Revenge: is it worth it?


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2011
Reaction score
st_99 said:
This is actually not as uncommon as it may seem. A lot of times a guys (or girls) first instinctual reaction is to 'get her back' at all cost to show that "yeah, she ended up with me cuz i'm the man!" Its like being the winner after all is said and done.


Their relationship has ZERO chance at lasting, its more an emotional reaction for him to take her back, it doesn't last, eventually he will hate her so much it will be over or she will cheat again and it will be over. Either way, its over.
This is really interesting and I want to see if it works out or not (I'm kind of over the idea of revenge now that she has told me, (a) because it's unnecessary and (b) because I feel more sorry for them as a couple now than I do angry at her shabby treatment of me).

I know I brought this on myself but I was serious about this girl, at the beginning. She really has amazing qualities (fidelity obviously not being one) and I thought it was just the end of one relationship and the beginning of another.

But she missed him too much or didn't like me as much as she thought she did and went back to him. I think it's a stupid move on her part. Even more stupid (and selfish) was telling him. If she really was serious about them the best thing she could have done for him and them was to keep quiet and just vow never to cheat again. But she couldn't bear the guilt and wanted honesty, so she told him. Like you say ST, she has f**ked their relationship forever.

From what I've heard this guy is a really nice guy. He's certainly smarter than me (in many ways at least) and is going to be very successful. I've seen pics and he's not even bad looking. But God is he an AFC. I really bear him no ill will but think he's crazy to take this girl back. This site would really help him but, yeah, I doubt he's going to take advice from me.


JonJaper said:
Not worth it OP. Be the better man.

Think about what a Don Juan would do... he wouldn't lower himself to petty $hit like this because a Don Juan is above such nonsense.
I'd argue that a Don Juan wouldn't go chasing after another man's woman either.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 28, 2010
Reaction score
Sealy, Tx
perseverance said:
I'd argue that a Don Juan wouldn't go chasing after another man's woman either.
Dont waste your time, apparently there are alot of people who believe a real don juan would go for any woman.

Yo'mama said:
From what I've heard this guy is a really nice guy. He's certainly smarter than me (in many ways at least) and is going to be very successful. I've seen pics and he's not even bad looking. But God is he an AFC. I really bear him no ill will but think he's crazy to take this girl back. This site would really help him but, yeah, I doubt he's going to take advice from me.
I never thought i would say this, but slap yourself. Its good not to have things like revenge on your mind because all those lead to is more bad thoughts, but u have to beleive that you can be just as successful and smart. He just got a head start on you man.