Typical club scene
I'm meeting soooo many girls now, but last night....
I walk into this posh bar awesome posture, looking altha. Sit down, stretched out and eye up some grls who are dancing. Theres this hb8 dark hair hot! shes dancing with this fat guy. look at him, hes 100 percent gay. Anyways I jus chill with my boys, the gay guy walks over and gives me her number. I walk out after I finish my drink.
I get to the main club, catch up on my drinking. I see this grl I talk to on the net, whos a podium dancer. She smiles, comes over, lovely grl, dark hair tanned, sweet! hb8.5 (I spoke to her today online and she said she'll definitly meet me).
Im dancing, this girl is jus smiling at me hb7. I walk to the bar, she follows and just stands there. i start up a convo, typical club talk, where u bn tonight etc.. I say I need a drink, whats your number. She says thats all you want?!?! i neck her and then get her number. i did the little rub her neck trick, to get her loved up. she says your coming home with me. I agree, she kept saying you dont like me and kept saying aww your so cute. i told her i dont drive and shes like well how will i be able to see you. Her sister whos with her phonesthese boys

they pick her n the grl im meant to get with up, and just dissapear in seconds
I want that podium dancer grl

i have actually got so many girls I could get with now that i dont know what to do... i have about 8 girls.
still on a break from weights