Rushing Dudes DJ Journal

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
Part 3

I say hi to 3 random women explaining that there number 48,49 and 50 woman i spoke today and i was aiming for 50, but the 50 one was on phone and apparently busy. I was like ok i am kool with that left her, 30 seconds later she comes over to me and says hi what did u want to talk about. I explain and then transist about how her sunglasses on head is pretty kool, shes really friendly and smiling a lot i kiss her on cheek and then she says bye.

Saw another chick in front by herself looked difficult, idc i jumped in

RD: Hey HOW R U (with hand held high for a 5)
HB: fine
RD: wow someone is moody today, jus giv me 5 ur suppose to get down)
HB: i am to old to get down lol
RD: ur never to old to get down, wait when u say get down....o u mean like that no no is that all u think about sex lol.
HB: lol no i didn't mean it like that
(we talk bit more)
RD: wow ur actually pretty kool i wanna go las vegas and get married, (hmm look), what to cheap ok we find the second cheapest thing then
HB: lol o really
RD: yep then me and u r going have 5000 babys
HB: easy for u to say ur not the one whos got to spill them out and its impossible
RD: o no i think we can do it, once u get my going i won't stop trust me, i cud usually get 6k but not on top of my game i suppose
HB: lol
(we got on really well but i fooled myself saying jordan u done enough and didn't close her, when it was such a well done set)
the whole 5000 babies and married thing in vegas certanly improves the sets in my opinion and all the times i used them seemed to go well.

Next i leave with the new guy and i just get such a good vibe from chicks, just went up with one on phone.

RD: (hand out) give me some skin
Hb: u know its rude to do that on the phone
RD: no its kool
HB: lol
RD: anyways ur the one speacking i am just putting my hand out so ur rude lol
(talked bit more, but sets cud just b opened with anything and i cud of probs closed a lot of them, but done the whole i done enough for one night)

My friend said its hard to talk to girls randomlly what to say and the age difference is bad, theres chick next to us.

RD: hey me and my friend were discussing about the age difference between guys and girls and if it matters if u really like someone?
HB: i think it matter i only date 1 year in my age
RD: ur certanly picky how old r u
HB: 25 lol
RD: so if someone says there 23 ur like noooooooo
(it went pretty good but i exited myself out of it when my friend got on bus and kissed her on cheek)

Went back was in mcdonalds and ordering food, i wasn;t sure if people were sticking to whos ever first goes or if ur in a que asked chick behind me question, we got talking and teased hey saying the happy meals got a pretty good toy this week, we talk to eahcother bit more about eachother and then i close it.

Next chick who walks diagonally in front of me

RD: So can u only walk diagonally or something
HB: its my shoes lol
(this one goes kinda like the 5000 babys one in station (part 3 too) but i close her)

Then from this point its just asking directions, opinions and me approaching fast moving sets and doing bit of bad set theory, but not escalating on it to much due to tiredness. These were extremly bad because i lost the fire and didn't care seeing i was like ok 12 more and i get to go home. I had date next day early so i only stayed up for 14 hours instead of 24.


Just some extra approaches i remembered that were interesting.

Sees chick outside store
RD: hey firstly i am not hitting on u
(big dude comes next to her right at this moment, but i continue)
RD: Just going to club tonight and wanted to talk to a pretty girl to get that confidence up first.
(i keep it short and exit, it was pretty close)

Opened another chick in station

RD: hey me and my friend were just curious do women find it hot if two guys made out
HB: hm lol
RD: hey look i don't mean us 2 r going to make out right now lol
Hb: well do u know the person
RD: just anyone
HB: hm no
(keep talking she teaches me some words in german and then some dude comes, gets awkward, but i join him in it anyway, then they have to "go" because there train is there)

Hot braizlian chick on phone looks my way and i wave to her and she just shuns me. few minutes later she gets off and my friend just tells me to go because he knew what i was thinking.

