Regarding The_Mole's post

The Edge

Master Don Juan
Oct 25, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by jakethasnake
Hell, some have even been here for over FIVE GENERATIONS - take some Chinese-American families that have been here since the 1860s. Or Japanese-American families who have been here since 1900. That's actually longer than some of your European-American families have been in this country. I will gladly back this up with documented proof, if anyone here should be inclined to refute the fact.


Documented proof???.... Sure why not... Show us the names of the 2, 3, or even 4 Japanese/Chinese-American families you have sealed in the Jake vault of 'White America's wrong-doing'.

Then maybe The Moles sorry-a$$ argument will be understood in its entirety and taken like a grain of salt by every black person on this site.


Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
This is why the other thread was closed. Because of shit like this. Knock it off people.


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
Reaction score
Re: Re: Regarding The_Mole's post

Originally posted by eternal
This is why the other thread was closed. Because of shit like this. Knock it off people.

Don't worry eternal, I've got this. It's all under control. The Edge has always been a bit unstable with his temper - I remember his flame-baiting and flame wars from more than a year ago. I don't hold anything against him, though.

Originally posted by The Edge
Documented proof???.... Sure why not... Show us the names of the 2, 3, or even 4 Japanese/Chinese-American families you have sealed in the Jake vault of 'White America's wrong-doing'.

Then maybe The Moles sorry-a$$ argument will be understood in its entirety and taken like a grain of salt by every black person on this site.

No problem pal. Here ya go. I would purchase and send you physical documents, but the logistics (financial and personal) of it all are a bit limiting. So for now:

Here's a personal page by the Lee Family:

And the GREAT thing is, there are class curriculums being developed to educate the masses (hopefully children of all backgrounds, Chineese or Asian or not) about the very long history of Asians in the United States and also their suffering - so that young children of all races and backgrounds won't grow up to ask the questions that you are asking right now ("What? The Chinese have been in America for hundreds of years? Prove it!"). :p

Here's an interesting and easy-to-read timeline of all the historic landmarks of people of Asian descent in America. That's right - the first Chinese and Filipinos landed in the Americas in the Seventeenth Century:

- Chinese and Filipinos reach Mexico on ships of the Manila galleon.

- First recorded settlement of Filipinos in America. To escape imprisonment aboard Spanish galleons they jump ship in New Orleans and flee into the bayous of Louisiana.

- First recorded arrival of Asian Indians in the United States.

... and that's just the Chinese Americans. I could go into the history of Japanese Americans and their wrongful (criminal, in fact) internment during World War Two - not to mention the achievements of the All-Japanese 442nd 'Nisei' Battalion that served heroically and patriotically during World War Two in the European theatre of war (they are by FAR the most heavily decorated regiment in the HISTORY of the United States Military) - however I will stop there since I've made my point already.





Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by TheInfamousCBear
The reason why this country/media doesnt look out for asians is cause they dont look after themselves...Black people always do though...If black people get treated bad or whatever, you know we will say something, people respect that so they cater to us...People have been sh1tting on asians for years and they never said nothing, so no one respects them in that light so they dont get catered to...Its funny that asians didnt do like we black people did and do something about it, alot of asians I know got alot of money and could do something about it, sh1t, we black people dont have alot of money but we handle our buisness...


You are totally right - the immigrant generation (my parents generation) thought that by keeping quiet and 'not creating any ripples in the pond' that their assimilation process would go smoothly. But that silence came at a price - Asians are seen as easy targets for ridicule and physical intimidation. You have no idea how many Asian guys are forced into physical altercations because some non-Asian thinks they won't fight back. I've seen more than one punk get ****ed up at the hands of an Asian man full of rage. Things are quickly changing these days - Asian-Americans are becoming more politically organized, Asian men and women are learning not to sell each other out for superficial acceptance by the white majority, and a sense of community is starting to develop. It's a slow, imperfect, and organic process, but hey - it's a start. :)


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
Reaction score
Re: Re: Regarding The_Mole's post

Originally posted by The Edge

Then maybe The Moles sorry-a$$ argument will be understood in its entirety and taken like a grain of salt by every black person on this site.

By the way, Edge - when I say that I think The Mole was misunderstood, I wasn't endorsing the WAY in which he tried to get his ideas across - it was too aggressive, and foolish. You can't expect to appeal to your target audience when you're screaming at them.

