Read about this stupid h@##- Any advice?


Don Juan
May 9, 2005
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The story begun 18 months ago. I used to work with this girl. I knew she had a bf, but I flirted with her just for fun. After 3-4 coffee dates, we went out a Friday night. We made out, I told her that this thing is not going to work cause I don’t really want to take you from your man (7 years LTR). She breaks up with him, comes with me. 3 months later: Almost in love with her, she breaks up with me…not particular reason given. Thank God she left for another job. I moved on with my life but we kept a casual contact (eg. One phonecall every two weeks just to say “hi”).
Fast forward to 3 months ago. She tells me to go for some coffee. I had no problem with that. We had a great time, just like good friends. Then, she tells me to come to my place to watch a movie. I had already made my decision not to f*** her (I don’t need her sex, I have plenty). She hits on me verbally, I turn her down. She come for a movie again. She seems standoffish, I don’t give a f%^&. We go out for a drink. We flirt a bit. We go out again. I screw her.
In the meantime, she has come back to my workplace (same building, different flours). She keeps contacting me, I propose to her for another date. And then, she gives me the line “I have a problem, we will go out when I solve it. Please, don’t ask me what it is, let me handle this”. I say, ok. I wait for 15 days (I keep contact with her and asked her twice if her problem was solved). Then, I call her and I told her that I was tired from her behavior. She said, I know. I told her that I’m going to finish this thing. She tells me that she still has the problem, that she likes me, but she cannot do anything more serious with me. I say ok.
I cut contact for 5 days, and she sends an SMS (5 in the mornig) “Hope you’ re ok. Thinking of you”. I didn’t like that at all. I called her the other day and I told her to cut that crap and move on with her life- I just want to keep a casual contact, just because we work in the same place. And I don’t want sex with you, I have plenty with other women. She said that I’m rude and uncool. I hung up, saying “No I’m not. Goodbye”. She calls 5 minutes later and says “I apologise. But you exaggerated a bit”. I told her “No. This is my opinion. And I’m not exaggerating at all”.
5 hours later, I get an SMS “My problem is that Nick (7 years LTR BF) came to me and said that he cannot live without me. I wish I were stronger. But I care for the feelings of people I love. I never took advantage of your friendship- I stopped seeing you as a friend a long time ago. I’m sorry I lost you completely. Be happy”.
My reply “Ok. Point taken. Marry him. But don’t try to come to me again, when you two have problems. Have a nice life. I care”.
What do you think of this? I still like the girl, but I don’t want to keep her as a **** buddy and of course I won’t get in the friend zone. I don’t need her sex, I have 3 other women that satisfy me right now. Any comments are welcome….
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Don Juan
May 9, 2005
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You absolutely DO want to fvck the hell out of her or you wouldn't write such a lengthy post. Your nonchalant act failed with her just as it did here. Forget the slut and move on.


Don Juan
May 9, 2005
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Look. Of course i find her sexy. But i won't be used as a sex toy. I don't need that. Your comment was welcome though, i don't get easily offended.


Don Juan
May 5, 2005
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The girl is a cheap psycho. You and her is a total mess. What's the point of sticking around?

To fvck or not to fvck? That is the question! If not, then move on.

Lost In Translation

Master Don Juan
Aug 30, 2004
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she is in love with her BF Nick

she said she has a problem and she'll see you when it is sorted

she was refering to dumping Nick and doing something with you


Nick is LTR material and $$$ and respectability ( AFC )

you my brother are a


and she knows this

you are what every woman wants but not what they marry

thats why she comes to you for sex on the side

she is a wh0re and you are the real man she comes to when she wants to cheat on her boyfriend and satisfy her lusts as a wh0re

she sends an SMS (5 in the mornig) “Hope you’ re ok. Thinking of you”

bet that was after she had just f*cked her bf. gotta see the humour in that :)

I never took advantage of your friendship- I stopped seeing you as a friend a long time ago

yes. you were HER BOOTY CALL.

My reply “Ok. Point taken. Marry him. But don’t try to come to me again, when you two have problems. Have a nice life. I care”

very very good reply. you layed the smack down on her PIMP STYLE :D

What do you think of this? I still like the girl, but I don’t want to keep her as a **** buddy and of course I won’t get in the friend zone. I don’t need her sex, I have 3 other women that satisfy me right now. Any comments are welcome

3 other women. seems like you got it all on track.

why so sad then ? you loved her ? you want a LTR with her ?

i think to get a LTR with her you would have to change your game alittle and become what she appears to be looking for " more stable " ( AFC )


if you do that then she will be cheating on YOU

she is like that and thats what she has been doing

how old is the chick in the story and how old are you and nick ?

Lost In Translation :D


Quote: diplomatic_lies
“ And now, in the spirit of PRL, I'm going to fill up the screen with exclaimation marks “

Quote: PuertoRican_Lover
“ I like exclamation points – they are my friend !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! “

Lost In Translation

Master Don Juan
Aug 30, 2004
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But i won't be used as a sex toy. I don't need that

i got respect for your pimping skills but honestly

weren't you just her BOOTY CALL when she wanted some action on the side ? her sex toy ?

the whole time ?