RD: hm just curious why did u decide to jus shun me there, u got a evil side to u or something
HB: yeh maybe
RD: o really not even no soft creamy centre
HB: nope
RD: guess i am going have to change u, because i can see a nice girl deep deep deep deep .....deeeppppp down.
(she lights cigerrete)
RD: wow i just lost 2 seconds of my life thanks
(we keep talking she opens up bit, but she gets another phone call, so i say talk to u in second, but then get distracted and she leaves)

I see some cute chick watching guys play drums.

RD: so what r we watching?
HB: idk lol
RD: u like the drum dude huh
(english difficultys with her, have to repeat)
HB: ya i am watching him
RD: ok kool lets dance
HB: no no nooo (she says that so cute)
(we talk for like 10 minutes and i liked her, but cudn't number close her seeing she "don't know whats u" lol, i said thats the whole point of this, but still no go.

I was at bus opened girl who i didn't know was on phone

RD: hey do u think i should cut my hair or style it
HB>phone: hold on one sec
HB: hmmmm
RD: well i want to know because u got pretty kool hair so thought u wud know whats best
HB: lol i think u shud leave it
(talks bit more)
RD: wow u seemed tired someone had long day
HB: yeh i had to work at festival
(talk about her work and then i miss two buses because corner is blocked and not enough time to call it from seat to road, so i say i gotta stand now to watch for my bus, she found it pretty funny, but set was over after.)

There was a chick standing near a red light.

RD: dam that means stop, is that why u r waiting here 2
HB: no lol i am waiting for a friend
(we talked and she said she a had bf, but i said i didn't care and just wanted to talk to her and i did so and it was quite a nice convosation)

It was all done and i was going home, sat down next to a dude on bus, we both turned sideways and looked at eachother suddenly and i said.

RD: hey man rough night
Dude: yeh u
RD: don't even get me started
(kool guy talked for 30 minutes and his friends kept coming on bus at different stops and were pretty kool guys 2)


I got 9 numbers 2 emails and the knowledge of how to do sets better, always assume its going to good, all the sets i got numbers from mostly started with them having a startled look on there face, but i called them out on making my approach natural and being on the same level has them, also connecting 2. The marriage and baby stuff works like a charm has well, exaggerating ur relationship with her in ur head, it kinda gives her ideas. After that night i feel i came to a level i am happy with, if i don't have any girls, one day i can just go out pick 10 and just pick the ones i like the most. i am in a so much stonger control in my love life. From this point i have enough knowledge to pick a chick up when i need one instantly on the day. Its such a great power to have. Before i let fate decide for me when a chick wud come, but not anymore i make my own destiny.
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rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
Date #5

This is the one who called sick on date last time, but i believe her seeing she wanted to meet up again and to make it up to me she is going to come to my area to meet instead. So i meet her and shes in all camogear. i tease her a lot keep unzipping the zip on her cap (lol what do u put it in that pocket?), she nudges me playfully a lot and pokes me with umbrella and i just take it off her and smack her butt with it. We go to youth hostel, talk bit. We had whole whos more confusing guys or women argument and she was saying how guys pick u 5 hours late, don't call when they say they will and just stop calling u without any notice. I never thought on the opposite side of the wall that these problems were happening with women also. I talked bit about it, but don't like her complaining to much so changed subject about her.

After we finished youth hostel, we were waiting for bus and i said

RD: ur crazy
HB: well u don't make any sense at all
RD: well its hard to make sense to a crazy person
HB: dam that was good
RD: lol wow i thought it was 2
RD: so how many floors can u c on canary wharf
HB: 7
(lifts her up by her butt)
HB: ok ok i c it all now lol

we go to movie and end up watching dark knight seeing hellboy 2 wasn't till late, btw have i mentioned how awesome this dark knight is?, 3rd time i saw it, but its still good lol. She pours all the sauce of her nachos on her camoflage trousers lol, but she laughs it off. We watch film and she seemed to enjoy it i kiss her on cheek and go because i have to get work quick.