But the ROOT of his post comes from some VERY VALID concerns about the way non-black minorities are treated. For example, life these days is very tough for Arab-Americans - they are always walking around on eggshells, and generally trying hard not to draw attention to themselves.

Tell her a little about yourself, but not too much. Maintain some mystery. Give her something to think about and wonder about when she's at home.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.

DJ naruto

Don Juan
Oct 20, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by jakethasnake
“You cannot eliminate racism by being nice just to black people. What nonsense. I've been subtley discriminated against at my workplace while most coworkers makea STRONG effort to be civil to their African-American co-workers. It's almost asthough other non-black minorities don't matter in this myopic facade - this absoluteFARCE of multi-culturalism and cultural-sensitivity.”
It is absolutely true that racism does not go away when people are hypocritically visibly nice, while simultaneously inwardly detesting people. No one, black or otherwise, has said that is not valid. There are some things that can be altered and some
that can’t. The way people feel about one another can’t be altered thro any kind of coercion. They can pretend to feel that way, but this is not real tolerance. Now, do we just sit back and complain because emotions and perspectives can’t be altered thro coercion. No. We try to change whatever we can. We change work, college and social environments to make sure that everyone can at least get the opportunity to sample a free society (to get jobs they might not get due to prejudice etc.) After all this we cling vehemently to the hope that this change, though initially superficial, would become entrenched in society, so that people really leave prejudice behind.

Now, I find it utterly outrageous that The-mole would set up blacks as a target. Maybe this is not what he meant to do, but thats the way it came out. By saying that blacks are getting this and that, whiles others are not you could make people direct their anger at blacks and not at the system. If you have been wronged as a race, why not say so, argue your point and get your benefits. Why do you have to drag anyone in with you. That is completely unnecessary. As a consequence of the above, I commend the moderators for locking up that thread.

Remember guys, one mans freedom stops where it infringes on anothers. So if a post does more harm than good, divides rather than unites it should be cleared/flamed.


Master Don Juan
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
I appluad the clean nature of this thread and how people have a 'mature' respect for what others are saying here.

First off..the mods were correct in deleting whatever they deem non-educational or necessary to the members of this forum as it pertains to DJing. Some may consider racial issues as political also, so heck...the mods can delete just about anything they want.

What can we do?? Sue them??

If we want to discuss political, social, racial issues...this may not be the right forum for that.

To add...being an asian american male, I read The_Mole's thread...although the subject line maybe misleading, I FULLY agree with the nature of what he had stated.

I've been through the system..through the college process..through the working world...through aplications of credit for mortages, cars, life insurace...etc.

When it comes to matters of racial equality in America, there is none. Racial equality is a dream and a misnomer. The goal should be called MINORITY EQUALITY.

Applying to college, grad school, or applications for mortgages...there are HUGE amounts of programs set aside for "Minorities". But the word "Minority" is misleading. Programs for blacks-yes. Programs for latinos-yes. Programs for native americans-yes. Programs for asian/pacific islanders-no. It seems that the only people who consider asians a minority are..umm..asians!

But, I guess society has accepted that the asian culture doesn't need the help. In applications to law, dental, medical schools - asians aren't even considerd for affirmative action...It goes with the stereotype that all asians are they don't need the help.

Trust me people...the stigma as "the smart asian guy" maybe true in many cases, but, not in all. That's like saying "white men can't jump".

Oh no...another asian guy on the DJ site is being pissy about the topic of being asian...not at all...we know the game and play by the rules...seldom complain..AND GET THE JOB DONE REGARDLESS.

Just want to let all the NON-ASIANS know what we asians talk about when you're not around..hahaha..jk guys :cool:

Ashlee Angel

Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2002
Reaction score
The_Mole just wanted attention and we are falling right into his trap.

I come from a single family home. The stereotypical black male, but I'm in college, committed relationship, car, friends, family. two good jobs Living the "white the life:" I am not bitter at the white people I see, who may get better treatment because of the color of their skin.

Actually I feel I get better treatment than my white class mates, because the teachers say I'm good looking and I have charm. I don't hold a grudge over some **** their family members did in the past. It's time to grow up and move on, whatever is done is DONE.

Mole underneath it all I think you want to be white, and hate that your Asian.

But keep posting like you are and you'll be out of here soon.


