Roosh V appears on Dr. Oz segment in a fat shaming faceoff


Senior Don Juan
Jan 21, 2014
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An audience full of max 6's and a cowardly pandering moron on there any surprise Oz didn't agree with his truth-speaking guest?

Roosh was calm, and Oz was getting riled up, and i'm sure it's because Roosh was speaking the truth and Oz couldn't admit that he'd jump on the bandwagon in a second in the locker room. With all that money that Oz is making, does anyone really think he's not going to go for the hottest woman he can find? Please.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2013
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Roosh is right of course. We all know we'd rather lay a slim 115 lb hottie than a 200 lb whale. People like Dr. Oz and their "what's inside that counts" bullsh*t are liars. And they make women who are overweight feel like its okay to be that way as long as they are a "good person". Problem is that people, especially women, don't want to hear the truth. Thanks for posting this.


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2014
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Roosh is a good looking, well dressed guy who is good shape. He should have no problems picking up women. As for Roosh's message, yeah its spot on he is speaking the truth.


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2013
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Typical, 'Everybody is beautiful' speak when its certainly not the case. Roosh V is speaking the truth and ain't no in shape men trying to slay no heavyweights.

Roosh had him when he asked if given a choice between a chubster and a thin woman what would he choose
And when he said he's only replying this way because of his viewers.

Dr. Oz lying out his ass. & did Roosh shady.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Dr. Oz is full of sh!t. The proof is in the pudding. Does his wife weigh 300 lbs.? Of course not. He had his choice and married a thin woman.


Master Don Juan
Jan 21, 2012
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Eye of the storm
Roosh V as always spot on. I couldnt listen any further when Oz started white knighting: "no matter blaaa BS "


Senior Don Juan
Apr 19, 2015
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I thought Roosh did very well here. Very calm and collected, which showed maturity, and strength. If you notice, when he spoke, the audience was listening. There were a few boos, but considering the topic and the audience, it wouldn't have been surprising to have seen tomatoes flying in from all directions. I agree, Dr. Oz sounded too full of ****. Anyone with a brain could tell he was catering to his audience and not saying what was really on his mind.

Dr. Oz had home field advantage, as well as control of production - it was his show - so there was pretty much a 0% chance that he wasn't going to "win". Took some balls for Roosh put himself out there like that, in that kind of environment. Job well done, IMO.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2014
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WanderingMan said:
I thought Roosh did very well here. Very calm and collected, which showed maturity, and strength. If you notice, when he spoke, the audience was listening. There were a few boos, but considering the topic and the audience, it wouldn't have been surprising to have seen tomatoes flying in from all directions. I agree, Dr. Oz sounded too full of ****. Anyone with a brain could tell he was catering to his audience and not saying what was really on his mind.

Dr. Oz had home field advantage, as well as control of production - it was his show - so there was pretty much a 0% chance that he wasn't going to "win". Took some balls for Roosh put himself out there like that, in that kind of environment. Job well done, IMO.
Did we see the same interview? He barely made eye contact with the grand rabble-rouser and the fat acceptance brigade, and half the time I wanted to shake my screen in hopes of getting the words to flow out of Roosh's mouth already. Then there was the part about Roosh calling it a "massacre" as if he had no idea what would happen cruising through Criptown sporting red from head to toe. I'd say the entire thing was a train wreck for Roosh but I suspect their was $omething in it for him either way..


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2014
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Thanks for posting that video. I've read a lot of what Roosh writes, there's the occasional time when I think he's jumped the shark, but for the most part he's spot on and he definitely is in this video.

The only thing I could have offered some advice for him would be during the video segment, he's losing frame. Now, this is understandable because Roosh is agreeing to come onto Dr. Oz's own show...into his not being able to control the frame is expected however it isn't impossible. You have to be a real pro, I'm talking swindling politician level, to accomplish that so I don't fault Roosh. Roosh brought up a great point, guys work out hard to accomplish so much and women feel like that shouldn't have to do jack sh!t in return. He should have continued to hammer this point home...a 300 pound land whale is not someone that I expect to have as a trophy wife after putting in so much sweat, blood and tears for something I wanted to accomplish in my life. It says to me this land whale thinks I should be happy because she's a lazy slore...hell you could have went into the audience and grabbed a few for examples from what I saw.

