Regrets of a Bad Boy(eye opening lesson learned)



G_Govan said:
I know a guy (salesman) who gets a fair share of attractive women. He has no kids or a rap sheet.

He's confident, to the point of being arrogant at times and he chooses his battles in a smart way. I've overheard women calling him a jerk, *******, etc., but he's also cool, at least when I interact with him.

Too many guys pay attention to details that may be correlated, but not causative when it comes to what women find attractive. There are "traits" women find attractive that can manifest themselves in drug dealers, lawyers, fighters, musicians, pimps, actors, politicians, managers, etc...

No woman actually wants to get beat down, abandoned, cheated on, robbed, raped, neglected etc. They chase behaviors/looks that signal good genes they can pass on to their children. That's why sites like these exist. To help guys behave in a way that increases their chances of being successful with women.

Some two-bit criminal that gets ass isn't the epitome of what women desire (most criminals are dumb to boot). It's his attitude/appearance more than his deeds that women are drawn to.
I had a fortunate opportunity to have dinner with a successful sales guy a few years back. It wasn't his proven sales career, but his charisma when interacting with his group and strangers. Some would say he has a distinctively annoying voice and laugh, but it worked very well with his charisma. I'm very certain that he could make a stripper pay for sex despite being shorter and average and only decent looking.

Even though our encounter was brief, his social skill is what I try to mimic. I find it amazing how he most likely inspires other men that comes in contact with him and he doesn't even know it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
BeDJ said:
I had a fortunate opportunity to have dinner with a successful sales guy a few years back. It wasn't his proven sales career, but his charisma when interacting with his group and strangers. Some would say he has a distinctively annoying voice and laugh, but it worked very well with his charisma.
This doesn't apply to all sales, charismatic, or outgoing people: But I've noticed with a lot of these guys, there are two sides of the coin. They can come in and dominate the conversation and make friends easily. But they can also get annoying and irritating after awhile, and rub some people the wrong way. Overall, thier personalities are a plus for them though. I guess the moral is that you can't please all of the people all of the time.


zekko said:
I guess the moral is that you can't please all of the people all of the time.
That's right, you can not. Just focus on what you are good at and the people that appreciate it. Let go of the rest.


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2012
Reaction score
Missouri, USA
That gal I was interested in the one I posted about "what I just Went through" thread of mine I befriended but yeah shes into this guy who don't like spend time with her he give her pillow talk you know about them being together. Leaves and pops up comes and goes. She loves it and digs his bad boy type crap hes a devorcee with kid in his 30s. (she seems to dig dating these single dad types) and shes 25 with no kids at all. She dunno what she likes about him so much when he just avoids plans with her. (just goes ghost) She started as friends with benefits with this loser too and now wants commitment and a relationship with him. LOL She also has another guy she talks to and has an emotional bond with as an open relationship with him because of the long distance they are away from each other who also has a kid. Its so weird im glad im just her friend now not the man she dates or hooks up with. Im way better off without her as a romantic or sexual interest. I can find better else where...