Master Don Juan
Jan 21, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by -HPNOTIQ-
In applications to law, dental, medical schools - asians aren't even considerd for affirmative action...It goes with the stereotype that all asians are they don't need the help.

Trust me people...the stigma as "the smart asian guy" maybe true in many cases, but, not in all. That's like saying "white men can't jump".
"The rich white guy" may be true in many cases, but, not in all. There are poor white people. There are poor black people. There are poor asians. There are poor hispanics. The list goes on. From your point of view, I'm curious, why should asians get affirmative action?

White per capita income (2001): $24,127
Asian per capita income (2001): $24,277

In case you didn't know it already, the average asian man makes more money than the average white man (although they are roughly the same).

In my opinion, the current racial problems our country is facing are mostly the effects of being socioeconomically unblalanced. If that's true, then there is no reason for asians to get affirmative action because they are earning more than anyone (including whites).

If there are other primary reasons you believe that affirmative action should be instated (for asians in particular), what are they?

On the other side of things, you see that the per capita income for blacks (2001) is $14,953 -- a long shot from the $24,000 that asians and whites are getting. Hispanics are even lower ($13,003) but that is understandable due to the large numbers of recent immigrants. If there is a need for affirmative action, it is because far too many blacks (and hispanics) are on the border of poverty.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
Reaction score

Good analysis. But realize that a good chunk of people of Asian descent also live below the poverty line. This is especially prevalent in certain Asian sub-groups, such as the Cambodians, the Vietnamese, and the Hmong, for example. I will dig up some statistics too if people wish to know more.

There's no denying that Asian Americans are doing fairly well, CONSIDERING that we are a minority. Asian Indians are doing especially well - they have the highest proportion of the population with bachelors or advanced/professional degrees out of ANY racial group in the country, even more than whites and the Chinese (the 2nd highest amongst those people from Asia). So yes, you are right that Asians are over-performing. However, that does not justify why a struggling Vietnamese 18 year old from a gang-riddled neighborhood and a DIRT-poor refugee family trying to get a scholarship or admissions into a State College should be passed up over a black or Latino from similar backgrounds, just because he is Asian. How does one decide whom to admit? That's a tricky question that no one has a concrete answer to - yet.

But anyway, all that is a moot point. There are MYRIADS of ways to discuss whether or not a racial/ethnic group is "suceeding" or "failing" in the larger society. What about mental health? Asian-American women are statistically the MOST likely to fall into depression, and to commit suicide - out of all racial groups. Where did that come from, when all of them are supposedly wealthy and have fabulous material comforts? Clearly, financial success isn't the only yardstick of prosperity. Mental health and a healthy self image, for example, are also important indicators.

In this respect, Asians suffer a great deal, along with African Americans. The key difference however, is that on a superficial level, African-American get what I like to call "political/social lip-service". You see it on TV. African Americans are continually portrayed as doctors, lawyers, nurses, etc. Yet, except for the token female Asian doctor who's obviously just an 'armpiece' - she's usually sexually attractive and is paired up with a white male love interest - there is nary an Asian doctor/lawyer on TV shows. This does not reflect reality, because Asian medical students and medical professionals literally innundate hospitals all across the country. For every black lawyer "stud" coveted by women on shows like Ally Mcbeal and Sex and the City (to give a really gay/corny example, sorry :p ), we should see about 3 Asian doctors and lawyers that fit the same description. Yet we don't, because to the media, Asians do not matter. We are just gun fodder for heroic Caucasian heros/cops/soldiers, evil gangsters, and "Wiliam Hung" type eunuchs. This is some serious BS that goes unchecked every day.

This also happens above and beyond print and TV media. I see white people trying very hard to include black people in social situations (esp. in supposed "liberal" scenes, like colleges or mixers or professional gatherings). Yet I personally feel that most whites, especially white males, do not make a concerted effort to make Asians feel comfortable and accepted. ESPECIALLY Asian MEN. This has been *such* a sore spot for me, and to this day, when I see a white guy pandering to black people "in the name of equality" while freezing out Asians, and espcially Asian males - I go into a quiet rage inside. It literally eats up up inside with anger. Yet, I see white men who have no problem with making an exception for Asian women. Asian women are not threatening either on a physical or sexual level.