Of course Oz is going to parrot his own 'party line' on his own show. Don't go on peoples own shows expecting them to change or expect any sort of reasoned debate.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
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West Coast
I don't know who 'Roosh V' is but I understand, and agree, where his points are coming from but I disagree with telling people how to live their lives.

BUT, I do agree with how you present yourself is a reflection of how you strong your character is personally. When the 3 women got on stage and started talking about "fat acceptance" and how "she was confident," I could just tell that they were all lying to themselves. They can accept themselves the way they are but they HAVE to be prepared for the repercussions. They're pushing views on everyone else on how they need to be loved just as much as their counter part when in reality, that's just not possible. Slimmer women will always be deemed more attractive. They need to accept that fact instead of trying to "change everyone's views."

Sure you'll get that select few but like Roosh said; if you had two women who were equal in every way but one was slim and one was fat, who would you pick? The answer is obvious because Doctor Oz avoided the question!

If you want to be outside of the box and do something that everyone frowns upon, then you need to accept the backlash that you will get. I don't agree with hating on someone for having a certain view and I certainly don't agree with those SAME people hating on the people who hate on THEM. Sure, they can spread around "on how they should be accepted" but the results speak for themselves. You cannot fool a man just by saying a bunch of words on what THEY think SHOULD be attractive, it's the same with women as well. You cannot lie to yourself.

I don't know why, but it bothers me on how that lady said how "she was the most confident person you'll ever meet." It's like a punk, who has never spent time in prison, going up to a felon, who has been in and out of prison, and saying "he ain't about sh*t." I felt that she went through a lot of sadness and anger when she said that statement, which does not equal confidence. That equals ARROGANCE. It may be the catalyst to improve but it's a lot easier to be "accepted" than it is to improve huh?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 19, 2015
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Between_The_Lines said:
Then there was the part about Roosh calling it a "massacre" as if he had no idea what would happen cruising through Criptown sporting red from head to toe.
I agree with you here. Not sure how he expected anything different.

But I don't think it was really a "loss" for him. The points that Dr. Oz were making were the same old contrived feel good - fantasy land - crap.

Dr. Oz: I love women whatever shape they're in. It doesn't matter to me what's on the outside.

Really? I don't even think the fattiest of fatties would believe that one. He came across as a pandering phony. At least Roosh was "real". He stood up for himself and his very unpopular anti-pc opinion.

People can admire and respect that, no matter what their position is. Nobody respects a *****.

Dr. Oz - Nice guy, beta friend, tells women whatever they want to hear in an attempt to get them to like him.
Roosh - "Bad boy", Alpha, tells it how it is - couldn't care less what they think of him.

To me, that's how it seemed this intereview came across. There was no possible way Dr. Oz was going to let Roosh convince him or his audience that it was okay to "fat shame" women. That's pretty obvious, and Roosh had to have known that. Considering the circumstances, I don't think there was much else he could have done.

Die Hard

Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score
Good try to of Roosh to stay standing in a situation that was constructed to knock him down. But regardless of his good intentions, he just wasn't effective at defending himself and his opinion...

He's a fool to mix in the "health problem" angle. Let me ask you guys, do ANY of you here feel a need to shame fat women:

- because you wish the best for THEM?
- because you wish to improve public health?
- because you're so concerned about the effects of obesity on life expectancy?

Of course you don't! There are only two reasons why we men are concerned about the rising amount of fat chicks and the fact that society tries to tell women it's okay to be fat:

1. We want to pick up hot chicks!! But if this epidemic keeps going on, soon enough there will not be "plenty more fish in the sea". It'll just be a sea full of landwhales...
2. This obesity issue is part of a broader fight to level the playing field between men and women, a playing field that is heavily favored to women. Women think they're queens, they treat men like sh!t, they OFFER NOTHING and EXPECT EVERYTHING.
I don't need to explain further, we all know how unfair the dynamic between men and women has become and we all try to survive and fight back against this unfair setting in modern-day Western society.
So on top of all the unfairness that we already experience while we're dealing with women, now women are even going so far as to EXPECT from us that we love them NO MATTER WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE.
We all work our azzes off to become the best man we can be, which is HARD WORK!! And even if we do this, there's no guarantee that we can pick up a hot chick, let alone prevent her from cheating on us whenever she feels like hopping on another c0ck. But chicks don't have to do jack sh!t to get attention from men! Their characters are PLAIN SH!T, they act like stupid, treacherous, untrustworthy, unreasonable IDIOTS and still get attention from men as long as they LOOK GOOD. But now they're trying to push it a step further, not only do we have to put up with their worthless BEHAVIOR, we now also have to put up with their worthless LOOKS!
No way in hell are we gonna accept their attempt to destroy the dynamic between men and women even further!

