This dude answer for everything is, become a millionaire, laser the **** out of your eyes if you have glasses, have a six pack, etc, etc, etc, all to score some overrated *****, lol, talk about frame.
If the guy was a real state agent he would be advising to buy homes in 2007 and if you dont habe the money just work harder or get a bigger loan, rofl.
The sexual market for men right now is a ****ing bubble and unlike in the golden era 50’s and 60’s in which a male 6 smv could easily pull a female 8 smv and above instead right now should be comptent in pulling 5’s and below all thanks to communist critical theory, feminism and several other reasons that go against a good society well being.
Instead of us fellow men getting together to change society back to where it should be this dude just says to suck it up, ride the tide and go along with the current.
No thanks.