By the way, I usually don't express this stuff in public and just let bygones be bygones. If some asiaphile whiteboy kisses an Asian girl's ass while ignoring or disrespecting Asian males, I let it go most of the time. But that does not mean that I and millions of other Asian-American men (and women) see thru some white guys' RACIST, SEXIST, WHITE SUPREMACIST bull. Ya hear? We dont' speak of it to your face, but we know. We *so* know what you are upto.

And in regard to whites and the media really pandering to blacks while ignoring Asians and Latinos:

That's not to say that think society should 'take away' these pleasantries from black people. Hey - it's superficial and perfunctory lip-service, but it's better than nothing. Many black men and women know from personal experience that many people hide deep prejudices against blacks, even though they are ******dly friendly toward them. I've heard personal anecdotes from black friends or acquaintances. They KNOW that the respect is sometimes not real. But hey - IT'S BETTER THAN NOTHING.

.... in the meantime, Asians (and I'm guessing many Latinos) live with this quiet rage inside them that might one day just explode. As Eddie Murphy said: "You push a n*gga too far, n*igga pop. Just like dat." Same goes for us "chinks" and "wetbacks". ;)

Yet having been advised by many Americans of non-Asian descent (white, black, Latino) that the American Way is not to bytch about inequalities but to overcome them in a 'DIY' fashion, I strive everyday to make something of myself. But when I do succeed and I am in the position to do something to change American society (for example if or some other Asian-American were to become a movie director or a studio executive or whatever) - I don't think white or other Americans who support this oppression of Asian Americans (basically thru blatant exclusion) should not expect an ounce of sympathy. :mad: :(

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
DAYUMMMM, where 'da white women at???!!!!

Sorry, this thread was getting way too serious for me. But really, racism is an issue but do we need to keep stating the obvious?

It's funny that it's only when threads like this is posted when it ever apparent to me that I'm not "Wonder Bread" white. I don't see it in my every day life but then again I'm not looking for it.


Senior Don Juan
May 2, 2002
Reaction score
this thread is still going on? :eek:

heard eminem - evil deeds?

black people (benzino) complain eminem acts black

but who is to stereotype how he is acting black? black people??

how would u feel if someone kept saying u are acting french but u are just living ur life and u dont know how to act french?

and this is why eminem rose to fame

people feel his lyrics

From evil deeds:

predominantly, predominantly, everythings is always predominantly,

predominantly white

predominantly black

where what about me?

where does that leave me?

well i guess, that i'm between predominantly both of them
i think if i hear the f*cking word again i'm go scream

i remember when eminem first came out with his first songs. HE FEELS LIKE HE WAS STUCK IN THE MIDDLE. everyone was "HATIN" on him and telling him to get out of "their" business/industry. but hes accomplished so much that black people are afraid to call him white boy now

i'm supposed to be the soldier
that never blows his composure
even though i hold the weight of the whole world on my shoulders
i aint ever supposed to show it
my crew aint supposed to know it

The reason why this country/media doesnt look out for asians is cause they dont look after themselves...Black people always do though... funny that asians didnt do like we black people did and do something about it, alot of asians I know got alot of money and could do something about it, sh1t, we black people dont have alot of money but we handle our buisness...[/QUOTE
the one that stands the tallest, will fall the hardest and asians have different ways of getting things done besides being loud

(i have another line simliar to this but its too good at neg-hitting those bytchy girls that i'll keep it my own special catchphrase hehehehe :p )

if u r asian u can completely relate to these lyrics and the traditional keep to urself attitute

its not a surprise that more asians are eminem fans

and that JIN never got famous

it doesnt matter, some day asians and latinos will be treated normally without jobs like scientists and math nerds or cooks

which is the reason i got the drive to become a lawyer or cop


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Francisco d'Anconia
DAYUMMMM, where 'da white women at???!!!!

Sorry, this thread was getting way too serious for me. But really, racism is an issue but do we need to keep stating the obvious?

It's funny that it's only when threads like this is posted when it ever apparent to me that I'm not "Wonder Bread" white. I don't see it in my every day life but then again I'm not looking for it.

Come on, Francisco. :rolleyes:

*THIS* is the exact point I"m trying to make. For a member of the majority like you this isn't such a big deal because you can step away any time you wish to. You can retreat into an all-white enclave or social circle and just not deal with race until you can recharge your batteries. But me - I can't. I can't peel off my yellow skin and black hair when I feel like it. I'm marked, for life.

