This forum is the only one with thread rating enabled. You can use this feature to rate the tips on a scale from 1 (not too good) to 5 (great) with 3 being an average tip.
After about 10 votes or so the ratings will show up.
So after reading a tip, go to the bottom of the page and rate it. Hopefully this will prove to be valuable info for all forum members.
And if your tip doesn't get a very good rating, then this just means that maybe you need to give it a little more thought next time.
After about 10 votes or so the ratings will show up.
So after reading a tip, go to the bottom of the page and rate it. Hopefully this will prove to be valuable info for all forum members.
And if your tip doesn't get a very good rating, then this just means that maybe you need to give it a little more thought next time.