REJECTION terms I have made up:

May 23, 2006
Reaction score
Desdinova said:
Luke, I honestly don't know what the fvck you're doing wrong to recieve so many goddam rejections. Even a blind man will hit a nail with a hammer if he keeps trying. Have you even landed a date with any of these women that you're approaching? Have you collected any phone numbers?

It's difficult to get a real feel for what you're interactions are like on a message board. Go get yourself a tape recorder, record your interactions with these women, and put them up for downloading. That might give us a better idea of what you're doing wrong.
I concede the rejection is a oneitis issue and should not be worthy for consideration. It is my error and weakness as a yonge and naive student to even bring it up here. I've let my emotions and one girl I got hung up on get to me and am still learning the ways of the force. Soon I shall learn not to let any ONE girl get to me.
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
I have designed to re-classify Beta-Rejection and rename it 'Player's Premise', or the reason that everyone should be a player. It's the reason why nice guys want to become a player. There is no more Beta-Rejection.

All rejections are premises for improvement and change of technique.


Don Juan
May 15, 2006
Reaction score
South Africa
All rejections are premises for improvement and change of technique
I agree with that, and with what Desdinova said, rejections should be used form improvement. Only thing there I find is I wish there was kinda like a feedback form they must complete at the end, saying why. My only dates right now have been coming from online contacts, mostly goes well via email [no pic swap at this point, I don't carry pics], I suggest meeting, we meet, and thats it. So the problem is I don't know why actually I was rejected, was it looks? general personality? way I behaved? etc. So while meetings from online/etc are fine to be considered "practice", its pretty hard to improve because I don't really know most times what went wrong.

where if enough rejections are obtained, I'm rewarded by being allowed to view porn in November
Isn't this a bit negative, I realize your gettings rejects, which is good becuase you are interating, etc, etc, but its seems you are rewarding yourself for "failing" more than for success? Does this not sub-concioulsy encourage yourself to engage in unsuccessful interactions?
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
afc_2_dj said:
I agree with that, and with what Desdinova said, rejections should be used form improvement. Only thing there I find is I wish there was kinda like a feedback form they must complete at the end, saying why. My only dates right now have been coming from online contacts, mostly goes well via email [no pic swap at this point, I don't carry pics], I suggest meeting, we meet, and thats it. So the problem is I don't know why actually I was rejected, was it looks? general personality? way I behaved? etc. So while meetings from online/etc are fine to be considered "practice", its pretty hard to improve because I don't really know most times what went wrong.
I've given up on online dating, and have only had bad experiences from the internet. The internet experiences alone will ensure I go porn vacation on November - there is like over a negative 40 to 50 rating on it alone.

afc2dj said:
Isn't this a bit negative, I realize your gettings rejects, which is good becuase you are interating, etc, etc, but its seems you are rewarding yourself for "failing" more than for success? Does this not sub-concioulsy encourage yourself to engage in unsuccessful interactions?
Well, let's just say in a completely capatalistic society, there are always elements that profit from different things. Internalising it, the porn vacation - becomes a corporatate entity that profits on rejection. Maybe it's a parasitical component - but one that's there nonetheless. Banks that charge high interest, or credit card companies are examples of such parasitical components in this society.

It could have a subconcious detrimental effect - but believe me, I'd rather a real girl, then going into porn or other related stuff.

In the past, I'd go and view porn to 'medicate' myself whenever I got a major rejection or something bad happened. However, I became a porn addict. Now, what I did is set up a more advanced system, where porn is contained to one - two months, while the remaining ten months I would make 'records' rather than resort to going into the computer. If I get a bad rejection or something - then I just put a negative 10 somewhere - I dont go on the computer, view porn and wack off - just one of the 'systems' to contain an addiction.

It was to help me average things, put them into perspective, rather than jump to the computer and wack off at every major rejection. With exceptions for those dates - now I can claim I"m being scientific and not simply resorting to porn to medicate things on every little thing - or using that as an excuse.

