networking with past buyers and keeping detailed files on them. He would know when a past buyer was about ready to buy another vehicle by keeping a file on everyone. He also sent birthday cards and Christmas gifts to past buyers. But the point is that he spent his time productively, not standing around waiting for success to find him.


May 22, 2007
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Wherever the Dong guides me, but mostly Hawaii
We have a winner

Bible_Belt said:
I think I read that book. An "up" is a salesman's turn to approach someone who comes on the lot. Most car salesman spend a lot of time standing around, waiting for their up. Girard spent his time on the phone, networking with past buyers and keeping detailed files on them. He would know when a past buyer was about ready to buy another vehicle by keeping a file on everyone. He also sent birthday cards and Christmas gifts to past buyers. But the point is that he spent his time productively, not standing around waiting for success to find him.
You got it bro

Joe had a law that he called Joe's law of 250. He said everyone has about 250 people that they have some influence over. He thought "If I can make a good enough connection with the 1 person, I can sell to all of his friends."

When Joe sold one car, he say 250 sales.

SO the important question is, how can we apply this line of reasoning to gaming women.

This has been my study for the last few years, and have had excellent results.


New Member
Jul 29, 2007
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I'm an old salesman. While I would not call myself a DJ I have had a good run with the ladies in the past. After a 11 year marriage, I am divorced and researching the dating scene which seems to have changed but maybe really hasn't.

All buying decisions, dating and sexual decisions, are emotional and then justified as logical. The first choice is will this cause me pain and then the next choice is will this give me pleassure.

The older canned sales books are almost useless. The modern books talk about a process and discovering pain points and helping reduce or remove the pain. It is still a numbers game. There is the sale you will never close and some you should walk away from. I think there are many more correlations than contradictions with sales to dating. Know your product, your customer and believe in your abilities. Every sale is unique and you have to be flexible enough to tailor your pitch to the customer and their situation.

SPIN selling and Solution Selling are the more modern sales manuals for a complex sale.