Let me tell you, before I found this site, I read a TON of seduction/dating ebooks. Here's the list:
1. Robert Greene - The Art Of Seduction
2. David DeAngelo - Double Your Dating
3. David DeAngelo - Attraction Isn't A Choice
4. Swinggcat - Real World Seduction
5. Juggler - How To Be A Pick Up Artist
6. Mystery - The Venusian Arts Handbook
7. Thundercat - The Art Of Approaching
8. Carlos Xuma - Secrets Of The Alpha Male
9. Carlos Xuma - The Seduction Method
10. Neill Strauss (Style) - The Game
11. Chris Jackson - Secrets Of A Sex Magnet
12. Steve Celeste (Toecutter) - Things To Say After Hello
I also watched bunch of DeAngelo CD/DVD programs:
13. Advanced Dating Techniques
14. Mastery With Women And Dating
15. ****y Comedy
16. Body Language
17. Deep Inner Game
18. Approaching Women
Oh, and I also read a bunch of books David D recommends. Oh, and I read/watch this material several times. Then I found this site and quickly skimmed through the Bible and though, "I know this stuff".
Then I finally approached a woman. You would think I will be so smooth, armed with all this knowledge. Well... I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY! I FROZE! After 10 sec of silence, I blurted out "Would you like to have a drink sometime?" I BLURTED OUT AFC LINE AFTER ALL THAT STUDYING! DISASTER! She turned me down.
Oh, and the girl who I approached was the girl who I was infatuated in for two years, but she had a boyfriend. I WAITED FOR TWO YEARS FOR THEM TO BREAK UP TO GET MY CHANCE. YES, I READ ALL THAT MATERIAL BUT NEVER REALLY MOVED ON. A couple of weeks later she started dating some new guy.
What did I do? This time, I REALLY read DJ Bible. It touched me in a way no other material did. DJ Bible goes really deep. While other material IS addressing inner game, somehow fails to make REAL shift inside the person. It's really hard to describe it, but all that posts about our misperceptions about love and women, about protecting your heart, about focusing on yourself, avoiding traps of life, being a DJ really hit me. Especially powerful for me were conffesions of guys stuck in oneitis who let go and moved on.
I'm not quite there yet, but I'm feeling in my heart that I'm finally letting go of that girl. Looking back, I think my inactivity in the field was because of the stupid fact I still waited for her. Getting together with some other chick would mean "losing" (like I ever had her) her forever. Or maybe she was just an excuse to avoid action, who knows.
Why am I writing all this? I don't want you to make the same mistake I did. I know here are dozens and dozens of guys who restlesstly search for new information. Theory is just that - it's theory. On it's own, it's useless. ALL you need to know is in the Bible. As far as theory is concerned you don't need anything else.
Then you have to go out and start apply it in the real world. And you won’t be smooth in the beginning. WE NEED EXPERIENCE TO BE SMOOTH. Don’t be like "I will read A LOOOT of material and compensate for lack of experience". It doesn't work like that. It would be great if it did, because I would be bada$$ PUA at the moment, but that’s just WISHFUL THINKING.
Look, I was rejected by a girl I fantasized about for two years... and I'M GLAD. I'm glad this period of my life is over and a new beginning awaits me. It's up to me how will the rest of my life look like. But I'll have to be actively involved in shaping my future.
Lastly, I have a confession to make. I'm registered here for awhile. I didn't post much, but in the posts I made I was playing Mr. Oh-I'm-So-Experienced-Let-Me-Give-You-Advice, because I have vast theoretical knowledge.
It was abuse of this site - it deserves better. I'm ashamed of myself and I humbly apologize.
Let me tell you, before I found this site, I read a TON of seduction/dating ebooks. Here's the list:
1. Robert Greene - The Art Of Seduction
2. David DeAngelo - Double Your Dating
3. David DeAngelo - Attraction Isn't A Choice
4. Swinggcat - Real World Seduction
5. Juggler - How To Be A Pick Up Artist
6. Mystery - The Venusian Arts Handbook
7. Thundercat - The Art Of Approaching
8. Carlos Xuma - Secrets Of The Alpha Male
9. Carlos Xuma - The Seduction Method
10. Neill Strauss (Style) - The Game
11. Chris Jackson - Secrets Of A Sex Magnet
12. Steve Celeste (Toecutter) - Things To Say After Hello
I also watched bunch of DeAngelo CD/DVD programs:
13. Advanced Dating Techniques
14. Mastery With Women And Dating
15. ****y Comedy
16. Body Language
17. Deep Inner Game
18. Approaching Women
Oh, and I also read a bunch of books David D recommends. Oh, and I read/watch this material several times. Then I found this site and quickly skimmed through the Bible and though, "I know this stuff".
Then I finally approached a woman. You would think I will be so smooth, armed with all this knowledge. Well... I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY! I FROZE! After 10 sec of silence, I blurted out "Would you like to have a drink sometime?" I BLURTED OUT AFC LINE AFTER ALL THAT STUDYING! DISASTER! She turned me down.
Oh, and the girl who I approached was the girl who I was infatuated in for two years, but she had a boyfriend. I WAITED FOR TWO YEARS FOR THEM TO BREAK UP TO GET MY CHANCE. YES, I READ ALL THAT MATERIAL BUT NEVER REALLY MOVED ON. A couple of weeks later she started dating some new guy.
What did I do? This time, I REALLY read DJ Bible. It touched me in a way no other material did. DJ Bible goes really deep. While other material IS addressing inner game, somehow fails to make REAL shift inside the person. It's really hard to describe it, but all that posts about our misperceptions about love and women, about protecting your heart, about focusing on yourself, avoiding traps of life, being a DJ really hit me. Especially powerful for me were conffesions of guys stuck in oneitis who let go and moved on.
I'm not quite there yet, but I'm feeling in my heart that I'm finally letting go of that girl. Looking back, I think my inactivity in the field was because of the stupid fact I still waited for her. Getting together with some other chick would mean "losing" (like I ever had her) her forever. Or maybe she was just an excuse to avoid action, who knows.
Why am I writing all this? I don't want you to make the same mistake I did. I know here are dozens and dozens of guys who restlesstly search for new information. Theory is just that - it's theory. On it's own, it's useless. ALL you need to know is in the Bible. As far as theory is concerned you don't need anything else.
Then you have to go out and start apply it in the real world. And you won’t be smooth in the beginning. WE NEED EXPERIENCE TO BE SMOOTH. Don’t be like "I will read A LOOOT of material and compensate for lack of experience". It doesn't work like that. It would be great if it did, because I would be bada$$ PUA at the moment, but that’s just WISHFUL THINKING.
Look, I was rejected by a girl I fantasized about for two years... and I'M GLAD. I'm glad this period of my life is over and a new beginning awaits me. It's up to me how will the rest of my life look like. But I'll have to be actively involved in shaping my future.
Lastly, I have a confession to make. I'm registered here for awhile. I didn't post much, but in the posts I made I was playing Mr. Oh-I'm-So-Experienced-Let-Me-Give-You-Advice, because I have vast theoretical knowledge.
It was abuse of this site - it deserves better. I'm ashamed of myself and I humbly apologize.