Regrets of a Bad Boy(eye opening lesson learned)


Don Juan
Jan 7, 2013
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Me and one of my good friends had a very interesting discussion about Red Pill views on women. To give a little bit of background. Dude fits the checklist of every bad boy trait you could ask for. 5 kids by 5 different women, makes his money on the streets, in and out of jail, tattoos everywhere(especially the neck), has no problem getting btches.

Back when I was 18, he gave me some red pill advice that I took to heart and believe in to this very day. It took a while for it to sink in because while he was slaying poon left and right, I was out trying to do whatever I could to get money. Being the "responsible" guy

Me and him started chopping it up on RP wisdom. I started telling him that in 2014 you literally got to go through the checklist to see if these women even deserve an ounce of your commitment. I also shared my sentiments on how I'm becoming less attracted to women our age (I'm 30 he's 32) due to my realization of what their real intentions are.

He vehemently disagreed with my disdain for older women and said that I should try giving them a chance. Because these women could be diamonds in the rough who's been broken and damaged by dudes in the past and could appreciate a guy like me. He went on to talk about all of the women he did wrong in the past and how he deeply regrets it to this day.

It's very interesting because I've never seen him go this far blue pill ever since I've known him. But I can somewhat understand his reasoning behind it, even if I don't agree with it. If I had 5 kids, I'd be looking at life a lot differently too. At 32, he seems as if he actually wants to settle down and raise a family and be a husband and find him a woman that's wife material. He goes down a list full of chicks that he realized was the wifey material, but screwed it up with them.

What I got from this is that bad boys go through regret that DJ's and recovering AFC's could never imagine. I feel like a complete role reversal has been done, I became the player he was at 21 and he became the guy who just wants to love one woman like I was at 18.

Hearing bad boys reflect on their life and their past mistakes with women is very interesting, because he had access to the quality women that we all desire on here. It also repeats the age old belief that the most sweetest, feminine, intelligent women all want them a bad boy in their life.

Having bad boy traits with sprinkles of beta, decency and integrity, you can become the perfect man in a woman's eyes.

It was very interesting eye opener that I had to share with the SS community. Anyone else have any similar stories?

TL;DR When bad boys reflect on their life mistakes with women, they talk about the women they did wrong. The blue pillers reflect on the women they could have had, but didn't have the bad boy type of game to get them.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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once again...."balance" is the key to life.


Don Juan
Apr 15, 2014
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I feel his pain about to turn 30. You always regret the ones that you let go of when you shouldn't.


PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
If those "good" women were so good then why were they dating a criminal?
Because life sentences are panty droppers.

A very subtle 'trouble maker' characteristic works pretty well.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 22, 2012
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trouble maker

BeDJ said:
A very subtle 'trouble maker' characteristic works pretty well.
Examples please that I can implement but won't mess up my life?


Scormus said:
Examples please that I can implement but won't mess up my life?
HB: OMG! My bestie texted me she won $50 in VEGAS!
YOU: Awesome! I remember winning big, we got into a lot of trouble that night.
HB: Like what?
YOU: If I tell you, you will probably report me to the cops haha.

You don't have to rob a bank. Just make her wonder and put in the pieces herself.
PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
Sure, but does it work on good women?
Probably. I dunno lol

Off topic

I use the above conversation in most of my interactions with women. Leave them guessing then change the subject into something about them. Then do the same thing keeping them guessing. Eventually you will want to expound on them in later conversations sparingly. Curiosity kills the cat. Curiosity slays the pvssy (I just made that up HEYOOOO!)


May 17, 2013
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America is best
They do. But you have to show funny/ goody side, ****y/ funny side, and affectionate side, but underneath there is an aggressive unpredictable side (that you dont want to disturb).

She has to be able to feel a range of emotions (strong ones) and just switch them. This is like herion to them. it gets them real addicted. It's exciting to them.

Honestly I did a lot of wrong sh!t at that time in my life. drugs, revenge on people who ripped me off, getting paid to drive my "friend" around to conduct "business". I remember the first time I made $100 in 30 mins.

