Due to the death of my dog, I kind of didn’t want any company on Sunday, but HB8 had other ideas.
HB8: We still on for tonight?
Me: How about next week, kind of not in the mood tonight.
HB8: I know this sucks, and I want to be there for you. We can just stay at your place and I’ll cook you some dinner.
Me: Cool. I’ll cook though; you cooked last time (And hopefully never again)
HB8: I’ll be there @ 6. I’ll bring some wine.
Me: See You then
She rolls in at 5:50 (prompt chick) as I’m cooking dinner. Open the wine, eat some food (good stuff), talk for a bit about random sh*t, clean up the kitchen, shoot some pool, and head out to the pool in the back So far there truly have been no red flags. This girl was raised right, has a great paying job, rents her own condo, and seems to have her sh*t together. So now all the fun begins.
HB8:“It’s so nice out. I wish I brought a swim suit”.
Me: “If you go upstairs in my room there’s some drawers in my closet check the top left and see if any of those will work”
She said nothing for like 10 seconds (guess the hamster was spinning).
HB8: “Are you telling me you have a drawer of female swimsuits in your closet?”
Me: “yeah a few, is this a problem?”
HB8: “Well if you came to my place and I had a drawer full of men’s speedos how would you feel, I just think it’s kind of weird to be dating a guy who has a drawer full of ladies swimsuits! What, do you just bring a bunch of random women here who you bring out here and keep their swimsuits as a memento?”
I was silent for about 3 seconds and busted out laughing. She went to say something and I cut her off. “Wait; let me answer the barrage of questions before you ask anything else.”
“1. If you had a drawer full of speedos I would think you dated gay men or were fu*king a swim team.”
”2. Why are we throwing the dating term out there when I’ve seen you a total of three times in my life?”
“and 3. I’ve lived in this house for a while and have had several parties and family members here, as I went through the bathrooms, people always would forget swimsuits so I washed them and threw them in that drawer.” “So do you want to borrow a swim suit or not?”
HB8: “No, I think I’ll pass on the whole swimming thing” “you know, the last time I was here I told you that I wasn’t just some girl that you can f*ck without a commitment. So yes I’m throwing the dating term out there!” “Maybe I should just go so that you can think it over?”( I think this may be what you guys refer to as a sh*t test.)
Me: “You know, that’s probably a good idea. I just put my dog down yesterday and I’m not in the right frame of mind to deal with this sh*t. I’ll show you to the door, and we can talk some other time.”
HB8: “I know my way to the door!” ‘Thanks for the great night!”
She grabs her purse and keys and walks out slamming the door. I never really expected some crazy outburst like that to happen. The other 2 times I saw this chick she seemed pretty cool. Not that this was terrible, but it seemed a little overboard.
Funny thing is an hour later this
text conversation happens:
HB8: I’m so sorry!! I know your dog just died and I was a complete b*tch. Can I stop back by so we can talk about things?
Me: I’m not home. (I lied)
HB8: Where are you? I’ll meet you there.
Me: Seriously, Some other time.
HB8: I know I was wrong. I really like you. We should never end an evening fighting or arguing. Again I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be trying to force you into some relationship or something. I just like spending time with you. What are you doing tomorrow night?
Me: Kind of busy. (plate)
HB8: I was hoping we could open the box I left on your doorstep while you were away!
Me: It’s in the swimsuit drawer.
HB8: You’re a Jerk!! Let me know when you have some time this week. I’m really sorry. I feel horrible.
Me: I’ll let you know. Gotta go.
This was Sunday night. I haven’t reached out to this chick. She really seems cool, but this seems like the BPD stuff I always read about on this site. Does this sound like a bunch of red flags or, possible BPD, or am I over analyzing it? It all happened as written here.