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
Wow that was long to type out, but update on my mind set i am really having problem with this guys, i am getting feelings for all these girls and it is really screwing my mind. I don't think i have the heart to do this, i am already at a level i am happy with, i have control over my destiny when it comes to women, which was the whole point of this thread. Technically i have already completed my goal. Those 3 main goals were just to help me get there, but i will make sure to finish the bootcamp. After i have done that i will make a decision what i will do next.

Dates i have planned is tommorow with new italian chick, date#1 girl friday and date#4 girl wednesday. I am thinking of taking out date#2 girl also and decide out of the other 10 plates i got which new ones ill add to the list.


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
Hey man,how in the world did you do 100 approaches in one day? Where were you? Where did you do the approaches at? I've noticed that there are a couple of approach journals going on here. There's you,Violent V,and Jayer has one also. Jayer started his journal 3 years ago in 2005,and he still has another 13 or 14 to go to reach 100,and you did it in one day? That's amazing. You're not playing around. I guess you really want to get a handle on how to better understand women. Good luck man. I hope you find knowledge you're looking for. And when you do find it,come back here and give all of us a heads up.:up:

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
Igetit!: Hey Thanks man, but anyone can do it, the question is would u go out there regardless of what wud happen and approach every girl u c. I Gamed anyway park, streets, shop, tube, bus, station, If theres a girl there then thats where u do it. Ironically the only place i didn't game seeing my friend was wearing tracksuit was a bar. And ya i know jayers tried doing 100 approaches 2, but i feel if u go for a longer period ur more bound to get quality sets, which i am guessing he has got, but i am hoping i cud do both quality and quantity sets.

Noob: Hey trust me its £1 lol, the deal comes back after 14th september i think. And well lets just get the bootcamp out of the way before the final goal.
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Well I'm here to tell you there is such a magic wand. Something that will make you almost completely irresistible to any woman you "point it" at. Something guaranteed to fill your life with love, romance, and excitement.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
Igetit! said:
Hey man,how in the world did you do 100 approaches in one day? Where were you? Where did you do the approaches at? I've noticed that there are a couple of approach journals going on here. There's you,Violent V,and Jayer has one also. Jayer started his journal 3 years ago in 2005,and he still has another 13 or 14 to go to reach 100,and you did it in one day? That's amazing. You're not playing around. I guess you really want to get a handle on how to better understand women. Good luck man. I hope you find knowledge you're looking for. And when you do find it,come back here and give all of us a heads up.:up:
Jayer is taking his sweet ass time. I'm almost up to 100 approaches and I only started this summer. Same goes for most of my wings, we average about 30 approaches a month.
One thing is that we do lots of night game, which is much easier for mass approaching. Going out 3 nights a week at least for the past 2 or 3 months.
Plus I'm living in one of the most populated cities in the world.

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
Date #6

Italian chick, and she was a HB 8, but on the day with what she wore she was a HB 9. I met up with her kissed her on cheek, we went her house to get her things and i was talking to some of her the builders outside who r building another room in her house. Then we go and we r waiting at station, difficult for her to understand me because shes only been here for 3 months, but we get by. I put arms round her waist hold her close to me and i look in her eyes and i kiss her for quite a while and say "i know u don't like my english, so i wanted to give my french a try". Kino is good, we r walking to park and some dude in van mumbles some **** and i am just like "huh" and shes like o he was saying something to me but i cudn't hear him.

Then later she mentions she dosn't have Bf she left him ages ago

RD: Thought u said u have bf
HB: no i just say that because loads of guys ask my number, u know what i mean
RD: o ok kool
HB: Like if i don't then u'll just have me giving my number out to everyone.
RD: ok i c
(i tried not make big deal, but think i should of said something like yeh i totally know what u mean i got to tell the guys i have a bf 2 i get like 100 guys ask me out a night)

Few minutes later
RD: so thats pretty kool there getting more rooms in ur house
HB: yeh one of the builders said he likes me (wow she likes to brag dosn't she)
RD: yeh seems like a very sweet guy think u and him should get together.
HB: No way lol, he hasn't got a nice face
RD: o so ur shallow how nice
HB: lol

Guys r looking at this chick all the time, dam i think to work HB 9's u got to basically ignore it and if she starts bragging, just C+f. We get park and i just start making out and bite down her neck and chest, pushing her bra bit down and biting the nipple and shes like "o so u like my big italians breasts?", i just reply "nah i like flat chest, but i will put up with them lol". I am cautious because its broad day light and she keeps mentioning that kids r running about. I stick hand in her panties but she pulls it out and some kids sit right next to us, so we stop and just talk.