Again - a real girl is always 100 times preferred over porn - just like I"m sure you'd rather a real girl as opposed to a hooker, right?


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
Luke: When I look at those paragraphs you write all I see is...

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.

You need to get out more.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
I can't help notice that you are acting like a scientist and taking a very academic approach to this. This may help you write a book and communicate theory, but it will not get you laid.

This kind of stuff repels women and creeps them out. It's the sort of attitude associated with obsessive types and stalkers.

The best advice I can give you is to dump all your books and theory and stop thinking so much.
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
Jariel said:
I can't help notice that you are acting like a scientist and taking a very academic approach to this. This may help you write a book and communicate theory, but it will not get you laid.

This kind of stuff repels women and creeps them out. It's the sort of attitude associated with obsessive types and stalkers.

The best advice I can give you is to dump all your books and theory and stop thinking so much.
Unfortunately that is just the way I am and that can not be changed. In other words, if I naturally repel women and creep them out, then there is nothing that can be done about that apart from some analytical approach where I'm learning a new behaviour. You cant be clueless and have no plan and hope the girl does everything.

Sort of like the catch-22 - maybe people are naturally good with women, or naturally suck with women, and there is nothing that can be done about either. If that's true, this board will have no purpose, all the seduction gurus will go out of business, and all seduction boards would have to close up.

The camp that would say that people who naturally suck with women can somehow 'learn' to get good with women, unfortunately appeals to some sort of scientific or analytical approach. Otherwise, how can you teach an unnatural skills to learn to become natural without appealing to some sort of analytical or scientific process. The only other way is to model behaviour of someone who knows that they are doing.

Otherwise, there is not much hope for anyone. Your advice again is tauntamont to saying -- 'just be yourself and girls will like you' or some other crap like that - well, I wouldn't be here in the first place if that was the case. Advice like this rubs it in and doesn't help anyone.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
Luke Skywalker said:
Unfortunately that is just the way I am and that can not be changed. In other words, if I naturally repel women and creep them out, then there is nothing that can be done about that apart from some analytical approach where I'm learning a new behaviour. You cant be clueless and have no plan and hope the girl does everything.

Sort of like the catch-22 - maybe people are naturally good with women, or naturally suck with women, and there is nothing that can be done about either. If that's true, this board will have no purpose, all the seduction gurus will go out of business, and all seduction boards would have to close up.

The camp that would say that people who naturally suck with women can somehow 'learn' to get good with women, unfortunately appeals to some sort of scientific or analytical approach. Otherwise, how can you teach an unnatural skills to learn to become natural without appealing to some sort of analytical or scientific process. The only other way is to model behaviour of someone who knows that they are doing.

Otherwise, there is not much hope for anyone. Your advice again is tauntamont to saying -- 'just be yourself and girls will like you' or some other crap like that - well, I wouldn't be here in the first place if that was the case. Advice like this rubs it in and doesn't help anyone.
Look dude: What you're doing is obviously NOT getting you laid.

You have been you for the past 31 years and it hasn't gotten you ANY TAIL! So what makes you think by doing THE SAME THING.. you will get results tomorrow, or next week, or maybe after you study some more or whatever.

If it hasn't worked for the pat 31 years.. give it up. It's not going to work from now on. In fact its going to work EVEN LESS than it has already because you are GETTING OLDER. You are going to expire soon.

If you truly believe that you want and you need to get some ass, then MAKE A COMMITMENT TO CHANGE.

Don't just keep studying and learning all this hypothetical crap. It looks good on paper.. but does it work? HELL NO. You've tried it. And you got rejection to show for it. Your theory is not worth the paper its written on. And you have seen that first hand over and over.

So throw it out. It hasn't been working and it will not from now on either.

You want to get laid?

