Thread is still open lol
In any case zekko made a really good point about certain people hating on multiracial couples because of "muh superior race" instead of merits of the individual.
My GF is black and I'm half and half. I get dirty looks and rude comments from certain types of black men all the time. Not because they're black but because of the culture they choose to associate themselves with.
My mother was verbally assaulted by a white man, calling her a "****** lover" while she put a 3 year old me in her car.
Do you really think this hate comes from an altruistic view of protecting ones race? Or does it come from insecurity, self hate and rejection? There's a lot of reasons one wants to keep their race preserved. There's also reasons people want to date outside their race.
Complaining that someone is dating a black man because of statistics is ignorant. You have to look at these things on a case by case basis.
Look at it like this: if a white woman wants to date a black guy because he's a black thug, do you really want to "save" her? Shaming and being racist never changed minds. At the same time if a white woman wanted to date a black guy because they just so happened to be Compatable... you need to stand in the way of that?