I think that this "let's just get over it" attitude demonstrates a very poor understanding and commitment to eradicating racism. This is NOTHING to be taken lightly, though I understand why you might. Still don't make it right, though. :(


Master Don Juan
Nov 7, 2002
Reaction score
The World In My Eyes
Originally posted by The_Mole
the one that stands the tallest, will fall the hardest and asians have different ways of getting things done besides being loud

(i have another line simliar to this but its too good at neg-hitting those bytchy girls that i'll keep it my own special catchphrase hehehehe :p )

You still dont get it do you? This problem with asians has noting to do with anyone else but asians...You say that being loud is nothing, thats the same sh1t that got you in the situation you are in now, even Jake said it...This country is funny, cause as you can tell by the presidential election, people dont really care about credentials and sh1t anymore...If you want something to happen, you need to make yourself heard and fukk this "Let me get money and be quiet" sh1t...I was watching this show on MTV on how minorties get portrayed on TV, and asians were getting it bad, and this wasnt new stuff either...And its funny how the asian community didnt say anything, they let it slide until your generation had to feel that...Now you come up and you dont understand why this happens...I didnt even know asians felt this way until I saw Jake and you post about it...Fukk message boards, take that into real life and make things happen...


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by TheInfamousCBear
I didnt even know asians felt this way until I saw Jake and you post about it...Fukk message boards, take that into real life and make things happen...

Glad that you got a fresh perspective out of this. As your case attests, most people are just utterly CLUELESS hence their racism, which is mostly born out of ignorance rather than hatred.

You wouldn't believe the altercations and uncomfortable situations I am absolutely FORCED to get into, mainly with whiteboys (but actually also with some black guys) - because they are so ignorant about Asians and Asian-Americans. To many, Asians are not even human - not because of some blind hatred, mind you - because they know so little about us. We are judged 90% the stereotypes we are ascribed by the media:

1) The men are easy prey. Jump them if you feel like it.

2) The women are your wh0res. They have vaginas that open sideways, and they know oree-ennul sex secrets.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

I have to deal with these demented rednecks on a daily basis, and things really do get tense a couple of times a week, even when I am doing normal things like walking down the street or buying some liquor or food or getting service at a restaurant. I was not made to live in bumfvck redneck ville, and all these people can burn in racist-hell, for all I care. All I know is that I am moving back to the big City once I am able to. I know I sound bitter as hell, but can you blame me? This is the sound of Jakethasnake venting after keeping it all in for months at a time. Feel the Asian Rage, you muthafvckas.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by jakethasnake
Come on, Francisco. :rolleyes:

*THIS* is the exact point I"m trying to make. For a member of the majority like you this isn't such a big deal because you can step away any time you wish to. You can retreat into an all-white enclave or social circle and just not deal with race until you can recharge your batteries. But me - I can't. I can't peel off my yellow skin and black hair when I feel like it. I'm marked, for life.

I think that this "let's just get over it" attitude demonstrates a very poor understanding and commitment to eradicating racism. This is NOTHING to be taken lightly, though I understand why you might. Still don't make it right, though. :(
And this is exactly what I am talking about. It's just assumed that I am part of some majority, why is that? Is it the way that I come across, is it some preconceived 'us and them' notion?

What ever it is it's laughable. If it must be known, I am a minority. I'm a minority of ONE. I am my own man, I live by my own convictions and I do not follow the labels that people attempt to give me via their assumptions.

I choose not to be defined by my ethnicities however I truly don't mind when other's place a label on me. I don't mind because it's never to benefit or help me in any way. People use labels because it makes life more bearable for them. Those labels makes it easier for them to come to some understanding based on their assumptions.

So yeah, I say why not get over it. Why let someone who obviously does not know you or what you are about take control of who you truly are? Why relinquish that to them? When it comes down to it, all strangers you encounter are making assumptions about you and there's nothing you can do about it other than inspire them to consider having an open mind and to get to know you as an individual.

We can talk about this to death but talk is cheap. People will usually come to their own conclusions because people will only believe what they can understand, and that's alright. We're all different right? Even if we share the same culture and/or nationality, we are all unique individuals, aren't we?

One quote usually brings me back to my 'happy place' when threads like these are posted.

"All assumptions are false."