Here is what you do:


Go to the club or the gym and find a dude that you think is good with the ladies. Hang out with him until you learn something. Don't fvcking argue, don't bring out your matchbox theory about women and seduction. Because as you can see... you don't know jack sh*t about women or seduction.

Find a player, and ask to hang out so you can learn how to be good with women, or to be your mentor or whatever. Listen and learn from the guy.

You need to find out how things work in the real world... because your little fantasy land isn't cutting it. You have not gotten the results because:

1. You do not have the right attitude.
2. Too much garbage inside your head. (Your first post is a great example).
3. You have not put enough effort. You need to give 110% to break the barrier. Not 99% and not even 100%. You need to go above and beyond whatever you have been doing and when you get the results, you DO IT AGAIN. Keep outdoing yourself everytime.

In conclusion:

1. Shut up.
2. Shut those thoughts inside your head too. They are what's keeping you down.
3. Replace with good thoughts and exeriences hanging out with your player friend(s).
4. Make the effort or give it up. There is no other way. Commit yourself fully to accomplishing this or just give up.
5. You've got another 30 good years until you are going to be 60ish. Do you want this or not?
6. Re-read my goddamn motherf*cking post over and over again until it sinks in.


TIme is finite. That means it ends. Then you die. You only get one chance at life.


Just one.

Every moment you waste you will NEVER GET BACK. EVER.

Now do something with the rest of your time. Because you're going to be dead soon.

Take the first step.

May 23, 2006
Reaction score
I haven't gone to clubs, only gyms. No guys at the gym are players or obviously with girls allot except the personal trainer that I wrote about. There are players for hire, but they charge $ 1000 US or so to learn by modeling, but I'm not prepared to shell out that cash or am able to at this time.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
Reaction score
Loss Vaygus, NV
You're overthinking everything. Just go back to basics and start from there. Walk before you run and some such. Instead of sitting here trying to figure out how to categorize your rejections, spend the time figuring out how to eliminate your rejections. Time much better spent if you ask me. Usually, I would recommend taking apart your successes and failures to find out what works and what doesn't, but you're taking it way too far, and limiting yourself by doing so.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
Excuse, after excuse after EXCUSE.

The more you keep making them, the less progress you make.

I'm not interested in your bullsh*t Luke. I don't care why you think that you cannot do this. I'm just going to tell it like it is.

And from what I read: You keep stalling. You're scared. You are afraid to change. You are afraid of going all the way with a woman because you are not experienced.

Well, its time to man up Luke.

Find your balls.

And quit making EXCUSES. When was the last time making excuses got you results? Well?

Answer the damn questions I type instead of just skimming my posts! If you're not going to answer them on SoSuave, at least do it for yourself.

You've let fear take over your life Luke. It's debilitating. It gets you nowhere.

Luke Skywalker said:
I haven't gone to clubs, only gyms. No guys at the gym are players or obviously with girls allot except the personal trainer that I wrote about.
Then make friends with your personal trainer and go with him to the club, or the bar. Alcohol is the ultimate aphrodisiac. Even the nicest girl turns into a complete slut after a mickey. Use this if you have to.

I thought you wanted to get laid? I thought you wanted a woman? I thought you were tired of being alone, day after day after day? Well, if you really want one you have to DO SOMETHING!

Luke Skywalker said:
There are players for hire, but they charge $ 1000 US or so to learn by modeling, but I'm not prepared to shell out that cash or am able to at this time.
I'm talking about real players. The smooth, natural guys that don't use techniques. Not your mystery style AFCs in a player "wrapper" which cost you an arm and a leg. That's what you need to learn. You are too robotic. All these techniques you learned were supposed to become natural and part of you by now. Looks like it hasn't stuck.

You need some natural game.

Once you have that, you can make up stuff on the fly. You wouldn't need to sit down with a pen and paper and draw out some sort of strategy:

"Ok, If she says this... then I do this, but if she doesn't, then I go over there and do that" and so on and so forth.