So that's it. We want to bang hot chicks and we are fed up with women turning the dynamic in the world of dating more and more to their favor! Those are the only reasons why any of us feel it's our right to shame fat women.
Anyone saying he wants to shame fat women coz he wants the best FOR THEM or because he is concerned about life expectancy and public health etctera is a goddamn LIAR.

Which applies to Roosh... He should've been honest and simply defend the things I just explained, instead of coming up with this FALSE ARGUMENT about public health and life expectancy. Everyone knows that was just a bullsh!t angle he tried to play to make himself look good... Dr. Oz and the women there all see through this, Roosh put himself in a weak position coming up with this angle and undermined his chances to survive this debate.

Me personally, I would just put it this way if I sat there instead of Roosh:

"Girls, if an obese guy comes up to you in a bar and tries to hit on you (show them a picture like this:, are you happy to go home with him and have sex with him? Are you happy to become his girlfriend? Or are you gonna turn him down? ...... You don't have to answer the question ladies, we all know the answer! You are not hoping to get picked up by an obese guy, you're hoping to get picked up by a handsome fella who looks like the guys in Magic Mike or something! And it doesn't matter if that obese guy is beautiful on the inside, you would still turn him down and you would still hope to get hit on by a handsome fella instead!

Well, same goes for us. Men don't feel attracted to obese women, no matter how beautiful those women are on the inside. Sure, if you are beautiful on the inside, I would respect any of you AS A PERSON and be happy for you that you have a beautiful personality. But I WILL NOT find you attractive! Here, I will say it out loud: I FIND YOU VERY VERY VERY UNATTRACTIVE. I respect you as a person and as a human being, but when it comes to romantic interest, I HAVE NONE FOR YOU.
That's just my taste, there's no debating someone's taste. If you like strawberries and I like vanilla, it's useless to EXPECT each other to change our taste, right? Just like that, it's useless for you to EXPECT me to feel attracted to obese women, coz I don't and I never will. And it's also useless for you to EXPECT me to keep my preferences to myself, I have a right to have my own personal taste and I have a right to express my taste.

Now, if you feel offended by my personal taste, you can do either of two things:

1. Lose weight and transform your body into an ATTRACTIVE body, I promise you that you will get compliments and positive remarks on your body from me, if you do that.
2. Don't lose weight and just accept the fact that I find your body unattractive. But again, DO NOT expect me to accept you as you are and DO NOT expect me to find you attractive just because you have a nice personality. That's not the way it works and it never will.

Thank you all and goodnight!"

Just lay it out there the way it is and don't allow this Dr. fvckface or the audience to interupt before you finished. No false arguments trying to play the bullsh!t public health and life expectancy angle, just tell it like it is!

If they come up with stupid arguments like "You're making all these women feel bad by saying you find them unattractive". You answer: "What do you want me to do? Tell them they are beautiful and that I feel attracted to them? Well, that would be a lie! Wouldn't it be disrespectful of me to lie to them? I believe women hate it when men lie to them, right? But now you're asking me and all other men to do just that? Lie to women? That seems strange to me....

I would think that a woman wants a man to TRULY find her attractive, not just lie about it while deep down he doesn't mean it at all. Right? So, I'm telling you, men don't find obese women attractive and it would be ridiculous to lie about it. If we men tell obese women they're attractive, but we won't ask them out or show romantic interest in them, then we are accused of being liars and jerks and whatnot. What you want is for us to TRULY find you attractive, you want for us to MEAN IT instead of us lying about it. But that will not happen as long as you stay obese!

It's not about hurting your feelings, I don't take pleasure in that. But I'm not gonna lie and give you the impression that I find you attractive while I really don't. That would be unfair to you and to myself. If you hear us men telling you we find obese women unattractive, you can stick your head in the sand and convince yourself that a beautiful personality is all a man looks for. But I feel I would be an azzhole if I DIDN'T point out this false notion in your mind.... If we men are honest about what we like in women, that offers you the chance to assume those qualities and REALLY make us feel attracted to you. That's what you want, isn't it?