We get on train and i am getting newspaper making her read things out of it, seeing i am her "english teacher" i put one of my hands under newspaper slide it up her skirt and start rubbing her ***** and she says "nah uh theres people here", but she widens her legs, so i just stick my middle finger inside and just slowly move it inside her, she just keeps turning pages quickly. more people come in and sit near, so we have to stop. I kiss her goodbye and say have good time in italy.

Shes coming back in 3 days btw so this plate isn't over.

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
NY've come a long way...only read the last post but I'm surely going to go through this thread...

For these 8s and 9s I'm very unreactive because it's normal for these hotties to be like that...

I have a 3 night field report coming out...AMOGs kept tryng to take my girls, one guy wanted to fight...when I'm with hotties all guys look at her...

Most guys don't realze the transformation t takes to able to handle multple Hot women...the highly superficial ones are the worst...

Heart Break Kid

Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2006
Reaction score
In hell. I'm Satan's lover.
Hey RD, you are so awfully smooth now. I knew it would not take you long ! One hundred numbers a day would blow my mind but then again so did one hundred approaches. Fifty a week is a fair bit for me but now I am wondering if I could do it...

Now you are making me feel lazy. :up:

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
Snow Plowman: hey man i still need 2 read the rest of ur journal 2, i still got quite a way to go because its huge lol. I will take ur advice on the Hb 9's though, i will do bit more research before i go out again with her 2.

HBK: Well after completing bootcamp i am sure u need some new goals to achieve u can give it a go, i know u r definetlly capable of doing it. I also actually still need to give ur Grandmaster sexy techniques a go, i remember last time i had them on my list and i didn't have heart to do them, "if u b nice to me ill lick u", i am just thinking dam i am going to get slapped lol, but then again i laughed so hard when reading ur field report on it so it seems worth doing.

Ill update this journal again when i get some more Field Experience done, i am going to relax this week and jus probs set up another date with one of the new girls 2. Also thanks for all the feedback so far.
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Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score
What's the point in getting 100 numbers in one day? Will you ever have time to call all of them, or is it just to prove you can do it?

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
Wodan said:
Yeah in certain situations it can work fine but its often hard to know whether it would or not, With being too personal I think it can work really well but varies from place to place, I mean like you tend to get general attitudes in certain places, sounds like you probably wont in london with alot of foreigners.

Im from South Wales though and being really open which allows you to build attraction and stuff much faster just makes people feel uncomftorble here, wheras in liverpool where ive spent most my time the past 3 years and will be again this year. People more often tend to really respect you for it.

I find it to be one of the best ways to escalate things up there, I dont mean telling them everything but opening up fast and talking about your personality and so on, by askin them how they would describe theirs knowing theyl throw the question back after theyve given you their answer.

But anyway really does sound like your progressing fast, hope it gets even better for you :)
Yeh i agree with u, but i feel if u r genuine and r positive it will work, basically women r not attracted to ur approach, rather than how u feel about ur approach.

I remember when i did my first night game in central london i talked to one girl and got rejected, so i assumed all girls were snotty in london and this happened all the time. I went to surrey and i talked to about like 15 girls and assumed they were friendly. Half a year later i night gamed in central london again and i talked to over 30 girls who were more friendly than the ones in surrey. Its not the girls, its u i feel. Even when i first started this i noticed a big difference between asking directions when u don't need them and waiting for the reaction, rather than asking them for directions when u do need them and expecting them to b nice and give it to u. The ones which i had expectation for worked better and i got closes from just asking directions. Its what u expect them to do, if its genuine u usually have positive thought of outcome, which leads to better responses. So the key to the core is being positive of ur outcome.
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Senior Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score
rushing dude 123 said:
Yeh i agree with u, but i feel if u r genuine and r positive it will work, basically women r not attracted to ur approach, rather than how u feel about ur approach.