Once you become natural, the right things come out of your mouth. I know a couple of natural fellas and they're pretty damn good with women. They're also super sharp and can pick up sh*t almost instantly.


1. Quit whining about why you can't do it. Figure out ways that you can.
2. Nobody in the history of mankind got results by making excuses. What makes you think that you will?
3. Do whatever it takes. Otherwise GET THE **** OUT.

If you aren't commited to changing and fixing this problem of yours.. why the hell are you here? Why are you here giving advice to these people? Cause you're pathetic that's why.

Don't you think that its time to change that?

You owe it to yourself.

And quit writing more bullsh*t about whay you can't do it. Because you can. If I can, so can you. Now figure out ways to accomplish and change that attitude to a more positive one.


Senior Don Juan
May 29, 2006
Reaction score
I agree with CMD, it's pathetic that you are making a science out of rejection, creating your own terms and categories. You are your own worst enemy. No wonder you creep women out and no one wants to hang out with you.

Remove rejection from your vocabulary.

People here have honestly tried and tried to help you. Every time you seem to totally miss the point and turn every thing into negative cr@p.

Maybe you need to hit rock bottom before you will actually do something to change for the better. But damn, the bottom seems to keep going lower and lower with you. You are 30 and live with your parents and are going to reward yourself with porn if you suceed with enough rejections. That is the most pathetic thing I have ever heard.

I would almost think you are a troll who is purposely finding the worst possible things to say, but sadly we know that isn't the case.

You need some tough love, stop being a fvcking retard. And I mean that in the nicest way possible.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
rocky_mtn said:
I would almost think you are a troll who is purposely finding the worst possible things to say, but sadly we know that isn't the case.

The whole purpose pf a troll is to start sh*t. I think trolls do it because they are attention wh*res at heart. It just so happens that they do not get any real attention in real life.

Luke is doing it unintentionally. But he still does it.

He should be banned simply because he is so damn negative. He's bringing everyone down.

Luke: If you are not ready to make a change. Go back to lurking. The newbies coming to this board want to change their lives and they do not need your negative garbage weighing them down. They got enough of it already.

If you want to learn and change. Then stay. Otherwise if you're going to keep bringing more negative crap... I'm going to get a few board memebers to convince the mods to ban your negative ass.

So what's it gonna be?

You want to change? Or do you want to stay pathertic?

Do you want happiness and a good life that you built with your own hands? Do you want a wife, or a girfriend, or children? Do you want a nice house? A nice car? Good neighbours? Great friends who would help you out no matter what? Do you want to be able to go on vacation to the most beautiful places in the world with your wife/GF that ACTUALLY loves you?


Well, none of that is going to happen if you don't put your ass to the grinder and get the f*ck to work. Its not easy. But you can have it. You just have to want something like that.

Otherwise you're going to spend the rest of your life as your are. In fact its going to be much worse. I won't give you the grim details because I don't need to think of crap like that.

GET TO WORK. Its sometimes hard. Its sometimes monotonous. And sometimes you might think that things are getting worse and you're not making any progress. But if you keep pushing yourself above and beyond what you do every day (even just a little). YOU WILL SUCCEED.


May 23, 2006
Reaction score
rocky_mtn said:
You are 30 and live with your parents and are going to reward yourself with porn if you suceed with enough rejections. That is the most pathetic thing I have ever heard.
This board's bootcamp says somewhere, instead of going after phone numbers, get 10 rejections. I'm not taking any concept out of a hat that's not already here.

Of course, if I'm mentioning something that's already mentioned on this board somewhere, then that makes me a troll, well, that's the most absurd thing I've ever heard. Read your own bootcamp guides and you'll see that it says somewhere to get 10 rejections rather than worry about getting the number.

rocky_mtn said:
I would almost think you are a troll who is purposely finding the worst possible things to say, but sadly we know that isn't the case.
That's absurd. I've only made a few recent posts here, then CMD and people keep ganging up on everything I'm saying and want me banned. Whatever. I'm not filling this site with threads, I'm merely updating a couple of old threads I made here and I get this sh1t. If you dont like this thread - then go ahead and delete it as I'm not making any other negative threads like this again. I'll be back when my porn-November, or whatever is over and I'm ready to get back into action, or maybe April sometime and start then - maybe I'd be fixed on my career and out of here by then.