Now she knew all about this. Didn't necessarily like it, but she knew she couldnt stop me. She even admitted she had a hard time saying no to me.

Do I feel guilty anymore? absolutely not. She's fine, shes a phd. Does she have scars? Probably. Sometimes when I would get home from being a degenerate type of person, she would be crying. I would ask why? she would say, I'm afraid you will get hurt.

Would I do it again? Not like that, because it wasn't right.

But she was very, very attracted to me. It turned her on.

Women are dumb. Good or bad, or what ever in between. They are ruled my their emotions. Even when she left and had to call the cops, she still defended me against them when they cuffed me.

Even after she moved out, I went 2 days nc, she came over and sucked me off. Now after that she refused to meet me in the apartment. I think its because she knew she would definatley have sex with me, and that would have sucked her back in.

I was a little crazy at this point in my life, but not stupid I never got caught.

Out of post response to pprf was she a good girl?

Yes she was. She studied a lot school was 2nd to me. My mom taught her to knit, so for a while that was her hobby.

She liked going to thrift stores, one of her fav things. No drinking (except for with me), no drugs. She was usually very very respectful. I've been with a couple of sh!t women, she was nothing like them.

She was thoughtful, respectful, and to be honest all she wanted was for me to get my sh!t together, go to college, and marry me, have my kids.

Teaching her self how to cook.

When I was doing landscaping, she would give me a back massage until her hands hurt.

I could go on and on about the positive qualities she has, but I'm not going to. I did a lot of nice things for her as well, when I wasnt being out of control. No it doesnt preclude it. I also had many good qualities, its just when I was doing wrong sh!t I kind of just changed, and then go back. I wasn't always being crazy. Plus she liked the fact I was a Marine, and that I come from a rather traditional conservative family. In her eyes the family I come from has a lot of social value. Usually when girls meet my family, they really like my family.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
Do you think she is a good girl? Doesn't being attracted to criminals for a relationship sort of preclude the "good" label?
Attraction is not a choice
-David Deangelo

You need to burn ^this into your brain, rather than shake your head and dismiss it.


Apr 26, 2006
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Northeast Florida, USA
I agree with the OP because I too have seen it with my sister's boyfriend.

When she first hooked up with him 22 years ago, he was a badboy in a biker gang with all of the traits. Over the years he started to slow down in his biker/gang activities and do more with his sons, but he still ran with the boys too.

Then about 3 years ago my sister went to Florida with the girls. Shacked up with someone down there. He found out. Rather than kill her or beat her to a pulp (I'm glad he didn't cuz I do love my sister), he instead listened to all of her illogical reasons for why her cheating was his fault. It lead to them nearly splitting apart. He thought he could save the relationship by selling all six of his Harleys, getting out of the gang, and turining into a flat out AFC.

They are still together today, but not married. He has popped the ring several times but she says "Im not ready".

One night my sister got drunk and told me she just isn't attracted to him like she once was, but after 22 years, she was comfortable and didn't want to be single again at this point.

The boyfriend also doesn't like to associate with me anymore because I am just too much of a "hard ass" and once he got mad at me for saying the F bomb too many times at a party at their house. YES, you are still with me. This is the same guy who was in the bikger gang that I was talking about at the beginning of this post, who now gets offended by the F bomb.

Love for my sister asside, I almost guarantee she is bang**g other guys now, but I'm not gonna go there.


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
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The attraction women experience for bad boys is not a choice. Genetics, evolutionary selection, all that. Their attraction is for impregnation, not so much his fitness to treat her well or even be a good provider. With some women is nothing more than an "oh he's so hot...", and with others they actually go for these types until they get used and discarded enough. A quality woman can recognize this.

I was never a de facto "bad boy", but when I was younger I treated some girls like absolute sh!t. I didn't even have any game to speak of, I was just a natural d!ck with good looks. To this day I would apologize to some of these girls if I were given the chance.