I remember when i did my first night game in central london i talked to one girl and got rejected, so i assumed all girls were snotty in london and this happened all the time. I went to surrey and i talked to about like 15 girls and assumed they were friendly. Half a year later i night gamed in central london again and i talked to over 30 girls who were more friendly than the ones in surrey. Its not the girls, its u i feel. Even when i first started this i noticed a big difference between asking directions when u don't need them and waiting for the reaction, rather than asking them for directions when u do need them and expecting them to b nice and give it to u. The ones which i had expectation for worked better and i got closes from just asking directions. Its what u expect them to do, if its genuine u usually have [U]positive [/U]thought of outcome, which leads to better responses. So the key to the core is being positive of ur outcome.
I agree with what your saying but i dont change the way i feel in an approach, Im confident it comes down to another factor.

The place i spend my time in at South Wales is a fairly small town (about 8 thousand people) So social proof is alot stronger here, Most people know 90% of people theyre own age, in other words everybody in a club and so on, and know that what they do will be discussed by others around them.

It makes them really afraid to be forward with eachother, Like its extremely rare that a guy will approach someone down here (not the done thing) So when i approach people theyre really nervous and so on and just eject out of fear.

Pretty much everybody in a relationship down here got in a relationship through being friends with the girl for months then it turning into something.

Its not for me personally, I met my gf in a club in liverpool, chatted her up took her number and got her to come for a night out the next weekend.

Like i find people in general alot more care free in liverpool, because they know if they chat crap and get blown out by the girl theyre speaking to, chances are theyl never see them again.

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
Date 4 part 2

Alright met her after i got something to eat, we went to greenwich park (yes u noticed i am making my dates extremly cheap at the moment) lol. She was resistant with my kino bit at first, but i kept going and then she didn't resist. we get off the bus and i took us the wrong way, but i asked few people and got back on track. We got to the grass in the middle no one there and i bited her ear a bit and tugged on it, started smudging my hands up her abodemen getting to her chest and then pulling away and then doing it getting close and closer till i am on it. We fool for while and she says she wants to go back to my place.

My parents come home at like 5 and has soon has we get there she just goes up steps, so i'm like "woah easy girl, do u want anything to drink?", she does we take it up stairs and she says she wants to show me picture of her on internet so i tug her shirt and pull her to bed and say "idc i got the real thing right here". Anyways fast forward 2 hours we have to rush out of my house quick and i walk her home and tell her I got to go play football with friends. She says stuff like "wanna come back to mine now" or "is it alright if i visit u where u work", "what u doing tommorow". Its very forward and i know shes trying to lead this in relationship, ill probs take out next week, but shes going to b leaving in 3 weeks, so it will b kool.
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rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
Woodan: wow quick response lol, yeh it does come down to the factor also, but has long has u don't let that factor own u its fine, instead realise the factor and adapt ur game to it. Girl on phone, write a note on piece of paper "with hi i just wanted to talk to u, but writing is kool 2....soooo hows life on ur side of the pen?" < btw not field tested lol.....yet.

Ok i wanted to write another realisation on bringing a girl into ur world, rather than u in her's and think i am coming to the 10 post limit, so i am going to put a update on my plates here.

Alright taking new chick out tommorow at 3, i had date #1 cancel for friday because she had to work (wants to make other plans left voice message, so shes steady i think) , date 2 text me saying she had busy week (dodgy but just need her for a third date then bye bye). So i called another new girl

(started convo going well and i ask her out)
HB: i am not sure it wud b good idea i actually got a bf
RD: ok so let me get this straight u gave me ur number whilst u had a bf
HB: idk u took me by suprise
RD: ok thats kool, so meet me at 4 at ***
HB: hmmm still not sure
RD: why u think u can't control ur urges with me huh?....
HB: noooo its not that lol
RD: ok then theres no problem
HB: ok where again?