So, who would like the soap box next? :D


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
Reaction score

Been there, done that. In fact, I was convinced by some white people with a philosophy that is very simlar to yours.

Well guess what? All the "I am not defined by my race" stuff only works if you're WHITE. Yeah bro - you read that right. It only works if you're white.

Do you *honestly* think that if I moved to some town in Alabama, people would see me as "Jakethasnake"? Of course not. Jesus. Who are you trying to kid? And even if I became the most beloved man in town, I would still be "Jakethasnake, that lovely "Chinese fella/gentleman" from the 3rd house down the street."

I think your attitude is admirable - I really do - but as a white there are perspectives that you just *CANNOT* understand unless it is carefully dissected and explained for you by a member of the minority. Ah-ha! You didn't think that a non-black person of color would actually be saying this to you, didja? :D I notice how many times when a black man tells a white person, "You wouldn't understand, it's a black issue", they nod and accept it right away. Now when an Asian or Latino says that, they are up in arms, trying to refute the fact. :p

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by jakethasnake
I think your attitude is admirable - I really do - but as a white there are perspectives that you just *CANNOT* understand unless it is carefully dissected and explained for you by a member of the minority. Ah-ha! You didn't think that a non-black person of color would actually be saying this to you, didja? :D I notice how many times when a black man tells a white person, "You wouldn't understand, it's a black issue", they nod and accept it right away. Now when an Asian or Latino says that, they are up in arms, trying to refute the fact. :p
Jake, I think you should sit down and take a deep breath and read this very slowly....

* * * I ' M --- N O T --- W H I T E * * *

I tried in subtly say it in each of my posts but it seems that you have it so ingrained in you that it can only be one way, your way. And because of that I had to come right out and spell it out for you.

I'm not saying that what you profess isn't true in your personal perspective of the world, but I'm living proof of what I said is possible. I'm not saying that there aren't people out there like those you describe, but I rarely encounter those people.

Frankly, people with that mindset have no power in the circles that I frequent. They are literally a small voice attempting to be heard over a din of popularity, respect and acceptance from the people in the world that I walk in daily.

You may think I'm delusional and that's alright, I could care less. What matters to me is that my world is pretty d@mn good the way that it is right now. I have control of it and there's no one that can ever change that. Their thoughts, assumptions and opinions can not effect me nor my livelihood and there are many others who also choose not to have theirs either. :)


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
Reaction score
Oh man - your world sounds like a veritable racial-political paradise. :) How I envy you, friend. And I have the respect and admiration to let you continue living in that microcosm that you've created, with your diverse and tolerant social circle (sorry about the mistaken ethnic identity, by the way).

But the world is NOT your social circle. Like I said, I'm happy for you and I'm also envious - but my world - the one I and many others deal with - is the one that the greater number of people (greater than your immediate social circle and persons in your everyday life) live in. Things aren't so pretty on this side of the 'racial harmony fence' Fransisco. I wish it were, though. :(

What I'm asking is that you realize that having a tolerant social circle is not the same thing has having a tolerant WORLD (I guess you've already done that part) - then take that knowledge to help others improve their lives. You can't in good conscience pretend that the world stops within your personal sphere of existence. Perhaps I have no right to ask you this, but I'm asking you and other priviliged, fortunate people (white, or not) to take a step forward and acknowledge that a racist, sexist system is firmly and covertly in place to exploit those that are weak and helpless - and try to change it. What happened to the spirit of goodwill? Of charity? Of sacrifice? Of good conscience?

Some believe those are archaic notions and ideals that have died with the passing of time. I'm beginning to fear that that is true, though I have hope. Each Asian person you stand up for in the face of tyranny and ignorance is a step toward building a place of understanding and brotherhood. Or a white person in need. Or a black person, a red person, a brown person.


Master Don Juan
Nov 7, 2002
Reaction score
The World In My Eyes
Originally posted by jakethasnake
Glad that you got a fresh perspective out of this. As your case attests, most people are just utterly CLUELESS hence their racism, which is mostly born out of ignorance rather than hatred.

The fukked up part is that Ive had alot of asian friends/associates in my life, and they have never said any of the stuff you posted...Maybe they dont feel it cause there are alot of asians around here, or maybe cause I never got on that kind of sh1t with them...

Never try to read a woman's mind. It is a scary place. Ignore her confusing signals and mixed messages. Assume she is interested in you and act accordingly.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