Don Juan
May 9, 2005
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29- me and Nick. 25- her. I won't become a complete AFC just to get this woman. As a matter of fact, waiting for her to sort things out for 14 days, was AFC enough for me.
BUT, I knew her for a long time and i didn't want to come across as a complete jerk.
The next time she calls, i will respond like this "Hi. I'm fine and i hope you're fine too. If there's something related to work i can help you, go on. If not, have a nice day".


Don Juan
May 9, 2005
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As for me being her sex toy: It took her 70 days to get me **** her. This is not booty call my friend :)

Lost In Translation

Master Don Juan
Aug 30, 2004
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29- me and Nick. 25- her

yeah i guessed she was that old from her decisions

if she was 19 Nick would have been dumped and you would be her main squeeze 24/7

yes when wh0res reach a certain age they want to get married

so she needs to make a decision as to who she can control in the long term

Nick = easy to control

You = wild man of the jungle

The next time she calls, i will respond like this "Hi. I'm fine and i hope you're fine too. If there's something related to work i can help you, go on. If not, have a nice day"

cool i would do the same

As for me being her sex toy: It took her 70 days to get me **** her. This is not booty call my friend

LOL no that is playing VERY HARD TO GET

and you are lying to yourself

you are her booty call aka guy on the side

her backup

her plan B


Don Juan
May 9, 2005
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Plan B? Lol. If she has any plans with me, she can have them in her head. She had her chance, i clearly showed that i wanted something more serious with her (or else i wouldn't wait) and she blew it. I hope i wasn't too AFC, keeping contact with her while she had to make her decision :(.
Anyway, if i made any mistakes, point them out to me. I just want to learn from this stupid experience...

Lost In Translation

Master Don Juan
Aug 30, 2004
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Anyway, if i made any mistakes, point them out to me

you did everything right in my opinion

she wants to get married and is looking for a weak man to manipulate ( her BF Nick )

if you stayed with her in the long term and married her you would be unhappy and it would cost you a few years of your life and a $$$ divorce maybe even child support payments

Lost In Translation :D



Don Juan
May 9, 2005
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Hmm...I don't think she wants to get married in the next 2-3 years. She's a career woman and a female DJ herself (lots of guy friends that have at some point fu@#$@ her).
And this is a trait of her i like- her sense of independence.
BTW, there's another readout of the story. Maybe, she just used the BF excuse to get rid of me. Maybe, this guy Nick IS a man who cannot manipulate and thats why she's in love with him. Maybe she got bored of his DJness and thought that I WAS the perfect AFC for her. Who knows...

PS. If Nick is an AFC and she's in love with him, then he's the living proof that women CAN be in love with AFCs :p

Lost In Translation

Master Don Juan
Aug 30, 2004
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if Nick was a DJ he wouldn't be with a lying cheating wh0re

for 7 years !

no. she wants Nick as the BF because he tolerates her wh0ring ways

and in the end she will marry him :)

so she continue to cheat on him and have kids to other men and Nick will raise them thinking they are his.

she attracts you because she is a challenge

she didn't get rid of you. you got rid of her.

make sure it stays that way :)

shake this oneitis crap

snap out of it

Lost In Translation :D



Don Juan
May 9, 2005
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Oh, i forgot this. I also told her that "i can live without her. Even if we were together for 20 years. Thats the way I am".

Anyway, i don't want to murder anyone. Obviously (if she's not lying) the guy will kill himself if I steal her from


Don Juan
May 9, 2005
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Dialogue- after i fu#$%# her for the last time:
Her: Don't you dare to think that just because we had sex, we're together now. I just want to remain friends with you. What do you want?
Me: If that's what you want, I have no reason to want anything else.

And yes, I still like her. Sue me. This is my first and last oneitis case in my life. Sh#t happens, i guess...


Don Juan
May 9, 2005
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Doc Love's opinion would be something along these lines:

"She was really into you after the last coffee date. But you did something wrong the other time you went out, that dropped her IL too low. Then, she used the "problem" excuse to lay you down easily and save face. Then, when her IL got down to 48.767%, she got rid of you completely (BF excuse). But when she sensed that she lost control over you (you were a Challenge again), she gave you some false hope (aka the SMS).
The good thing is that you didn't fall for her antics and got the hell out of there. If you stayed, she would continue to feed you with enough false hope, in order to keep you around and feed her ego. Then, when her IL would be at the low 40's, she would go away- forever.

Remember guys, a woman with sufficient IL cannot turn down a date. And of course, trying to be friends with an ex is like juggling with a hand grenade. You never know when it will blow right in your face- and your heart".
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Don Juan
May 9, 2005
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Let's throw some Body Language into the mix. After our night date (sex), we used to hang out for a cigarette (we're in the same company).
Most of the times, she would turn red when i looked at her (deeply in her eyes of course) and appear really really nervous.
I don't know if this is a sign of high IL or a ***** reaction to her whorish behaviour (playing with me while really liking her BF).

Don Juanabbe

Master Don Juan
Jan 28, 2004
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Honestly, I don't know if I'd give up a whole lot of myself (time, lifestyle) or put too much stock in her through worrying about this.

You're the other man. I've been there as well, it almost never works out.

In fact I can recall two or three instances where I've been involved in situations like this and none of them worked out.

But it's your decision, she hasn't exactly been dishonest about it, but I sure as hell feel sorry for the other guy, what a chump.