Well i think if i wanted to do that better i should of just called her on it even more, after she said "idk it took me by suprise" i should of said "well from that i am guessing u kind of liked it and i am going to b honest i really like talking to u 2 and I want to c u again, so i think we shud giv this ago and i think u know it 2" if she declines again just pull the whole ur not married thing.

Also another thing id like to add

Past theorys in my post

At the start of the thread i wrote lot of theorys like "direct theory" "working girl theory" and all the others and if u have noticed i have been abiding by them and if u look at some of my approaches u will c that i have used them quite often. They have shown very successful results, so i can say safely say with my field work that they work. Feel free to test them out and c if they work for u has well has they worked for me.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score
rushing dude 123 said:
Woodan: wow quick response lol, yeh it does come down to the factor also, but has long has u don't let that factor own u its fine, instead realise the factor and adapt ur game to it. Girl on phone, write a note on piece of paper "with hi i just wanted to talk to u, but writing is kool 2....soooo hows life on ur side of the pen?" < btw not field tested lol.....yet.

Ok i wanted to write another realisation on bringing a girl into ur world, rather than u in her's and think i am coming to the 10 post limit, so i am going to put a update on my plates here.

Alright taking new chick out tommorow at 3, i had date #1 cancel for friday because she had to work (wants to make other plans left voice message, so shes steady i think) , date 2 text me saying she had busy week (dodgy but just need her for a third date then bye bye). So i called another new girl

(started convo going well and i ask her out)
HB: i am not sure it wud b good idea i actually got a bf
RD: ok so let me get this straight u gave me ur number whilst u had a bf
HB: idk u took me by suprise
RD: ok thats kool, so meet me at 4 at ***
HB: hmmm still not sure
RD: why u think u can't control ur urges with me huh?....
HB: noooo its not that lol
RD: ok then theres no problem
HB: ok where again?

Well i think if i wanted to do that better i should of just called her on it even more, after she said "idk it took me by suprise" i should of said "well from that i am guessing u kind of liked it and i am going to b honest i really like talking to u 2 and I want to c u again, so i think we shud giv this ago and i think u know it 2" if she declines again just pull the whole ur not married thing.
Yeah your right its a matter of adapting to things down here and being friends with them for a while first but im not really willing to do it, Im open and honest and tbh I think thats the nature of a snake lol so i dont wanna do it, not willing to put that much work in when i have a gf.

Ive done simular with your pen idea, With girls ive had good eye contact, smiles,bodylanguage and so on with ive slipped a card with my number on.

One had a bf in the club at the time but I could see she was into me the week before but didnt bother, so slipped my number on the bar infront of her when she went over to get herself and him a drink, and ended up meeting her the next week lol.

I think it would work personally and it seems like your doing really well btw what you did on the phone in your last post, think it was great improvisation, wouldnt even change it lol.

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
Bringing her into ur world, rather than her bring u into hers

Now if ur a postive DJ u certanly have a positive mind set and that u r not strangers with the girl u approach and u just r two people getting to know eachother. Now u cud b a negative DJ and believe u r strangers and this is going to b awkward. Now with the last dj and the woman with two pesimistic views, u can already see the second DJ has lost, because dosn't matter whos world ur in ur both strangers and think its creepy so u can't win.

Now the other DJ has a 50/50 chance, so this Dj needs to bring her into his world. So basically i am sure sometimes when u say ur first line u will sometimes get a bad response. With experience u will notice the second thing u say is far more important that the first. Let me show u a example.

Guy: hey how r u
HB: kool

now this is dead, u cud do two things from this point

a. afc and keep talking try and impress her to get her talking, and then u will lose her

b. call her on her **** if shes not giving u a good vibe, make her look like shes doing something wrong.

AFC: ummm... so whats up
DJ: wow u have never done this before have u, this is where u say omdz u r such a awesome guy i must know how u r has well

Now the second dj assumed she has done something wrong, so she feel she has to qualify herself to u in a way, instead of what happens with the afc where he is trying his hardest to keep the convo going to please her, thus qualifying to her. Also u can do the ghost (not going to get into that now) which is basically not taking notice of bad signs. But if u have mind set of trying to impress her when she is bad is wrong.

