Fuvk this byatch!!! She's obiviously fuvked in the head and is using you and her ex/current bf to satisfy her ego!! The more you stick around with this shiat, the quicker you break down and turn into putty. And don't even tell me that you won't break down etc, you said it yourself, "I was beggining to love her." You were beginning to love her after 3 months!! GEEEZZ, can't imagine what a wreck you'd be if you dated longer!!
Look there's a big difference between a booty call byatch and a psycho byatch. Booty calls know their role in society. There's no relationship, no emotions, just pure fuvkin! Psycho byatches will play any role you ask them to just to get their foot in the door, then they'll slowly twist the feelings we call emotions on you and spin you upside down. Sounds like this dumb w-hore is already getting to you. Stop messing around with her, especially if you have 3 others on the side, and besides its never a good idea to mess around with someone you work with. She's psycho, she might get you fired if you continue this relationship in any form. What do you value more, yourself or this dumb slvt?