The OP's friend's regret does not make him "blue pill" all of a sudden. It's called maturity.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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BeDJ said:
Because life sentences are panty droppers.
Well, if you get a life sentence, you'll be getting "laid" all right.
It might not be by someone wearing panties though, lol. :rolleyes:

Anyway, I really think a lot of this idea that women all want bad boys comes from the fact that women play passive roles in the dating game. They choose from the guys who approach them. A lot of the "bad boy" types will approach them aggressively and tell them anything they want to hear, including lying to them. Then they get attached, and the guy takes off. I don't find it surprising that a lot of otherwise naive, trusting women fall for this act.

Don't get me wrong, clearly a lot of women want these bad boy types, but I think the above scenario accounts for that number seeming larger than it reallly is.

Side note: If I had five kids through five different women, I'd probably regret it too. That bit about the tattoos on the neck remind me of that movie "We're the Millers":
"No Ragrats", know what I'm sayin? Really? Not even one letter? lol.


zekko said:
Well, if you get a life sentence, you'll be getting "laid" all right.
It might not be by someone wearing panties though, lol. :rolleyes:
My apologies, forgot to add #sarcasm.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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BeDJ said:
My apologies, forgot to add #sarcasm.
I was just making a joke.

But there are definitely guys in the manosphere who think that being on death row is a sure fire way to make women wet. That's not the same as a life sentence, but close.


May 17, 2013
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America is best
bradd80 said:
Pairplus, I hear what you're saying but I think what pisses off most guys is the fact that a lot of otherwise seemingly good quality women end up being attracted to scumbags and losers of this bad boy variety. Pretty women with nice figures who work out and have good jobs. And they end up with these bad boy loser types because, after all, attraction isn't something you pick it's something that just happens. Not saying all the women who have fallen for these types aren't ghetto trash or whatever, but I'm sure some of them might have been pretty high quality in most other areas.
I sense some resentment in your post.


Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2013
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Having five kids by five different women is the polar opposite of "bad boy" IMO, reeks of AFC. More like "dumb boy." Who knows what someone with that little judgment is going to say? but in all likelihood it will be wrong.


Don Juan
Jan 7, 2013
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noobolgy said:
I sense some resentment in your post.
It's well warranted if there is. The frustration that the hard working, responsible guy that's trying to make his money and do something with his life gets passed up for the dude with hella tattoos, no job and no goals is very frustrating for anyone.

I can count on more than one hand how many times I've lost to another dude who wasn't worth sht while I was trying to make something out of my life.


May 17, 2013
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America is best
goodganji44 said:
It's well warranted if there is. The frustration that the hard working, responsible guy that's trying to make his money and do something with his life gets passed up for the dude with hella tattoos, no job and no goals is very frustrating for anyone.

I can count on more than one hand how many times I've lost to another dude who wasn't worth sht while I was trying to make something out of my life.
Well stop being so nice, and its less likely to happen.


Don Juan
Jan 7, 2013
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Being nice has nothing to do with it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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goodganji44 said:
It's well warranted if there is. The frustration that the hard working, responsible guy that's trying to make his money and do something with his life gets passed up for the dude with hella tattoos, no job and no goals is very frustrating for anyone..
Are there really a ton of "hard working, responsible guys" trying to break the door down of this woman who has five different children from five different guys? Lol. :flowers:

Because if there are, I'm thinking they aren't very bright.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 5, 2014
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I know a guy (salesman) who gets a fair share of attractive women. He has no kids or a rap sheet.

He's confident, to the point of being arrogant at times and he chooses his battles in a smart way. I've overheard women calling him a jerk, *******, etc., but he's also cool, at least when I interact with him.

Too many guys pay attention to details that may be correlated, but not causative when it comes to what women find attractive. There are "traits" women find attractive that can manifest themselves in drug dealers, lawyers, fighters, musicians, pimps, actors, politicians, managers, etc...

No woman actually wants to get beat down, abandoned, cheated on, robbed, raped, neglected etc. They chase behaviors/looks that signal good genes they can pass on to their children. That's why sites like these exist. To help guys behave in a way that increases their chances of being successful with women.

Some two-bit criminal that gets ass isn't the epitome of what women desire (most criminals are dumb to boot). It's his attitude/appearance more than his deeds that women are drawn to.