I do a few sets in my "100 approach FR", where i use this theory and turned the negative vibes positive, like the one below.

HB sitting on seats in waterloo station.

RD: hi how r u
HB: Fine
RD: hm this pick up line isn't working ur suppose to just full out make out with me
HB *utter look of astonishment*
RD: this is where u say my name is (points at her)
HB: Blah
RD: and then u say u really kool whats ur name
HB: whats ur name
RD: hmmm u forgot the ur really kool part.
HB: ur really kool whats ur name
RD: c lol thats more like it and ur smiling.... kinda.. wow
(transisted it to something interesting and then changed subject again)
HB: yeh i live with my gf
RD: G f or "gf"
HB: "Gf"
RD: o ur a lesbian wow i am totally interested *directs body languages at her*
HB: lol u guys just love the thought of two girls making out don't u
(sexual convo)
Number close

In this approach she wasn't giving me a great vibe, so i turned the tables on her making it not seem like i was screwing up the approach, but rather than her not knowing what to do. This way i show that i still want to talk to her, by telling her what shes got to do next, come off unique and also don't accept no bad vibe from her. She dosn't really have no choice but to accept my good vibe because she feel has done something wrong and the right thing to do is to talk to me.

This isn't just with approaching, if she acts like a ***** to u, tell her exactlly what ur thinking instead of changing ur methods. Remember if ur being a good guy its not u that has to change its her, because she has to meet ur standards. If u b nice while she acts *****y, this is just making u seem like a push over and making her think she can get away with it so she will continue to do it.

So basically if u go to her world u r trying to meet her standards, but if she comes ur world she has to meet ur standards. If ur being good guy, why change urself. That is not the way to go, the whole point of this is to find the right girl for u, not become a guy ur not to "try" to fit into the right guy for her, which apparently is a push over with no back bone. This is exactlly why us Djs have to take control, we r not changing ourselves for women, we r changing for ourselves to become the man we want to b and no woman should ever change that.

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
Wodan said:
Yeah your right its a matter of adapting to things down here and being friends with them for a while first but im not really willing to do it, Im open and honest and tbh I think thats the nature of a snake lol so i dont wanna do it, not willing to put that much work in when i have a gf.

Ive done simular with your pen idea, With girls ive had good eye contact, smiles,bodylanguage and so on with ive slipped a card with my number on.

One had a bf in the club at the time but I could see she was into me the week before but didnt bother, so slipped my number on the bar infront of her when she went over to get herself and him a drink, and ended up meeting her the next week lol.

I think it would work personally and it seems like your doing really well btw what you did on the phone in your last post, think it was great improvisation, wouldnt even change it lol.
Yeh it was pretty sweet ironically using her loyalty to get the date lol, but i am thinking that it might of been better to actually show that i am interested in her and that shes interested me, because on the date i may still have to disarm the whole bf situation, but we will c. Also smooth with the number close dude in bar wodan (dam i read back and saw that i have been getting ur name wrong all this time lol)

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
Date 7

I had date with HB 8 (she has a bf) and she text me saying she might b 10-15 minutes late, so when i get there i get fries. I am walking in street back to station and i c her walking to station.

RD: hey aint u suppose to b going station
HB: aint u suppose to b at the station
RD: U said u might b late and u wasn't there when i arrived so i decidded to get fries. what r u doing
HB: o had to go post office quickly before we met up thought u might of got bored if u waited for me.
RD: o but waiting in the cold at the station was so much better
HB: lol (arrive at post office), so u coming in
RD: nah i am ok lol

She finishes and we walk to station and some random guys in car drive past and shout out "weaaah" (wtf r these morons doing, like seriously what do they gain from that), so i say

RD: why didn't u say hi?
HB:because i didn't know them
RD: really they seemed like sweet guys
HB: o maybe i should of went with them then
RD: yeh i think u shud and then i can find a corner and cry
HB: lol (starts playing with her hair looking at me)

i think in a way that was handled better than the HB 9 one on "date 6". So anyways we get to youth hostel, we talk about random stuff and i say i am married and bull**** and shes like "realllly?" we talk about divorce and tell her that i think its due to people settling for only one person and not truly liking that person and they get divorced. She agrees (this was subtly aimed at her bf situation). i slide in bit of kino she dosn't resist to much and does bit back.

