roids and highschool


Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Hey guys, im faced with a problem. I have this first period class mixed with juniors (me) and seniors. This particular senior likes to poke fun at everyone. He started on me and I just laughed it off. Then as he could see it was bothering me it got worse and worse. more harsh and more like fighting words. im a small kid. Just turned 17 and 140 pounds. Slim athletic build and want to do something about him talking. The main reason behind this is because there are tons of hot girls in this first class and they see what’s going on and when I just sit there and don’t say anything back (don’t want to get my ass kicked) they start to talk to him. It’s at the point where the girls flock to him and look down on me. I WANT TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. I have researched about roids and one cycle with appropriate exercise does not seem that bad. Anyone with experience please help me out.

ps: i work out enough and feel good about the way i look but im not big enough to stop people from disrespecting me.

Fred Da Head

Master Don Juan
Jul 21, 2002
Reaction score
1. You should've posted this in the H&F forum, the more experienced people are over there.

2. At 17, it's unsafe to take roids. Even prohormones are recommended only to those over 18, but they're safer. I'll personally take prohormones, (I'm 17) but I wouldn't take roids for a while.

3. Even with all that, you're doing it for the wrong reason. I know lots of scrawny guys who get respect. Size has nothing to do with it, it's attitude. Of course people will usually have less intentions of FIGHTING with you if you're more muscular, but you won't get more respect.


Don Juan
Jan 4, 2003
Reaction score
Dont take roids. Just work out. Dont laugh with him when he jokes at you.

Or learn Jiu Jitsue and get him in an Arm Bar. :)

Fred Da Head

Master Don Juan
Jul 21, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by mikel
Dont take roids. Just work out. Dont laugh with him when he jokes at you.

Or learn Jiu Jitsue and get him in an Arm Bar. :)
If you touch him (violently, I don't think bumping into someone is grounds for anything) he can:

A. Get you kicked out of your school, if you do something on your schoolgrounds. You might get kicked out of school if you kick his ass even somewhere else, I've seen it happen.

B. Sue you.

C. Get you arrested.

D. Most of the above.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 6, 2002
Reaction score
United States
Man, this is the perfect thread for me to answer because I'm an aspiring bodybuilder...I'm a Moderator for, so what I say, you better take to heart because i know what I'm talking about. You are WAY TOO YOUNG to start juicing. You are even too young for pro-horomones. You should only take steroids when your body has reached it's NATURAL LIMIT, meaning you can no longer gain any muscle. And you would be doing it for the wrong reasons. I would guess you are an ectomorph, meaning you are a hard gainer. It's very hard for you to gain muscle/weight. If you want to get bigger, then get on a workout split, and EAT EAT EAT. If you are interested in bodybuilding, you can pm me.

DJ Girevik

Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2002
Reaction score
Vista, CA
Originally posted by dointhingsright
Hey guys, im faced with a problem. I have this first period class mixed with juniors (me) and seniors. This particular senior likes to poke fun at everyone. He started on me and I just laughed it off. Then as he could see it was bothering me it got worse and worse. more harsh and more like fighting words. im a small kid. Just turned 17 and 140 pounds. Slim athletic build and want to do something about him talking. The main reason behind this is because there are tons of hot girls in this first class and they see what’s going on and when I just sit there and don’t say anything back (don’t want to get my ass kicked) they start to talk to him. It’s at the point where the girls flock to him and look down on me. I WANT TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. I have researched about roids and one cycle with appropriate exercise does not seem that bad. Anyone with experience please help me out.

ps: i work out enough and feel good about the way i look but im not big enough to stop people from disrespecting me.
Find a good workout program that's concentrated on size building (like 10 sets of your 5 (for strength) or 10 (for endurance) rep max), and pig out on protein. The protein is used to build up your muscles during the recovery time.


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2003
Reaction score
In a house
mass gain

"Find a good workout program that's concentrated on size building (like 10 sets of your 5 (for strength) or 10 (for endurance) rep max), and pig out on protein. The protein is used to build up your muscles during the recovery time."

Not quite sure what you mean there, but if you want to gain mass you do your exercise at 3-4 sets of 6-8 reps. For endurance its 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps. For strength its 3-4 sets of 4-5 reps.

Anyways do NOT use juice. I weight train/body build at 16 and you do not want to use juice at all. Not at our age. Creatine can help make you look bigger but creatine only makes you look bigger because of water storage in the cells. Creatine is for getting that little extra bit of energy to finish up those last sets on your exercise.

Being small built may not be your proble here... it seems more like an attitude problem. What you need to do is not take s**t from people, I'm not saying to go and fight the guy but if thats what it takes for you to get respect from him go and fight him. Just stand up for yourself and people will respect you.

Mack Of All Trades

Master Don Juan
Dec 5, 2002
Reaction score
This is SO weird because it reminds me of one of the kids I know. He gets joked on all the time in my science class and is being turned into the class herb (I dont join in the joking).

Anyway, I think you should either try to come back with something in response to what he says (Althought this shows that he got to you, and could backfire if he gets the last diss.)

What I would do is to ignore him when he jokes. If he gets physical, you have got to handle your business.

