Revenge: is it worth it?


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2011
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.... in another post

if you had been screwing some b**ch for a year while she was living with her boyfriend (judge all you want but when I got involved with her, the relationship was already on the rocks according to her and they were about to break up, lol) and then she not only ended things with you but acted like a total c***, would you tell the boyfriend?

Or is it better to just walk away?


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
I think it's best to walk away. You really have nothing to gain by telling the bf. Instead of directing most of his anger towards his cheating gf, he'll come after you instead. You don't need that drama.

If you're going to F a taken girl, I've always believed it's best to "quit while you're ahead.". Have your fun and then walk away. While you already got some drama from the gf, why create more? This could turn really really ugly if you tell the bf.

Finally, and it took me a long time to learn this, it's very common for a taken woman to say cheating is ok because she's going to break up with the guy anyway. But in most cases, that's a lie. She Fs around, but never actually breaks up with the guy. Also never believe a woman who says she's gonna break up with her man for you.


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2011
Reaction score
Thanks buddy. You're right. I'm sure that if in this case I tell the bf he is going to try to do something. And obviously it won't be a 'Let's duke this out' in a manly kind of way. That would be fine and frankly, even if he whooped my ass, I would have to say maybe he had a right to do that. No, I'm sure it would take the form of some cowardly sneak attack.

I'm just in such a bad frame of mind at the moment. Twice in two weeks women who once told me I was the best thing that had happened to them have treated me with total and utter disdain, even though I didn't treat them badly at any point.

Of course I have put myself in the situation where they could do that. Why? Because I was low and needy. So my fault in one sense. But I still can't believe the way they have acted. It's pretty sobering.

Alex DeLarge

Master Don Juan
May 26, 2011
Reaction score
Walk away. Never talk to her again.

By hitting her with the vengeance of telling her BF, he gets angry at you (and possibly tries to fight you/threaten your life in some way depending how crazy he is), and she has more control over him. She wins.

The only way to get what you truly seek is for you and her current boyfriend to completely kick her out of your lives.

Abra kadabra.. No more manipulative selfish female!


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
From a purerly logical perpective there is no upside for you to get revenge.

It may screw up her life a bit but it doesn't help you in any way. No upside, forget it.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
then she not only ended things with you but acted like a total c***

That's because her guilt got to her. She acted like a cvnt because she feels like one. That's revenge enough. I agree that there is no upside to doing anything now. If you just ignore her now, she'll probably call you again the next time they have a fight.


Don Juan
Oct 26, 2011
Reaction score
What do you think? You seen those movies when someone tells the hero not to seek revenge.

There a reason for EVERYTHING. Get to the source and you'll find out what's really going on.


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
That would be a really big mistake.... The boyfriend who thinks the girl is a princess has no reasons to believe in a stranger.... She will say you have been chasing her for a while and you are trying to split them...

The result would probably be you being spanked by the boyfriend and his friends...

She will get what she deserves, probably from a woman who is worst than her, they screw each others lives, no need to interfere, just sit back, enjoy, and when you look to her in a couple of years the weight gain she probably had will make you happy lol


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
I make it a point never to burn a bridge with a lady if I can avoid it. You never know who you will run into at a bar or a club some day and cash in a quick BJ in your car. Never give into negative behavior man, it gets you nowhere. One of the greatest DJs I have ever known cruises through his day smiling and laughing his way into countless panties. And I am convinced it's his always positive attitude that does the trick. I have seen girls do him wrong and he doesnt care, just keeps smiling. A month or two down the line and hes hitting that again.


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2011
Reaction score
Good advice all. Many thanks.

Latest is she told him about us and he's taking her back!!! I was screwing her for over a year man. I can't fathom this. Really want to get in touch with this dude and point him here.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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Yo'Mama said:
Latest is she told him about us and he's taking her back!!! I was screwing her for over a year man. I can't fathom this. Really want to get in touch with this dude and point him here.
It's fvcking pointless. After my mistress's bf found out she was screwing around with me, he proposed to her and bought her a nice ring. I was damn near tempted to tell him that his fiancée was a wh0re and he'd be much happier without her. But the dude hated my guts. Trying to get through to him would've been pointless. Men don't take advice from a man they hate.

When a woman starts to wander off on her AFC boyfriend, he tries to tighten his grasp on her. It may fix things temporarily, but it doesn't last. He'll either get sick of her 5hit, or she'll get sick of having a unattractive, controlling AFC boyfriend.


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2011
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Desdinova said:
It's fvcking pointless. After my mistress's bf found out she was screwing around with me, he proposed to her and bought her a nice ring. I was damn near tempted to tell him that his fiancée was a wh0re and he'd be much happier without her. But the dude hated my guts. Trying to get through to him would've been pointless. Men don't take advice from a man they hate.

When a woman starts to wander off on her AFC boyfriend, he tries to tighten his grasp on her. It may fix things temporarily, but it doesn't last. He'll either get sick of her 5hit, or she'll get sick of having a unattractive, controlling AFC boyfriend.
Right. That's exactly what this guys has done, proposed to her. It boggles the mind. Well, he'll learn the hard way I guess.


dharmawheel said:
Those who seek revenge
should dig two graves

That's a good quotation, I like that, I like that a lot.

As for the OP, you got what you deserved at the end of the day, men who chase other men's women deserve nothing and that's what you got. You can get "revenge" if you want, but I doubt that will achieve anything. What's more pathetic than men chasing other men's women is the fact that so many men seem spineless. How any man can stay with a woman who has been unfaithful to him is beyond me? Are these men for real? Your girlfriend or wife has an affair and you propose to her? :crackup: With so many weak willed and weak minded men around, no wonder women think they can do whatever the hell they want and their behaviour will be accepted and tolerated.


Don Juan
Dec 8, 2008
Reaction score
New York
Revenge is never worth it. It's fleeting and really a huge waste of time you could be using to get other girls.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 28, 2010
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Sealy, Tx
Listen, dude ive been done this road and i took the revenge turn. Nothing good comes of it. All u do is get bad emotions to come to the surface again and this guy just proposed he is not gonna leave her or anything, obviously she has him around her finger(no pun intended).

Leave it be. Go out and focus on improving other things in your life. You do this, u gain some confidence back. You really want revenge, wait until she comes knocking on your door again.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
Yo'Mama said:
Good advice all. Many thanks.

Latest is she told him about us and he's taking her back!!! I was screwing her for over a year man. I can't fathom this. Really want to get in touch with this dude and point him here.
This is actually not as uncommon as it may seem. A lot of times a guys (or girls) first instinctual reaction is to 'get her back' at all cost to show that "yeah, she ended up with me cuz i'm the man!" Its like being the winner after all is said and done.


Their relationship has ZERO chance at lasting, its more an emotional reaction for him to take her back, it doesn't last, eventually he will hate her so much it will be over or she will cheat again and it will be over. Either way, its over.