We finish our drinks and go to hyde park, we go on the boat and it takes ages to get in the middle of lake due to wind, we then stop rowing and let wind take us to the left. We get talking and the tension is slowly building from all across the day. I look in her eyes and go to kiss her.....she pulls away before i can "this is wrong".

RD: whats wrong
HB: i have bf
RD: i know
HB: i can't do this
RD: if u were serious about him and getting married i wudn't do this, but ur not so there is nothing wrong, u should see what else is out there
HB: i know but still i can't help to feel its wrong.
RD: well...u know what actually i won't say because u will get big headed about it.
HB: no what, what did u want to say
RD: nah u will get big headed
HB: i won't say it
RD: well i am going to b honest from being with u today i do like u and the fact u came on this date shows u like me 2 or u wudn't b here.
HB: i know, i do like u, i never ever give my number out to guys though when i am out its usually fake, but idk ur the first guy i have done this with, but i can't go any further
(i am thinking ok this might not work, then she puts on her watermelons lip gloss, so i am thinking why wud she do that now, she wants me to go through with it)
HB: anyways i am not a good kisser
RD: well ill like to find out for myself
HB: my hair smells like smoke (lowers head)
Rd: i don't think it smells like smoke
(i slide my hand in pushing her hair out of her face put my hand behind her neck look into her eyes then tilt my head and kiss her lips, she kisses me back and starts adding a bit of tongue 2)
HB: omdz that was so wrong
RD: no it was just a kiss, ur not getting married there is nothing wrong in it ur jus looking whats out there. its not like we had sex and i won't take it any further than this (lies lol, i think i should of just left it at that instead of saying i won't)
HB: hmm i know, the worst thing is i kind of want to do it again

(after this point loads of make out sessions), we can't row boat back because currents so we leave it on side, she waits by it i inform guys and we leave.)

We r walking towards train and i been making this 2 face joke about her all day and she half takes off jacket and still wearing it on left side, and has handbag on right. she also has piercing on nose on left (which i always say is bad side due to piercing). I stop her

RD: don't move jacket, c two face
HB: lol
Rd: can u guess what side i like now
HB: good side (has shes walking with me on non nose pierced side)
RD: (i go other side and kiss her lips again) now what
Hb: bad side

lol thanks dark knight.....again.

we r on train home together she says she feeling guilty, but when ever i hold her hips she pushes her self again my crotch area and keeps kissing me. I even tell her no a few times seeing she smoked a cigerette.

I really liked this girl and prob wud of dated her properlly if shes single, but to bad she cheats huh lol. Also she even recommended i should date one of her friends seeing she thinks she will like me, i just reply "like u huh" and she smiles.
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rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
Date 7 text after date:
Ciao bello! I had a good time 2day, and i hope u did 2! and i also hope my cacklin and snortin didn't frighten u neither! anyways, i guess its to say i like u 2 but it reall cant go anywhere between us...but if u wanna hook up again just 2 spend time, then thats cool! have fun at football!


I think shes basically trying to b innocent even though she wants it, the whole seeing me again just proves that, if u didn't want anything to happen u wudn't c me again, but she wants to.

Ok note on other plates Date 4 girl keeps texting me saying she misses me....hmmm thinking i will break up with this girl soon shes getting to attached for my liking. Got date with new girl tommorow 2. Date 1 has kept trying to call me, so i sent her text that ill call her back when i find what shifts i am free. other plates no real contact with them for now but there still spinning.

Tell her a little about yourself, but not too much. Maintain some mystery. Give her something to think about and wonder about when she's at home.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