And if that's NOT what you want, if you DON'T care for our opinion, then why the hell are you currently making such a big deal out of our opinion when we say we find your fat bodies unattractive?"

Of course, the fat bytches would tell me they DON'T care for my opinion and have enough self worth to not let my opinion affect them blah blah. Well, then I would just repeat to them OUT LOUD: "I find you all very unattractive. My taste prefers women who are not fat. I find you all ugly. Just the truth, not saying it to hurt your feelings, just being honest. And I expect you all to just accept me saying this, coz you just told me my opinion isn't important to you, right? Your self esteem isn't affected by my opinion, right? So then stay quiet now, as I tell you I find your obese bodies unattractive!"

And on an on. If they do feel I'm offensive, then they do care about my opinion and more importantly, I would make them admit that they not only care about MY opinion but about MEN'S opinion of them in general. And once they can't deny that fact any longer, then I simply tell them: "Well, now we've established that you do care about men's opinion and want them to TRULY find you attractive. If you want to achieve the latter, I advice you to lose weight. Getting angry at men for finding you unattractive sure won't change anything, we will still find you unattractive... You can keep getting angry at me and other men or you can lose weight. I know what I would do!!! Actually I do go to the gym and try to be as attractive as I can so women find me attractive. So do a lot of women, by the way! And they're all getting compliments and getting hit on by handsome men! But you have to decide for yourself, ladies..."

I would bury them underground in a debate if they let me speak. At least I would do a hell of a better job than Roosh just did, he gave a weak performance if you ask me.
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Apr 28, 2015
Reaction score
Die Hard said:
Good try to of Roosh to stay standing in a situation that was constructed to knock him down. But regardless of his good intentions, he just wasn't effective at defending himself and his opinion...

He's a fool to mix in the "health problem" angle. Let me ask you guys, do ANY of you here feel a need to shame fat women:

- because you wish the best for THEM?
- because you wish to improve public health?
- because you're so concerned about the effects of obesity on life expectancy?

Of course you don't! There are only two reasons why we men are concerned about the rising amount of fat chicks and the fact that society tries to tell women it's okay to be fat:

1. We want to pick up hot chicks!! But if this epidemic keeps going on, soon enough there will not be "plenty more fish in the sea". It'll just be a sea full of landwhales...
2. This obesity issue is part of a broader fight to level the playing field between men and women, a playing field that is heavily favored to women. Women think they're queens, they treat men like sh!t, they OFFER NOTHING and EXPECT EVERYTHING.
I don't need to explain further, we all know how unfair the dynamic between men and women has become and we all try to survive and fight back against this unfair setting in modern-day Western society.
So on top of all the unfairness that we already experience while we're dealing with women, now women are even going so far as to EXPECT from us that we love them NO MATTER WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE.
We all work our azzes off to become the best man we can be, which is HARD WORK!! And even if we do this, there's no guarantee that we can pick up a hot chick, let alone prevent her from cheating on us whenever she feels like hopping on another c0ck. But chicks don't have to do jack sh!t to get attention from men! Their characters are PLAIN SH!T, they act like stupid, treacherous, untrustworthy, unreasonable IDIOTS and still get attention from men as long as they LOOK GOOD. But now they're trying to push it a step further, not only do we have to put up with their worthless BEHAVIOR, we now also have to put up with their worthless LOOKS!
No way in hell are we gonna accept their attempt to destroy the dynamic between men and women even further!

So that's it. We want to bang hot chicks and we are fed up with women turning the dynamic in the world of dating more and more to their favor! Those are the only reasons why any of us feel it's our right to shame fat women.
Anyone saying he wants to shame fat women coz he wants the best FOR THEM or because he is concerned about life expectancy and public health etctera is a goddamn LIAR.

Which applies to Roosh... He should've been honest and simply defend the things I just explained, instead of coming up with this FALSE ARGUMENT about public health and life expectancy. Everyone knows that was just a bullsh!t angle he tried to play to make himself look good... Dr. Oz and the women there all see through this, Roosh put himself in a weak position coming up with this angle and undermined his chances to survive this debate.