I feel for you and understand what your going through.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 6, 2002
Reaction score
United States
Re: Re: mass gain

Originally posted by Fred Da Head
Do you mean steroids or anything to gain mass faster?
In bodybuilding slang, juicing=shooting up steroids...most comonly D-bol and Winny

Fred Da Head

Master Don Juan
Jul 21, 2002
Reaction score
Re: Re: Re: mass gain

Originally posted by Viper423
In bodybuilding slang, juicing=shooting up steroids...most comonly D-bol and Winny

Yeah, I know, but prohormones had been mentionned and I wanted to know if he meant those as well.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 6, 2002
Reaction score
United States
Re: Re: Re: Re: mass gain

Originally posted by Fred Da Head
Yeah, I know, but prohormones had been mentionned and I wanted to know if he meant those as well.
No, prohormones are not considered "juicing", but should not be used until your body has fully developed, usually age 22+. Anyone wanting to take steroids or prohormones needs to research them for at least a year before you even consider taking your first dose. You should know everything involved with it, and if you take it, it should be for the right reasons. You should know what additional supplements you need to have to counteract the side effects, because without these, you will experience a lot of things, such as baldness and "man tits" from the increase in estrogen..yes estrogen in your body. So, not to scare anyone, but you had better take them for the right reasons, and had better know what the hell you are doing. I don't plan on taking any steroids until I am 22, but am doing it for the right reason...because I am an aspiring bodybuilder, not just so I can kick some guys ass...The most comon prohormone is called 1-AD just incase anyone wanted to know....I'm a moderator for, so if anyone has any questions about bodybuilding, just pm me.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2002
Reaction score
lol i thought you were talking about anoither kind of 'roid haha...

random afc

Senior Don Juan
Dec 28, 2002
Reaction score
tell him to fvck off. for the same reasons you shouldn't use violence, he won't. but if he does, then you follow to the sueing, expulsion, whatever. hope this helped, i have told many upperclassmen (i'm 15) to fvck off and they either respect me for that and then we'll become friends, or they leave me alone, or they continue and everyone else sees what a punkbytch that person is. peece


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2002
Reaction score
Hey dude

What I learned to avoid this type of situation is two things

1. Ignore him, as simple as that just ignore what he says, he keeps poking fun but unless he sees a reaction he'll eventually get tired of it, the more you show signs of anger or hatred the easier it is for him to poke fun. I used to be like you, i'm a junior, 16 1/2 and i only weigh about 135 at 5'7, so i'm not the biggest kid, but just don't worry about it. If you ignore him he'll stop.

2. This is more dangerous but I think you'll get a better reaction from this from the ladies ;). Well anyway i found a really good mechanism for gaining popularity and respect is to be a wise azz or a smart azz whichever you prefer. Both are basically the same thing, with a slight difference, don't ask me what but you'd know the difference if the situation arose.

Here's what you do to become a smart azz. First loosen up, not everything has to be so serious. Second, are you loose yet? ok good now then look around you, stuff seen odd or funny to you? say it, say it LOUD, some of the best comedians whole skit is just pointing out the flaws in things. Do it small at first, just with your friends, don't say it to be mean say it as a joke, smile, just be cool about things. some people may get offended, but so what they need to pull the stick out of their azz and have fun. Thirdly watch stand-up on comedy central, they have great stand-up on friday nights, and they usually have something on at 7 est before the daily show (daytime viewing) comes on. Just watch how they make jokes, notice how they make things tie in together but still move away to start new topics, you won't have to do anything this complex, i just think its cool how they do it ;), ok after you watch then learn how they make jokes, they observe the lighter side of life, they don't worry at all about what people think, and they can laugh at their own jokes.

Everything about your life will change, if you just calm down, relax, start breathing, and laughing. Because when you laugh your calm and its very good for you i hear. So whenever this guy is trying to be a wise azz, just say "Thats cool" is a sarcastic kinda way, and if that pisses him off, don't worry about it, if anything it'll throw him off because someone actually stood up to him. I hope this helps, if you have any questions feel free to drop me a line through e-mail or aim Neovincent13( for e-mail) and if this wasn't the response you were looking for from your post, to bad, by the time you bulk up enough to kick this guys ass he'll be graduated because you gain roughly 1-2% strength a week (safely), i would not recomend roids for anyone, especially someone in HS. It won't help you bulk up quick enough without some serious side effect, so just take the buddhist way out, and enjoy life :D (and no buddha wasn't fat when he was enlightened)


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2003
Reaction score
In a house

personally Random AFC I disagree with what you said on the non violent approach of sueing, and expulsion. At my highschool if some kid sued another kid for making fun of him or losing a fight , the kid that is sueing would be looked down even more upon. Sure he gets a little bit of money but thats not what he is after. I think most kids would agree getting sueing a kid or getting him expelled is extreme and would make the kid sueing look like a rich pompous ass.

My 2 cents on that anyways.
Mar 7, 2002
Reaction score
I say tell him to go fvck himself. If he continues then just poke fun at one of his flaws, cause guys like that are actually really self consious. Chances are he will stop it.

anyways if none of this works then get him back with every insult, and if he hits you, get the prigg expelled. Girls will admire you for standing up to him. DO NOT hit him...not worth it

DJ Girevik

Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2002
Reaction score
Vista, CA
Re: mass gain

Originally posted by Jimineye
"Find a good workout program that's concentrated on size building (like 10 sets of your 5 (for strength) or 10 (for endurance) rep max), and pig out on protein. The protein is used to build up your muscles during the recovery time."

Not quite sure what you mean there, but if you want to gain mass you do your exercise at 3-4 sets of 6-8 reps. For endurance its 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps. For strength its 3-4 sets of 4-5 reps.
The 10-5 routine is known as the "Bear" routine and was something I picked up from Pavel Tsatsouline (for info on him go to No pain, no gain.