i've been out with this 9.5/10 redhead like three times...she went out of town for a week and sends me this email when she got back:
I need to throw out some food for thought concerning me. I don't put up with people who are mean to me on any level. If I'm not having a great time, I'm out. If I have to think about something too much or it makes me feel bad for no reason, it's gone. I don't mind sending in your resume one bit, so don't worry about that.
Now that I'm away from your charms, I have thought about a couple of things that really are the kiss of death as far as I'm concerned... here's the deal, normally I wouldn't even bother to mention this, I just wouldn't have even talked to you again, but I do like you. The guys who are my good friends, or the guys I choose to date, and even guys I know through business, have one thing in common when dealing with me. Which is why I am not settling on this issue. They all respect women, and where I'm concerned, they're fantastic gentlemen. No matter what grade of the pay scale they may operate on, they always pay, they ALWAYS open doors-every door, and they never play games to get me to pick up the tab or pay my way into a club. It ususally is a fight the few times I try to treat them.
SO, I don't know if you are just rusty, or you're just looking for a chick to have around to keep your friends off your back,or both even, but the bottom line here is, I've been out with you three times and this was an issue all three times. It's not going to cut it. The only reason I date is for social interaction, I don't want to be manipulated, or be the whipping boy because someone has been burned or knows someone who has been burned by "women", and I don't need a guy to move in with, or marry, or whatever it is that motivates most people to play games.
I just want to be around a guy that has his act together, is not insecure where I'm concerned, and relizes I'm not a slut and I will not put up with all the subtle tactics guys use when they are treating a girl like one. Really, I have an inside line, I've always been one of the guys so I have been well briefed on what to look for
So here's the deal, I am what I look like. Independent, happy, intelligent, and flirtatous, with a lot happening. This is the only way I am goign to be. I want a guy who loves to have fun, plot, gossip, and he cares about me as a person, and he relizes part of the fun of being a guy is pursuing chicklets because its the guy thing to do if you're cool. I don't want a lazy guy that gets off into controlling the emotions of a situation because they don't want to participate.
So, what insults me most about the way the dates were handled, is you know the standard and you just chose to ignore it. So I am assuming you weren't interested and you really are looking for a chick just for "having access to a chick" sake. I'm not that person for you. I am what would be known as high maintenance, that means to me that I actually know the right way, expect to be respected, and expect a guy to be checked in. I just know, if a guy doesn't start out from the get-go really wanting to do it right, they never get it straight. And as a rule, women can be mean too, but usually it's the type with the low standards that let guys get away with treating them like sluts. I'm just mad you treated me like a slut date. I thought you were great, really liked everything else I saw, actually sorry about the fatal flaw. If it was an accident, oh well, maybe the next chick will benefit from this info.
On the silly side, I think Libras are great, I know many. You were right in saying there's not much to the sign thing, but there is a little truth. Libras and scorpios either really get along fantastically, or they really don't get along at all terribly. It's an all thing. It's either all one or the other. Like it's either one big romance or it's one big head game, and that's from the first moment. This seems to have gotten off on the "head game" foot first. I just can't do it. I'm WAY too apathetic to play mind games, I get pissed and then I check out period.
Take care, blah blah blah
guys, I'm kinda speechless...I feel like I've been through what RKTek was put throught when his gold-digger opened up the floodgates...
maybe it's because I'm waaaay exhausted from work, my neurons aren't firing at full capacity, or I need to get some expresso, but WTF! is this girl saying fvck off don't ever speak to me again or what...deep down I kinda knew she was hi-maintenance...ahhh, women.....
lemme hear your thoughts, brothas..
[This message has been edited by 86 (edited 06-17-2002).]
I need to throw out some food for thought concerning me. I don't put up with people who are mean to me on any level. If I'm not having a great time, I'm out. If I have to think about something too much or it makes me feel bad for no reason, it's gone. I don't mind sending in your resume one bit, so don't worry about that.
Now that I'm away from your charms, I have thought about a couple of things that really are the kiss of death as far as I'm concerned... here's the deal, normally I wouldn't even bother to mention this, I just wouldn't have even talked to you again, but I do like you. The guys who are my good friends, or the guys I choose to date, and even guys I know through business, have one thing in common when dealing with me. Which is why I am not settling on this issue. They all respect women, and where I'm concerned, they're fantastic gentlemen. No matter what grade of the pay scale they may operate on, they always pay, they ALWAYS open doors-every door, and they never play games to get me to pick up the tab or pay my way into a club. It ususally is a fight the few times I try to treat them.
SO, I don't know if you are just rusty, or you're just looking for a chick to have around to keep your friends off your back,or both even, but the bottom line here is, I've been out with you three times and this was an issue all three times. It's not going to cut it. The only reason I date is for social interaction, I don't want to be manipulated, or be the whipping boy because someone has been burned or knows someone who has been burned by "women", and I don't need a guy to move in with, or marry, or whatever it is that motivates most people to play games.
I just want to be around a guy that has his act together, is not insecure where I'm concerned, and relizes I'm not a slut and I will not put up with all the subtle tactics guys use when they are treating a girl like one. Really, I have an inside line, I've always been one of the guys so I have been well briefed on what to look for

So here's the deal, I am what I look like. Independent, happy, intelligent, and flirtatous, with a lot happening. This is the only way I am goign to be. I want a guy who loves to have fun, plot, gossip, and he cares about me as a person, and he relizes part of the fun of being a guy is pursuing chicklets because its the guy thing to do if you're cool. I don't want a lazy guy that gets off into controlling the emotions of a situation because they don't want to participate.
So, what insults me most about the way the dates were handled, is you know the standard and you just chose to ignore it. So I am assuming you weren't interested and you really are looking for a chick just for "having access to a chick" sake. I'm not that person for you. I am what would be known as high maintenance, that means to me that I actually know the right way, expect to be respected, and expect a guy to be checked in. I just know, if a guy doesn't start out from the get-go really wanting to do it right, they never get it straight. And as a rule, women can be mean too, but usually it's the type with the low standards that let guys get away with treating them like sluts. I'm just mad you treated me like a slut date. I thought you were great, really liked everything else I saw, actually sorry about the fatal flaw. If it was an accident, oh well, maybe the next chick will benefit from this info.
On the silly side, I think Libras are great, I know many. You were right in saying there's not much to the sign thing, but there is a little truth. Libras and scorpios either really get along fantastically, or they really don't get along at all terribly. It's an all thing. It's either all one or the other. Like it's either one big romance or it's one big head game, and that's from the first moment. This seems to have gotten off on the "head game" foot first. I just can't do it. I'm WAY too apathetic to play mind games, I get pissed and then I check out period.
Take care, blah blah blah
guys, I'm kinda speechless...I feel like I've been through what RKTek was put throught when his gold-digger opened up the floodgates...
maybe it's because I'm waaaay exhausted from work, my neurons aren't firing at full capacity, or I need to get some expresso, but WTF! is this girl saying fvck off don't ever speak to me again or what...deep down I kinda knew she was hi-maintenance...ahhh, women.....

lemme hear your thoughts, brothas..
[This message has been edited by 86 (edited 06-17-2002).]