Me personally, I would just put it this way if I sat there instead of Roosh:

"Girls, if an obese guy comes up to you in a bar and tries to hit on you (show them a picture like this:, are you happy to go home with him and have sex with him? Are you happy to become his girlfriend? Or are you gonna turn him down? ...... You don't have to answer the question ladies, we all know the answer! You are not hoping to get picked up by an obese guy, you're hoping to get picked up by a handsome fella who looks like the guys in Magic Mike or something! And it doesn't matter if that obese guy is beautiful on the inside, you would still turn him down and you would still hope to get hit on by a handsome fella instead!

Well, same goes for us. Men don't feel attracted to obese women, no matter how beautiful those women are on the inside. Sure, if you are beautiful on the inside, I would respect any of you AS A PERSON and be happy for you that you have a beautiful personality. But I WILL NOT find you attractive! Here, I will say it out loud: I FIND YOU VERY VERY VERY UNATTRACTIVE. I respect you as a person and as a human being, but when it comes to romantic interest, I HAVE NONE FOR YOU.
That's just my taste, there's no debating someone's taste. If you like strawberries and I like vanilla, it's useless to EXPECT each other to change our taste, right? Just like that, it's useless for you to EXPECT me to feel attracted to obese women, coz I don't and I never will. And it's also useless for you to EXPECT me to keep my preferences to myself, I have a right to have my own personal taste and I have a right to express my taste.

Now, if you feel offended by my personal taste, you can do either of two things:

1. Lose weight and transform your body into an ATTRACTIVE body, I promise you that you will get compliments and positive remarks on your body from me, if you do that.
2. Don't lose weight and just accept the fact that I find your body unattractive. But again, DO NOT expect me to accept you as you are and DO NOT expect me to find you attractive just because you have a nice personality. That's not the way it works and it never will.

Thank you all and goodnight!"

Just lay it out there the way it is and don't allow this Dr. fvckface or the audience to interupt before you finished. No false arguments trying to play the bullsh!t public health and life expectancy angle, just tell it like it is!
Good points but that wouldn't make a difference to the PC patting self on the back moral preening audience. Women always just look at what's "inside" LMAO

As if women are crying out for overweight dudes to be the lead roles in romance movies or on the cover of novels.

I can just see it now the new #1 fat acceptance best seller going to become Hollywood blockbuster 50 Shades of Cellulite with sexiest man alive: Fat Bastard.

That would be an all time "hit" :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
I loved the part where Roosh V states that how you look on the outside is indicative of how you are on the inside. THAT is TRUTH.

If you do not have the self control or self respect to show up and be the very best you can be, what does that say about you? I don't like fat chicks for the same reason I don't like women who drink too much... who smoke... who take drugs, or generally live unhealthy lifestyles. Fatness is a symptom of a woman that does NOT have it together.

If you can not find happiness is something other than gorging yourself on KFC then you are NOT a happy person.


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
Our boy RooshV done good. Well done boy. If only your forum is a more lax I'd contribute.

Starfvcks 64

Senior Don Juan
Dec 22, 2013
Reaction score
I haven't watched the clip yet, but i'm not sure appearing on Dr. fvcking Oz is the best look for the red pill community. It's not the right audience, and will obviously create e a narrative to make it look bad.
I think Roosh is doing ok without that type of exposure and he's smart enough to know how the average Dr. Oz viewer will react to his opinions.
It's like that time Mystery went on David Letterman in full peacock gear. This stuff doesn't belong on mainstream TV.

Edit: Cancel that. Roosh came out looking like a pro, and acted more professional than Dr. Oz's typical guest.
"Now that you're not hiding behind the computer" hahaha


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2008
Reaction score
Southern California
Man, good for Roosh!

I would be boiling if Dr. Oz was speaking to me like that. Why the F would I fly all the way to his talk show only to be berated like that? That's not a discussion. That's not thought-provoking, just Dr. Oz trying to flex his media muscle, polishing his white knight armor.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
The only way you can change a deep rooted mindset is to drag that individual through a significant emotional event. Being nice and understanding does not work with people who at set in their ways. If it takes shaming them into weight loss so be it.

They will thank you for it. All these so called weight loss experts are full of sh!t. Ever watch one of those shows... I never hear anyone ask the fat @sses how much the fvcking eat.

Want to lose weight? Simple... don't eat. And gradually build your strength through exercise. Oh... And have the discipline to stick with it.

Men don't like fat women because it is unattractive.

Women don't like fat men because it is a symptom of lack of self control.