so im getting myself in the rear end right now...let me give some quick backgournd...
i live with my gf of 1 yr now.. a couple months into the relationship i saw that she had a dary stuffed in her drawer. i know youre wandering what am i doing in her drawer? well i was stashing a valentines day gift in there and came across it. needless to say i did not leave my gift there and placed it somewhere else. however i was contenmplating on taking a "quick look".
needless to say, a "quick look" turned into me reading a novel as if it were a stephen king book.
story 1: she messed around with a guy named keith and they basically dated for awhile. as a matter of fact the first night i ever stayed at her place, she was at his place the night before (occurding to her diary)
now i am not mad about that because we werent together at the time, and she can date whoever she wanted. what i am upset about is that months later we go out with another couple and we are both drunk. she stays at the bar while the other couple and me go have a smoke..well, i come back like 10 minutes later and i see this guy all over my girl REAL close. so i get him off my girl and get into it with this guy.. he ends up punching me and i walk away. (by the way , this guy is 3 times my size. almost a scwharzaneggar on steriods...the chicks in the bar who saw loved me for being the bigger man..when i just was trying to not get my arsed kicked:yes
the next day she confessed and tells me she knows the guy from work and that was it, but then tells me that they kissed once after she decided the whole "i really dont know him story" wasnt working to well. but after reading her diary i know that she knows him a hell of alot better than she is admitting too.
story 2: I read some very interesting stuff about her past..mainly that she slept with her ex boyfriends best friend well after they had broken up. They had a couple of rendevous for awhile.
well last night we were out with a group of my we were walking into the bar she screams..." JOE , JOE...come meet joe"....she intrudes me and its this freakin tool joe who is her ex boyfriends best friend that she slept with a couple times....first i was fine, but i felt REALLL uncomfortable being there so i go into the bar. they continued to catch up outside for like 20 minutes until all of my friends and i were ready to go to the next bar.
I tried my hardest not to say anything but i couldnt help myself.
me:"Whats up with you and joe...? i can tell by your body language that he was more to you than just yoru ex bfs best friend...did you ever mess around with him....?
her: NO...(comes in to give me a hug for reassurance)
me: i can tell by your response to my question that there is more that your not telling me???
her: your retarded..i never did anything with him...why would you even think that?
me: OMG, you did fool around with this guy, did you f*ck him? that disgusting knowing that you were with his bestfriend!
her: i swear i never did anything with him!
i had an attitude for the rest of the night and things were a bit akward. but i havent mentioned anything today about it. i let it go for the most part. and i alerady know that i put myself in this situation..but knowing what i know, and putting faces with the "novel" i read, its very uncomfortable...and her lying to me isnt helping either. i proabably would do the same in her shoes because it was all before me, but it still bothers me.
how would you feel standing outside of the bar and being introduced to and old friend of your ex bf, and the guy standing across from you and your girlfriend both know that they have a lil "secret"?