cordoncordon said:
Just to add to this.
I lived with a certified BDP for about 1.5 years. She was diagnosed with it and has been under therapy of some sort for most of her life.
Like many of you she seemed perfectly normal when i first met her. Pretty, well spoken, funny. And she came on like gang busters when I first met her. Sex right away, declaring her love for me within a week or two. Saying how i was her knight in shining armor. Hooked me immeaditely.
Soon I began to see many red flags. Drinking, many failed relationships, many different jobs, strange stories about her past, changed her hair style and color many times, could go from one hobby to the next like the drop of a hat and never revisit the old one again. She began to have depression, raging like you have never seen someone rage. I mean could literally go on for hours screaming over nothing. And then the next day be the sweetest person you would ever meet.
Soon when she began to doubt my true love for her she made up stories to attract sympathy. Saying she was raped in a parking lot, saying she was attacked when she took out the garbage and even had perfectly placed slice marks on her head to "prove it". Of course since I had found out so many of her past stories were lies, i really didn't believe these either and of course those turned out to be false as well. All to get my "attention".
After a while her daily drinking became so bad, her raging so bad, I was ready to move out and on with my life. Thats when she took a knife and in front of me slit her wrist wide open. Thankfully she sliced it parellel and not across, or she would have died right there. I mean her wrist was wide open, cut all her tendons, everything. She also o d'd on her her meds to try and kill herself.
She really tried to get help. I mean she realized what she had and didnt want to be that way but there was nothing she could do according to her.
Finally when i left for good, she hit and sliced herself and then called the police saying I attacked her-which I didnt. I was arrested, put in jail for two days, humiliated. I eventually got everything cleared but only after paying court costs, lawyer fees, and attending anger management class for 15 weeks at $50 a pop. If anyone knows me they call me the most laid back person they know. I never get angry, which is why that class was such a joke, and the instructor knew that after a week or two and gave me a glowing report to the judge.
She also stole my car, slandered me to everyone she knew. All because I left her.
There are a million other stories I could tell about her in the time we were together, but suffice it to say they are all very similar to the ones I gave here. Lets just call it a neverending soap opera.
I was sucked in. I thought I could "fix" her. When i got out of that relationship eventually it felt like all the life had been sucked out of me. Thats what they do, suck the life out of you and then move on since they always need new forms of excitement and drama to keep them from thinking about their own depression.
I am telling anyone now, if you have any inkling that your gf or wife has borderline personality disorder, run like you have never run before. I have had numerous psychiatrists tell me BPD is the one disorder they are actually scared of. It is untreateable.
Just get the heck out.
I am touched at reading this, so too sounds all too familiar.
The ironic thing is I thought this was an isolated case on my part, it is only through forums like these you appreciate the magnitude of this.
Some may dismiss this as unlucky but in all honesty there are too many cases out there to be classed as simply luck based.
I sensed my relationship heading towards this state posted here.
My partner did get violent at a few drunken intervals (I live a passive life and have never lashed out at a women; I think men that do are truly wimp's). But having a partner who lashes out when drunk then slowly you find through being with them this negative attribute as been pushed onto you through there friends and there family, it really raises the hairs on the back of your neck.
Great example of the extremes they goto, the keep pushing and pushing until eventually your either homeless, depressed or labelled some wife beating thug. The worst part about it all society is all to keen to jump to the women’s side and buy the BS they spin making this even more a head F***.
There is simply no more other option to stay well clear, take it as a warning before you too find your life turned upside down and its the sweet little nice fu** you married or dating this is in fact doing all they can to make your life a living hell, in such a way your mind spins on its axis to try to understand to try to forgive and to try to love.
Until you simply cant take any more.
Sadly at that point damage as been done and this is in the form of your own self worth.
Relationships I too avoid, but in all fairness my single life is like a breath of fresh air and I could not ask for more and I simply love it more then any past relationship, going through this then coming out of it, gives you a whole new perspective, one it makes you appreciate the freedom of being single and doing as you please, with no guilt.
I appreciate a fine women can benefit but this is the problem you grow or I grow to such a state where by my single life is simply too attractive and in fairness sex is pretty easy to come by!
This thread should be sticked for all men in similar situations to come in and see as it is a great help in reflecting and knowing the truth and that is this thing is common and it sucks us men in far too often.
A pretty women, a fine ass, a great sha* and she does everything for you.
Then slowly it all starts to flip around and only when you walk away and piece up the facts you come to the conclusions allot of men have found.
I feel sorry for the guys who really don’t understand and fully blame them due to a messed up personality of a women who needs so much attention and drama that is totally of the scale of acceptability to the point of mental health damaging for you and for her!
If you truly love women like this say no the abuse and show her it is not right by kicking her to the curb and moving on. Only then will she maybe question her role, but even then it is too late for you as there is no going back ever, the point as been crossed.
At one point i had her parants threaten me due to me hitting her!!!
I never hit her, but she did not mind lashing out. It is painful to write this as sociaty thinks the man is to blame. But when your partner orchistrates and act for attention need, people outside look at it as they want.
Look see this for what it is before you find out the hard way.
These women are very very bad news.
As for slut and needed consitant men attention.
Trust this:
Some signs:
They love men around them that want to fu** them.
They never have male friends that dont want to fu** them as the OP put.
They have a history of messed up sh**.
The OP women is in the same catagory a stay away zone or he will regret it.
Lets seperate a FB with a relationship which is whats been posted. A FB is nothing more then that a relationship with this lvl of shi* is a mirror of red flags that are witnessed, there will be more to come.