Anyway, is this concept really that pathetic? Let's see, the player there, Mystery Method even suggested devoting one day to viewing porn a week if the other days didn't work out to give yourself a break. This is not a concept that I've pullled out of a hat, it is also referenced on 'The Game: By Neil Strauss".
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
Call_Me_Daddy said:
If you aren't commited to changing and fixing this problem of yours.. why the hell are you here? Why are you here giving advice to these people? Cause you're pathetic that's why.
I haven't posted here since August - I just came on and updated a few threads, and made this vent thread a month ago - what is this crap about me giving advice to people when I'm not doing that.

I'm certainly committed to changing and fixing this problem - that's why I"m working on getting a better and more stable income - as that seems to be a root problem - if I become a better Real-Estate agent and get used to talking to people, naturally the success will spill over to women as I make more money and approach more contacts.

However, I'll update this in the future. You do not need to shout to do this, or to do that, I know what needs to be done - and I'm proud that I went out there, dated numerous women and had the ballls to do so and experiment - and even if they all fell through the cracks so what? The girls I had problems with, FYI, were Indian. If you give up then you are a loser, but I haven't given-up, I'm taking a break - BIG DIFFERENCE. I am NEVER giving up - I'm like the Terminator - the lights on my eyes will go on again, and this machine will keep going until it's filled it's objective.

I've learned something, I'm going to reward myself for the effort and try again later.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2001
Reaction score
I think your problems lies in the fact that you concentrate to much on getting chicks. Chicks can smell desperation a mile away. What I would suggest for you is to try to expand your social circle. Start by working on those things that you can directly influence, ie hit the gym - get new friends, and focus less on getting chicks.

Go out and HAVE FUN!
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
Centaurion said:
I think your problems lies in the fact that you concentrate to much on getting chicks. Chicks can smell desperation a mile away. What I would suggest for you is to try to expand your social circle. Start by working on those things that you can directly influence, ie hit the gym - get new friends, and focus less on getting chicks.

Go out and HAVE FUN!
I'm not focusing on getting chicks at this time, but on my career. I believe in expanding social circule, going to the gym, making friends, etc... and of course I proactively go out to do just that - it's necessary for my business as well as my social health.

Thanks for your response. Remember the term oneitis? Well - let's just say this thread is just a big case of that. I got hung up on one girl since April and still have a crush on her and have being sort of going crazy on her with all sorts of negative thoughts - cheating, breaking-up, rejection, I dont want to go into it here, but it's one girl I'm hung up on that's all. I'm trying to get my mind off of her, and am like doing everything to do just that. Just last week I sent like a dozen emails to her - it has gotten crazy. Ok that's it - I'm not saying 'hi' to six girls a day or doing any stuff like that and saying everyone's mean -- people are nice, women are nice and friendly that I encounter in a day to day basis so I don't mean to portray it like it seems I did here.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
Luke Skywalker said:
I'm not focusing on getting chicks at this time, but on my career. I believe in expanding social circule, going to the gym, making friends, etc... and of course I proactively go out to do just that - it's necessary for my business as well as my social health.

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

BRAVO! Now you understand. Social circle, then chicks. Don't forget to make friends with some womanizers/players!

Also, since you're going to the gym. You might want to check out Warboss's Idiot's guide to growth.

The training routine he outlines is EXCELLENT for beginners! And the nutrition is great also. A must read to make the most out of your gym sessions and get that great body.

DON'T GIVE UP LUKE. You're going the right way by improving yourself.

PM me and I can send you some links to great material/techniques that help you stay consistent and motivated towards your goals.