Look Young, excellent post, and just to supplement and add to, and expand on what you just said,
"1. Money will help you get laid.
2. Working out will help you get laid.
3. great looks will help you get laid.
4. Being a great dancer can also get you laid.
5. The most important thing to get someone laid is confidence."
Confidence is a strong word, but just to add to this, I believe that a confident person is a comfortable person......however certain things in life do make for us at times to be "uncomfortable." While I certainly agree that money, a great body, great looks, and great dancing will ASSIST in getting you laid, I do believe that confidence is also an ASSIST and not the actual shot.
"When you workout you look good, feel good, and feel a sense of achievement. Money helps you do the things you want to do to enjoy yourself, which gives you confidence. Great looks help people be more open towards you, and they treat you better. All these things = confidence which is the most important thing in being successful in life, and with woman."
Actually LookYoung, I know a lot of guys with great bodies and no love for themselves and no confidence. I know guys with money and with no sense of self worth. I know people with great looks but are shy and insecure. All of these things IN THEIRSELVES, should just make a guy EXPERIENCED IN THAT FIELD...but these things don't really LEAD to confidence with women, they lead to confidence in that particular area. If I have money, I KNOW how to go out and make MORE. If I have a great body, I know how to go out and KEEP IT GROWING. If I have great looks, I know how to LOOK GREAT. But these 3 things don't ness. equal = confidence with women, they equal confidence in that particular area. Women actually is another separate area.
" DJF- CONFIDENCE IS KING WITH WOMAN. everthing else runs a distant second. I always say it doesn't matter what you say to a girl but How you say it. Remember guys confidence."
Confidence LookYoung is a SINGLE SOLE, TAILORED, "AREA." What do I mean by that? See, if I've been successful in business, I am CONFIDENT in business. Why am I confident? Well, because I KNOW how to succeed in business, so I can relax, be comfortable, and know that I HAVE everything under control.
Confidence with women comes from being successful with women, and one is only successful with women once he KNOWS what works and why it worked. Only then can that man be truly confident, and truly comfortable. Success with women comes from the sexual and seductive mindset and mood, one does NOT have to be totally comfortable and confident UPFRONT to project this attitude and carry this attitude. One could totally, FAKE COMFORTABLENESS. Basically, if they focused solely on being sexual, they would forget they weren't so confident eventually! Then what happens, yes, now the guy starts to KNOW what works with women, and automatically relaxes.
Confidence does not = success, wisdom in an area equals success. Confidence comes as a result of "comfortableness" in an area, and one will only be comfortable, once they know that they "have it under control."
- John