One problem is 'cels don't really understand how "normie" couples get together. They see couples everywhere and even notice their own siblings dating. They see lots of people just fall into relationships organically with little to no effort. But they genuinely and HONESTLY can't grasp why it never happens to them.
Then normies tell them they are "too picky." The 'cel can't grasp this because he has not actually (formally) rejected any chicks. He wishes he had chicks to turn down lol. I could go on, but suffice to say it's quite the mind-F.
Autism and Aspergers play a big role in it. Aspies have a hard time making connections with other people. I don't have a solution to the 'cel issue either, but I think it's only going to get worse. Within the next 20 years I wouldn't be surprised if 50% of men are nearcel/incel. Dating apps/social media now give women access to options they would have never had before. A 5/10 woman will shoot down her own looksmatch because she can go on Tinder and get better (temporarily).
I recommend men not watch black pill, mgtow, or pornography content. All 3 are toxic for the mind when consumed for too long. Overdosing on black pills is very real. I think everyone should have a basic understanding of lookism and know that 90% of the time when a guy gets rejected it's not really his fault. There are 1,001 shallow reasons why women will shoot you down. After that, move on from the black pill stuff. It's a defeatist mindset that offers no solutions to its sufferers problems.
My personal opinion is men should never give up trying to ascend though. At the very least all men should be running passive game at all times.